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Everything posted by soulreaper52

  1. i know its just i didnt mind it but id like to experience the game using regular combat and what not but we can dream
  2. i hope when they remake chains of memories they choose to have the card system optional or update it to an easier use
  3. well i would go too but not just for magic i mean shes been alone for a long time she wouldnt mind right? =D
  4. ah when kh3 comes concluding the xehanort saga we can call sit back with relief knowing everything
  5. how much does a polar bear weigh... enough to break the ice high my name is...
  6. slaps you with a live nuclear bomb... (boom) i win =)
  7. someone you wouldnt expect hmmm jack sparrow woops sorry ahem captain jack sparrow =D
  8. if they completely end bleach it better be on saturday near december 21st other than that i will only say por queeeeeeee....
  9. the only three words that can describe this game on everything thats happend in there is what the fudoodlesticks
  10. umm... here's a summary sora and riku went night night to wakey wakey worlds that have been going night night for a while then shit with MX and his fan club of himself happened talking about a keyblade war oh and riku passed the mark of mastery test sora on the other hand failed and took another journey which i really hope is not a spin off and yeah...
  11. i would wait for english but the possibility the 10th anniversary 3ds wont come to america i would just get it to have the 3ds and try to sell the game to someone...
  12. we should have like a funeral type of thing for this type of situation then...
  13. i think ven cant change wait..... SPOILER he is asleep and in a kingdom hearts coma... so yeah
  14. flush your computer down the toilet
  15. how do we know that in the 3rd they all sacrifice themselves in the great battle between light and darkness so the worlds could survive? hmmm?
  16. he should use youtube on keyblade war he might get to see it
  17. i chose other and i what im looking forward to is the connection of the mysterious figure from birth by sleep to kh3d
  18. completely off topic but that's what she said something to be on topic maleficent has been and attacked it once what says she cant do it again
  19. videos since there aren't any Kingdom Hearts 2 cutscenes
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