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Sora shadow

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Everything posted by Sora shadow

  1. Is a great beginning. i want to see more. is great.
  2. Tom see them and go to where they are and ask what happen.
  3. it will be cool but it nit to be a very dificult boss
  4. Interesiting put your personality to a character.
  5. To tom nothing is important but he feel so alone so he dicide to make some new friends. he go to where he see 2 persons.
  6. Oh great story it was good all the time and full of surprice nice one.
  7. Great chapter i think Alex was aweak person
  8. Now that Robert Can move he cure himself and begin to think in a new plan to make Hikaru weak and kill Lillian.
  9. That is stupid and i appologize Larxene. Zack dead it was more emotional.
  10. Robert dont can move something not let him move so he dont can block the attack.
  11. Tom walking look a group of people; but because he is no much friendly he keep walking.
  12. Robert jump and call heartlessfor help him; the heartlees take care of Hikaru and robert take care of Lillian.
  13. Then Robert follow them for make a surprise attack.
  14. Name: Tom Age: 16 Sex: Male Side: Light Appearence: What you want Weapon:Sword Personality: Loyal,good person (more description you will know at the story keep going) Tom was walking thinking on what to do because all the people he knew their die
  15. Robert give a complement to Lillian saying that she is great in battle but she need more than that becuse he learn how dont feel anything becuse of his past.
  16. ok but i do it later i need to go soon
  17. Robert make apart make Lillian fall on the ground.
  18. Then i think i dont have any choice i battle you. But no to kill you.
  19. well my orders are make your friend weak and destroy all how is with her but maybe i will let you live
  20. Like i said to Hikaru the new assistant of Kurai Robert but you can say me Rob if you want it.
  21. Then he left Hikaru and go where Lilian is but when he going to attack her something dont let him do it. It was like a felling or something like that.
  22. Robert jump and use thunder on Hikaru and at the same time make heartless appear for take Lillian down
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