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Everything posted by darklunatic

  1. to tel lthe truth all i did was run around and press tri without a care the game was already two easy for me thank to that button there wasent much fun
  2. i feel the same as you on that i wont preorder ill wait for the price drop and buy it but there should be a demo next mounth ill try it if we get the demo
  3. also in the other one riku's hands dont go through his arm's like in your photo or the old game also his clothing has a few wrinkles in them if you pay close attation
  4. i still have an orginal yellow red blue gold and silver also crystal
  5. dude come on look at that there's a big difference riku's shoulder is rounded you can see the bottom of sora and kairi's shoes you must be blind to not see the changes but ehh its how ever you see it
  6. well i see there isnt an area of deadspace here and im a fan of this very creative orginal space shooting horror game here are vids of the co-op mode and some of times when your alone trailer gameplay
  7. i hopeing it stays a playstation exclusive they still havent talked about another system other then there playstation model of the game seeing as the arcad one in jap has been out for about 2 months now here is gameplay of acard mode
  8. kh2FM coded 3DD(not like people use there d on that sysem anyway) and besides bbs may be remade for vita have you ever thought about that
  9. devil may cry HD collection turned out good
  10. then in playstation all star's is possilable dlc mybe but SSB not likely
  11. dante truly he would SSS the wannabe slayer
  12. lol and you know this game would be the only reason for me to get an xbox
  13. actually now thats a personal view but eh it depends on the person i have no fav fighter there ether good or there bad there both good so yeah dont make much of a differences
  14. no fighting game is i mean if you play BB or GG you know how to play persona cause the same people made it besides p4 won ign and tt2 won game-informer and othere places so there is no actually winner
  15. no it didnt win best fighter sorry but tekken tag 2 came in and took that away ou just cant beat tekken
  16. sin listened to azura he looked around for a minute he closed his eyes and went into his mind he was thinking of a safe place to hid he looked up for a minute "that place...."he turned to another hall he backed his self up to azura and got her on his back he didn't need her hurting her self even more for the time being he started to walk down a completely dark hall after a while of walking there was a gust of wind from the front just slightly but a gust he lifted his head and looked around he didnt put his hand on the wall he just looked at the smaller vents they passed coming near the end of the hall there was a blueish light it seemed that the place opened up he stepped out of the hall to a circular room it had a few other doors but most of it was destroyed boulders where over most of the place he looked up there where pipes of all sizes above them leading up to a very high ceiling at the top there was a hole it was covered in bars and past the limit of reaching if you missed you would fall and die . the room was lit a blue color he looked around "....this place should have been destroyed..." he then looked over to the side to find a small cave like hole it was kinda small but could hide a person.
  17. same im looking forward to it
  18. sin keep walking as the shin of moon light hit them he slid his eyes looking at the girl the place was becoming darker the real trouble would soon start one after another he could already tell as they came to a pipe like area he stopped for a minute it seemed azura was calmed slightly he closed his eyes but didn't rest when he looked up there was a feeling of only darkness no light whats so ever "....darkness is the sign that the true night shall begin.....a blood red moon shadows over this place" he then walked over a corner in a small corridor he used his feet to check the ground . he slid azura to the ground he then rubbed her head a bit and pulled out a peice of tentacle and handed it to her "...such a young girl....haveing to do such things..." a small memory flashed into his mind even if his eyes were not completely open there seemed to be a slight kind feeling that flashed across them.
  19. its its a game that followes a game that im a fan of then yes like dmc im buying the new one on release date so in basics it depends on the game
  20. sin stop for a second he heard what was going on behind him he slowly turned his head behind him he listened to the two of them start to walk away he looked in the direction that azura had been his face the way he had been this whole time had not changed but he jumped forward when he did he was in midair behind the doctor and the girl he grabed the back of there heads and as he landed he was going to smash them into the floor but as he came down he stopped befor they hit he just let there heads go"these creatures are not worth the trouble..." he stood slowly without even looking back at them and started walking over to azura's area he put his hand on the ground and somewhat searched for her he picked azura up from the ground and found her machete he put the tentacles in his mouth "...this human's are wastfull dead....they are not worth the time to crush there bones.." he started walking with azura and her things down a dark hall as they faded away he turned his head just a bit "but death comes to all...there's just waits to be determed.."as they faded into the dark
  21. sin looked forward he was starting to get a bit annoyed but he soon ignored most of the noise he then felt breathing in front of him he stood there slowly un moveing he moved past the girl who had her blades pointed at azure and got next to the creature they had killed he didn't say much he didnt even graze his eyes in the direction of the person who was cutting it up he turned around after touching the creature and feeling for what was left it was more or less just bits and pieces his face didn't change his calm stayed as he stood back up his eyes slid over in teh direction where azura was his eyes seemed just to be slits that glow he didnt open his eyes the whole time he only made them into slits he walked over there to her slowly he wasnt heading for her he seemed to be more into the hall
  22. sin listened to azura he bend down next to the creature and felt it still breathing slightly but it was already dead he touched it slowly then felt the wet substance on his feet he put his hand on the ground and had the blood on his finger he then looked over in the area he heard azura's breathing he heard another in the room but she left he then heard more enter the hall. he then stood up a little and used fingers to rub the blood on azura's mouth slowly he didnt nod but he looked back at the creature then at her he noded his head slowly he could tell she was hungry an in this game anything can be food so he didn't want to keep her from feeding what she killed as he heard foot steps coming closer to where they where standing as he listened to the voices in the room. he was started to stand slowly as he looked at the other halls he looked in azura's direction he put his hand over her weapon to put her hand down to let her calm her breathing as he looked towards an empty hall "its about time for me to leave soon anof.."
  23. did anyone else notice minime in that photo and im an otaku
  24. RPG:tales of xillia FPS:kill zone or resistance fighter:tekken or GG/BB or dead or alive action:uncharted in a genre of its own:devil may cry
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