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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Rob signed in to just to let you know that you made the post of the year.
  2. Uncovered: 0.2 Birth by Aqua's Face starts in just 6 minutes.

    1. lostmemory123


      The trailer better be just as good as that title.

    2. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      Turns out to be joker in disguise..


    3. lostmemory123


      You really called that Aqua's face part.

  3. Dinner date with Aqua among other things that night.
  4. Thought you were going to refer to this because epicness. Then again part 1 came out earlier this week. lol
  5. The story is coming to a climax. Near 2.8's release as well(like Coded and BBS). Makes sense.
  6. Happy 14th to the beginning of the KH series. Rob's 89 year old self would be laughing right now had Rob told him that it'd take 15(if KH3 releases next year) years to finish 1 saga. haha

  7. Great news. Aside from a few things that factors into Utada's decision...hope Disney can pay up now.
  8. Well, Rob is going to replay(Going to have to watch X(PC) and COM cutscenes on youtube) the whole series in chronological order. Hopefully, if he sticks to his beat 1 game in 5-6 days, he can finish the night before KH3 arrives in the mail early in the morning(Don't screw Rob over with late in the day). Gather everything that Rob needs to survive not leaving his room until he beats the story. Unfortunately, his grandkids might not even realize that they haven't seen him for a few days. lol
  9. The Cloud vs Sephiroth finale(?) has been expected in KH3 for 10 years. We aren't surprised, just glad to know it's in the game if Steve is recording.
  10. They've reached as far as they can. Simple as that. To answer the question...21-40% or 41-60%. Leaning towards the 21% option.
  11. The scene has to have an impact on Rob for him to remember. Like facing Red in Gold/Silver. The theme alone gave Rob chills that he remembers it even now.
  12. Rob is 103 years old. He's been playing games actively since the 1970's. Still going strong.
  13. It has been 1 year since the passing of the great Leonard Nimoy. Time moves so fast. *sigh*

  14. Question 8 should have been "What other hardware do you not use to play games?"
  15. Another option. No. Because Sora will be romantically involved with . Rob has his reasons. :wink:
  16. And for the unaware: Tarzan was picked over The Jungle Book during KH1's development.
  17. Cyber Sleuth! Rob is going to be spending a lot of retirement money this year.
  18. And here Rob thought it would be Nomura telling the world that Stella lives in the KH series by putting her in KH3. Maybe he can add Reno and Stella. lol
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