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Sora shadow

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Everything posted by Sora shadow

  1. Robert then attack Hikaru but not with all of his power
  2. Im Robert new assistant of your brother.
  3. Robert appear behind Hikaru and oreder the heartless that go after Lillian. In that moment he take out his sword to fight Hikaru.
  4. then Robert go and take some heartless with him.
  5. Robert is waiting orders from Kurai.
  6. Robert was thinking in a form of kill Hikaru and lillian
  7. i think is a great beginning and interesting
  8. Name: Robert Age: 16 Weapon: buster sword Side: dark Appearance:just like Zack of final fantasy Crisis core
  9. oh wow that are great poems
  10. that happen to me in days i need to pass the game again
  11. oh it so interesting i think Robert die you like the surprise
  12. oh great chapter Ron change of form interesting i wish to know how he look now.
  13. i keep waiting for the next chapter of this interesting story
  14. i be waiting your next chapter and thanks for explained for all the readers
  15. ok like you two said. and i think so two that it like final fantasy games. Now the new Chapter Chapter 7 the training The four first decide to sleep and in the morning reads and training. In the morning they read those books and obtain the knowledge of the true power they hold. Then the four decide to practice fighting one to each other. The first in training was Zeza with Daryl then, Zeza with Nina and they continue until they t was Zeza and Jenica. Jenica attack first with a ball of ice that go directly to Zeza face, then Zeza evade the attack an send her a thunder ray to her but then she make a ice shield and at the same time she attack and win the training. Then Zeza go with Daryl to hunt their food by his way and Nina and Jenica by her way. Zeza confesses to Daryl that he love Jenica. At the night the four met and it what they hunted, and later go to sleep. Chapter 8 journey continue In the morning the prepare themselves to continue their journey. They need to go to an old Palace where some time the four kingdoms where unit and rule in peace. There is where the man called Viel is awakening the darkness. But to get there they need to cross through various dangerous places. The first place it is a volcano. They get to the top of it and in there appears a monster created part of lava and part of darkness. Zeza don
  16. Chapter 6 the clue When they defeat the monster they leave the cave and decide to rest for have the strength for the next day. At last the four adolescent find where it assumed they would find an answer to because it appeared strange creatures in all kingdoms and destroy them. There they found an older gentleman called Caz who has lived more than any one and with a great knowledge of what is happening. Caz say welcomes Zeza, Nina, Daryl, and Jenica I waiting for you a long time. They ask how he knows our names and then Caz say that he hears about them. Then Zeza ask what happening in all the kingdoms? Caz say that there is an evil man called Viel how is awakening the darkness and then take control over the world. But you four can stop him if you learn the true power of your element. The four ask: we could have more power than we have? Caz answer: yes, you only are using half of your true power. Then they ask how to learn that power and Caz give them the books that hold the true power of fire, water, wind and earth. Then Caz disappear.
  17. oh you surprise me it getting better
  18. Chapter 5 the ice cave The three of them wake up and prepare themselves for the next place the ice cave. Zeza was getting sick but he doesn
  19. Chapter 4 Dimension Zeza and Nina begin on their journey. They are now on the desert and in there they found in man in black clothes. Zeza speak to him but the man doesn
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