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  1. i think you can, if my memory dont fail me thats when you can do more damage to him
  2. weell, mm ehhh... you know... mmm, something in my mid, eraqus was goin to tell to aqua something importatn that was for krybhlade masters only, but i dont remember if he telled her or not
  3. actually i think this game will be entirely de mark of mastery test
  4. one stupi idea, maybe zack was separated in two entities (cloud & sephiroth) , stupid idea, bta i have math exam today
  5. mmm, weeel xemnas cant wield a keyblade for the only reason that bbs wasnt created when xemnas was. xemnas first appareance was in KH1 and his weapons were lightsaber, so nomura keeped that during the development of kh2 and durin its development the started to create a sketch plot for bbs, sooo, its a thing called plot hole,
  6. also, thats conclusion isnt totally wrong, just change ultimecia for de MF
  7. it will be awesome if they include yzma, in the other hand the horned king can be an interesting villain (i think it is is one of disney's darker trio, with malificent and chernabog)
  8. actually i think he want to work in others titles not necesarilly KH. BTW this phrase " You will realize growth by the effects of someone else" i think it refer to MF somehow
  9. i liked roxas more too, ven is even more inmature than sora, and that is scary
  10. actually i have finished yhe firdt kh in hard several times, but un kh 2 i cant even finish twilight town
  11. i hope re:coded is one of the games, the conclusion is almost set so in KH3d i dont know waht stroyline will have but teh enxt in timeline is KH3, it would be stupid that the new journey of sora, that must include thing about the BBS trio and the last battle with xehanort were separate games, considering that xehanort stiil posses terra
  12. neither KH CoM nor KH2 are named KH Another side, another stroy deep dive
  13. yes but then it can chancge it and they couldn't add more world in news games, anyways the gummi ship was funny, i had hours of diversion with it (but i couldn't comlete the mission c for for the assault of the dreadnaught TT-TT)
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