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Everything posted by xion---424
i have a cousion that likes sora x areil i knew someone at school that likes kairi x seperoth o.o.....i like riku x xion dont think that ones odd like any of these are cannon
swishy epochical bloody (im in missouri) that apples near posion or posion (really good apple look at the posion apple tell me that doesnt look good its neer perfect,) chessy cat= cheshire cat, white rabbit = someone overly time obsesed, cough meds = two faced, ect...i say lotsa odd things
it is in sections =p didnt ask you to read it
The Epic Adventures of Fushi Gi No Shojo!!!!!!!! (Fushi for short) file:///C:/Users/TINKER~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.jpg Characters Fushi Gi No Shojo (fushi for short (say fuu-she g-e no show-Joe-)): her name means strange girl in Japanese. Fushi has sort white and black hair, her side bangs are either; a ying symbol (white with a black dot this is “normal”) or a yang symbol (black with a white dot now your doomed she’s lost it!) She has yellow eyes and a kimono looking dress is white and black striped one side and black and white polka dotty on the other. Her sash around her stomach is red and the skirt stops at the middle of her thigh the bottom middle open so you can see her shorts and her odd leggings black and white stripes one side’s sideways stripes one ways diagonal Stripes. She’s a lot stronger then she looks semi psychotic and seems to have a split personality (what do you expect for all she’s been threw). Shes second in command of the rebellion against Aku and Zoms girlfriend. Not afraid to use her giant hammer. Has a bad habit of going too far. Zom: first in command of the rebellion. He’s a zombie king but still alive so his skin is normal just has a barely noticeable green sheen to it. He has a green and brown overcoat with a badge pants and his glasses which reflect his red eyes when he glows so he can summon the undead. He’s the only person that seems to be able to control fushi or calm her down- Aku Yami: insane smirk or smile glasses that hide his eyes long white coat with circuits showing. Slacks and a striped polo. The evil corrupt leader of the town and the monopolistic company Umbra Inc. “dedicated to helping the world on any level” arch nemesis of fushi and zom. file:///C:/Users/TINKER~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image003.jpg Narrator (shares the same voice as dash who you will see later): The city of Kurayami is a not so peaceful place there corrupt leader Aku Yami. Is also the evil leader of Umbra Inc. the monopoly of a company for most everything…Umbra Inc. dedicated to “helping the world on any level” is in reality something much darker. It has turned the city into the apocalyptic nightmare it is today. But one thing stands in Aku’s way…two outcasts of society. Zom and fushi gi no shojo. The leaders of the rebellion against Aku. These two are the only ones who know the truth who are trying to make there city better. But these two heroes are underdogs plagued by the results of Aku and Umbra Inc.’s terrors on the society. Can they save the city of Kurayami? Can they show the truth? Expose Aku Yami, and his evil organization? Well… you’ll find out! Act One Scene one (In a building where Aku is looking out over a window of the city (everything looks like it’s going to hell is coated in a black goo) Zom is tied up sitting in a chair glaring at him) Zom: so what is the point of destroying YOUR OWN city?! Aku: I get bored *shrugs* being the leader here is just a cover. *Zom struggles his eyes glow trying to summon the undead* Aku: save it! Were in a titanium box with a lead coating underground. This window is just a television screen…I thought it was a nice touch… *Zom rolls his eyes* Zom: what would REALLY be a nice touch is if you stopped instigating chaos! Aku: oh shut it! Once I delete your pathetic little rebellion there will be no one to stand in my way of sending this city into a chaotic hell. *starts laughing manically* Zom: dude! That evil laughter thing is so cliché! *Aku growls hitting Zom on the head knocking him out. the door slams open Fushi walking in she blinks a few times surprised growls her yin looking bangs turning into a yang giggles insanely pulling out her giant hammer* Aku: fuu! *tries to run off in the other direction but Fushi stops him keeping hitting him with her hammer mercilessly* Zom: Fushi?! Don’t you think you went a bit far? *aku in a puddle of blood twitching you hear him mutter damn you Fushi weakly* Fushi: *giggles* shaking her head no*smiling her bangs going back to white with a black spot* Fushi: we shouldn’t have to worry about him for awhile Zom: *laughs* no especially considering how overkill you went. *Fushi does her best to look innocent putting on puppy eyes making Zom laugh again* -EXIT SCENE ONE- file:///C:/Users/TINKER~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image003.jpg -Act one scene two- -The stage is pitching black. only Aku’s voice can be herd- Aku: I’ll get you two one day mark my words! *laughs manically again* -The maniacal laughter slowly fades out- -the lights turn on and Zom and Fushi are in the rebellions hideout wanted posters of them fill the room a few zombies come in carrying even more- Zom: damnit! How many wanted posters can a person put up?! -A news forecaster’s voice on the radio starts talking Fushi having “turned it on”- Radio: in more recent news the rebellion has instigated more chaos on the town. Umbra Inc. and our leader Aku have warrants out for Fushi gi no shojo and Zom. These are very dangerous crimin-Zom breaks the radio smashing it at the wall- -Fushi jumps looking surprised- Fushi: I wanted to listen to music… Zom *angrily*: when is there bloody music anymore?! Fushi (sounds sad at first then growing mad)…good point…stupid Aku…and his stupid organization that’s full of lies and *starts grumbling muttering things that can’t fully be made out.” -The lights dim around them spotlight on Zom- Zom soliloquy: it’s been like this for a while Umbra Inc. is the evil organization headed by Aku dedicated to “helping the world on any level” heh. Fushi could tell you better than anyone else that’s a lie. Experiment: 4227 unlike most of the other people they kidnapped. she escaped. Probably a little mentally unstable. But what do you expect for all she’s been through. Aku and his little corrupt organization. Took over the town. Regardless of others buying there lies we know the truth. We WILL stop them. -End Scene 2- file:///C:/Users/TINKER~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image003.jpg -Act 1 - -Scene 3- - Inside Umbra Inc. Aku pacing in front of some city officials and scientists- Aku: so any chance you incompetent fools have managed to; get any leads, hear anything, catch anyone in the rebellion? Or am I getting my hopes up that you pathetic imbeceilles could do ANYTHING?!- Random scientist: a few zombies were robbing some food from the market we can only guess that was Zom’s doing… the rebellion has to eat to after all…right?.. Aku: sooo did anyone try to follow these zombies to the rebellions secret base? *talking in a sneer* or at least…stop them? Guard: w-well sir we tried but that darn girl was there…and...So was…Zom... *looks down seeing how furious Aku looked.* Aku: there KIDS! Granted not normal bloody kids. Pretty strong kids… BUT STILL. YOU are the captain of the guards and the DAMN army. Are you saying none of you IDIOTS can do anything?! Guard: w-were trying sir…Zom can summon a whole army of undead and more to fill in the ones we manage to slay. And Fushi…is a lot stronger then she looks EXPECIALLY when she goes psychotic or if anyone even thinks of hurting Zom. Aku: I DON’T CARE WHAT IT TAKES OR HOW HARD IT IS. DO SOMETHING OR ILL FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN *smirks* and you most likely wouldn’t like your new job assignment *smiles evilly* “The guard’s eyes would go big backing up a step” Guard: now now…let’s not make any hasty desions… Aku”smirks” of course not “his smirk gets bigger” better do your job then. Guard: y-yes sir! -End scene 3- -ACT ONE- -Scene four- *the stage is black you hear siren noises and the sounds of people fighting news broadcasts of the notorious rebellion. Zombies. Fushi giggling. Aku yelling at his guards yelling at the others. A repeat of aku’s last words in scene 1 “Aku: I’ll get you two one day mark my words! *laughs manically again*”” “”-The maniacal laughter slowly fades out-“” *A spotlight on Aku would show* (Aku’s soliloquy) Aku: The rebellion is a NUSANCE! One that will not easily go away. No matter who I send or what I do…those two BRATS always come out on top. So AGRAVATING! But…what if I am going about this all wrong? What if, the way to defeat the stupid rebellion is to attack it from the inside! But how?! They would never trust me or any of my men…what if I could get them to trust someone they don’t know! A double spy! If you can’t beat them join them right? Should make them easier to beat! And then I’ll be free to cause as much chaos to this PATHETIC city as I wish!!!! *Aku would start laughing maniacally and the spotlight would slowly fade out* -End scene 4- -Act 1- -Scene 5- “There’s a scream some of the guards are holding onto a boy about Zom and Fushi age dark brown hair short jacket with a big hood pants one side longer than the other holding onto a phone, he squirms trying to escape” Dash: I told you already! I know NOTHING about the rebellion! Head Guard: *sarcastic tone* really? Because I heard, you were trying to contact the rebellion! Talk now and well go easier on you. Dash: *squirming again* I told you al-*gets hit in the head by a guard* Guard: WHERE ARE THEY!? Dash: HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW! I was trying to contact them. As you said yourself! Guard: you know…he does have a point…. *all guards hit the random guard on the head* Guards: SHUT UP! *The spotlight on the Guards would dim with another spotlight revealing that off on another part of the stage hidden behind a fruit cart were Zom and Fushi* Zom: what do you think fushi? Fushi: it looks like he needs help! *Zom and Fushi whisper planning while the guards argue in the background* *Zom’s eyes start to glow summoning zombies to distract and attack then Fushi would attack while they were distracted* Zom: so you’re looking for the rebellion?*at Dash* Dash: well I wa-but …then and i… *Zom rolls his eyes* Zom: chill! We will not hurt you promise! *Fushi walks up grinning insanely covered in blood her hammer over her shoulder dashes eyes would go wide he would back up a step shaking* Zom: Fushi? Did you over do it again? Fushi: *giggles mischievously* Zom: *sighs shaking his head slightly patting Fushi’s head* looks to Dash* Zom: she’s not going to hurt you, promise. You can come with us. Dash: I need to get something! Zom: take your time, but be careful! We’ll scout up ahead. *Fushi looks at Dash growling* Zom *in a warning tone* Fushi. Fushi: *whining* Zoooom there’s something’s ooooff about him! Zom: its ok Fushi, he’s probably just scared, let’s give him some space* *they walk off* Dash: Aku, this is Dash. They bought it! I am in. Aku: Good… don’t do ANYTHING without my orders. When the time is right and you’re at their base. Press the button I gave you so we can find you and trap those miscreants. Dash: yes sir…I will do my best... Aku: Your “best isn’t good enough…I would suggest you succeed…you know very well what will happen if you don’t. *the lights fade* -End scene 5- -Act 1- -Scene 6- *in the rebellion headquarters Dash is fidgeting with the button Fushi is drawing all are sitting around the clubs living room* *Dash looks at his button for probably the 60th time * Dash: *looking around* s-so this is where you guys stay? Fushi: *semi annoyed* yeah. *Dash sees all the wanted posters covering the walls* Dash: what’s with all the wanted posters? Happy with your notoriety? Zom: *shakes his head*…we just want them out of the city. Theres not really many good places for them here. They take up a lot of room. It’s for convenience mostly. *looks to Fushi* Fushi uses some of them for her drawings… Dash:…so how does the rebellion get their supplies? Fushi:* grumbling*what is this 20 questions? And will you stop looking at that phone(talking about the button) your making me anxious! *Fushi goes back to her drawing* Zom: *Sighs* I use my zombies to snag a few things that we need… Dash: *angrily* so you guys really are crooks!! Zom: LOOK dude. It’s not ideal! But we can’t exactly just walk into the market and buy what we need. Thanks to Aku we are “dangerous wanted criminals” and we need food to survive too! Dash:..Yeah... I’m sorry. Zom: its fine I guess… Dash: so does the rebellion have any new big plan? Zom: actually we were thinking of attacking Umbra Inc. itself while all of them are on holiday... Dash: isn’t that risky? Dangerous? Suicidal? Fushi: what’s life without a little risk we been playing offence for too long… I mean defense! We need offence!*she would snuggle Zom having crawled onto his lap* *zom looks down at her smiles slightly* Zom: we should rest up for now.. *The other two nod* *the lights fade out* -End scene 6- -Act 1- -Scene 7- *spotlight on Dash* *Dashes soliloquy* Dash: I don’t know if I can do this…Fushi and Zom aren’t the monsters Aku makes them out to be.. The more time I spend with them and there rebellion. The more time I see that Aku is the REAL monster…but what can I do?...If I don’t go through with Aku’s plan… I don’t even want to think about what Aku will do…I don’t think I honestly have a choice…. *Spotlight fades out* *end scene 7* -Act 1- -Scene 8- *everyone’s asleep at the rebellions headquarters except Dash who is staring at the button in his hand thinking looking sad fidgeting around uncomfterbly* he presses the button a few minutes later the door would slam open guards coming threw One grabbing Fushi off the couch where she’s sleeping. Fushi would kick around screams zom waking up summoning his zombies picking up Fushi. Zom still holding fushi would run towards the door. Aku would walk through the door smirking. Aku: now, now, not so fast. You two aren’t going ANYWHERE!” Zom: How did you find us?! Aku: why don’t you ask your new recruit? Fushi: *growls looking at dash* I knew it! You….you Zom: traitor? Fushi: Yeah that works! Dash: *looks down*….i-I’m sorry…not like I had a choice…*fidgeting with the button looking everywhere but at them* Zom: don’t be pathetic! You know you did! *fushi growls again* Aku: you two are coming with me! Give up already! You lost. But I’m feeling kind. So tell you what, I won’t separate you two. Zom: wow that’s so kind! *fushi snickers* -End scene 8- -Act 1- -Scene 9- *the two are in what looks like a cell Fushi is unconsis Zom is banging at the walls his eyes glowing trying to summon to no avail. pretty much the same as the one from when the play first started but no hiding its concrete and iron and titanium this time.* Fushi: *waking up* u-ugh where are we? *Zom bangs at the wall as hard as he could again* Zom: (angrily) in a bloody holding cell it’s the same titanium iron concrete garbage as the last one! I can’t summon ANYTHING! Zom: WE Zom: Are Zom: Flipping Zom: Stuck! *Zom would slam his hand against the wall as hard as he could again* Fushi: *grumbling* I’m going to kill dash…. Zom: *still annoyed* yeah…yeah...go crazy. Fushi this is the one time im not going to yell at you for going too far. God ill even help! *Fushi giggles happily enjoying her thoughts Zom sighs* *the “window” TV would flick on showing chaos done by Aku, burning buildings people screaming and running off darkness spreading.* *Fushi slams herself into the wall so hard she makes a dent* Fushi: we have to get out! *Zom grabs her stopping her from doing it again* Zom: calm down Fushi!...giving yourself a concussion isn’t going to help… Fushi: yeah… *the door opens without them noticing dash is in the doorway* Dash: n-need some help? *fushi growls trying to charge at him zom holding her back curios* Zom: Haven’t you done enough damage Dash? Do you honestly think we will trust you again? *dash squirms fidgeting uncomfterbly* Dash: l-look I’m sorry! *Zom struggling to keep ahold of fushi* Zom: I don’t know if sorry is going to cut it. EXPECIALLY with Fushi….she hates liars even more then I do…even if you could get my trust back…good luck with her! Dash: *looking at his feet*….i-I’m really sorry…*looks back up* look you were right. I-I do have a choice. I-I-I don’t like what Aku is doing….now that I seen it in a different angle…i-it’s wrong! Fushi:*angrily* no shit Sherlock! YOUR WRONG TOO! Zom: fushi shhh… *shed look at him crawl on his lap snuggles him slightly calming* *Zom looking to Dash* Zom: you were saying? *Dash reaches behind his back pulling out Zom’s sword and fushi’s hammer. Fushi’s hammer looks bigger the cracks and tares in it gone. Zom’s sword would be shinier and sharper* Dash: i-I took the liberty of upgrading them… Zom: polishing and repairs don’t count as upgrades dude.. Dash: b-but there stronger! Trust me!...*his voice fades off after he realizes that was probably a bad choice of words*….d-does that help at all? Zom: a little I suppose… Fushi: I’ll think about it. *they both take their weapons and run off dash following behind* -end scene 9- -ACT 1- -Scene 10- Dash: how is Aku attacking the city without people suspecting him!! *yelling at the other two trying to keep up* Zom: *yells back*it’s either a cloaking disguise or a giant robot….well it’s been a number of things! Dash: then how do we know?! *confused yelling at them* Fushi: follow the maniacal laughter!!!!! *dash stops surprised* Dash: i-it’s that easy?! *dash realizes the others are far ahead catches up* Aku: *laughing evilly* now there is NOTHING to stand in my way of destroying this pathetic town! *the other three run towards the voice* * A net falling down on zom and fushi* Zom: damn it’s a trap!!!!! *Aku appears* Aku: did you pathetic kids think it would be THAT EASY?!? Don’t make me laugh!!! Zom: course not like you don’t laugh enough yourself already* *dash pushes a button on his pocket box a knife appearing slashes the net freeing them* *Aku growls angrily at dash slamming him into the wall holding his sword above his head about to slash down on him* Aku: *sneeringly* INSOBORDINATE BRAT!! Did you forget, WHOS SIDE YOUR ON?! *very near slashes down but gets thrown out of the room by Fushi’s hammer* Fushi: FOOOOUR!!!!!! It’s a home run! *She giggles* *Zom runs at Aku slashing him a bunch summoning zombies having them trap him* Zom: Fushi NOW!!!! *fushi would hit him with her hammer knocking him out the cloaking disguise short circuiting revealing the real Aku* *Zom and fushi look to dash who’s struggling to stand up* Dash: I-I think I broke a rib…possibly an ankle… Zom: we need to get him help… *the curtain falls a radio broadcast playing* Random radio reporter: who would have guessed that the rebellion was the hero all along protecting the city from our corrupt leader and his evil organization who are now behind bars. This is just a great example of how you can’t judge a book by their cover….*fades out to static the lights turning back on* -End act 1- Act 2 scene one. In the rebellion’s headquarters this time the wanted posters are gone it looks a little less run down Dash Zom and Fushi are all gathered around. Dash has a cast on his ankle and is bandaged up in a few areas Fushi is sitting close to Zom. Zom:*talking to dash*”... ok so if you want to stay in the rebellion you’re going to need this” *hands dash a box* Dash: why are we even still the rebellion? Aku and his goons are gone… Zom: forceive habit I guess and you don’t know that…and even if that’s the case... There’s always evil and there’s always good there’s no such thing as utopias or dystopias after all…if it’s not Aku some other villain will show up and we will still defend the city. Fushi: yeah! No one else is gonna besides do you know how much Aku has been defeated? He ALWAYS comes back clones or something… *Dash shakes the box zom glares slightly * Zom: dude you are going to break it! Dash: …sorry *dash would open the box pulling out an odd looking boomerang bow thingy* Dash: what is it? Zom: bowmerang Dash: what?... Zom: exactly as it sounds *dash would scowl slightly annoyed by Zom’s teasing Fushi would start giggling getting snuggled slightly by Zom**Zom would hand Fushi a box too* Dash: what is t-this Christmas? Zom: oh shut it! *fushi would open her box inside was a small piece of armor that would go on her arm it looked almost like zoms but a lot less tarnished and no tattered fabric on it was the zombies rebellion’s crest/badge there was a button on each side fushi nearly pushed them but zom gave her a warning look and she stopped**Zom helps Fushi put it on* Dash: what’s that? Zom: something important… *still trying to put it on Fushi’s arm but it’s difficult because she won’t sit still* Dash: …Gez thanks Mr. Vaugealot Zom: *rolls his eyes* with each Aku clone it’s going to get harder and more dangerous. One button will summon a few zombies who agreed to help her in an emergency if we get separated or something….Theres a few other buttons a storage compartment…a phone.. Stuff like that…*he would shrug* *fushi would be spinning excitedly babbling about it being shiny and wee and stuff barely audible in the back ground because her mike would be turned down* Dash would sigh seeming to be thinking the lights would dim and a spotlight would be on dash he would open his mouth like he would do a soliloquy then it would return to normal like he changed his mind* *Fushi would giggle and the audio would go back to normal* Dash: s-so…what now? Fushi: I’m hungry! Zom: right we should get some food. Fushi: I vote ice-cream! *Jumping up and down excitedly* Dash: …ice-cream? *looks surprised* Zom: Fushi no that’s desert we haven’t even ate anything yet... Fushi: awww *pouts* Dash: *whispering to zom* besides does she really need any more sugar? *Fushi would growl pulling out her hammer* Zom: *in a warning tone* Fushi! Fushi: *looked down handing her hammer to Zom* sorry dash… *end scene 1* Act 2 Scene 2 *At the umbra Inc. evil headquarters you see a Aku clone floating in a tank 75% complete on the scream beside it there are a few scientists’ gathered around it talking as they work* Scientist 1: dammit how many of these clones are we going to have to create! Scientist 2: ah quit complaining there’s a lot worse and harder jobs we could have been assigned.. Scientist 1: yeah that’s a good point…but why bother the rebellions pretty much already won.. I would bet for good this time. Our organization’s lies and stuff were found out. We should just go home find another job that pays well before this ruins our lives. *the screen on the tank says 98% complete now but the scientists don’t notice* Scientist 2: that is a good point… Scientist 3: should we really be talking to us around him? *pointed to clone not really looking back* Scientist 1: why not? He’s still out probably won’t wake up for a while now…Aku is an idiot…he should give up while he still can. *the clones eyes open glaring at scientist 1 and 2 who is agreeing with him* the screen says 99% *Scientist 2 and one keep bad mouthing Aku and Umbra Inc. scientist three is trying to get them to stop no one notices the new Aku clone walk out calmly but angrily grabbing a gun off the wall and shooting scientist 1 and 2. Scientist 3 looks shocked stepping back scared* Aku: *smirking* don’t worry I won’t shoot you. You weren’t being an insubordinate traitor after all. *smiled creepily* back to work now. Before I rethink my mind. *scientist 3 would nod almost frantically running off returning to his work* End scene 2 Act 2 Scene 3 *Spotlight on scientist 3* I’m really getting worried. Aku has never been exactly, nice? Ethical?...anything good. And yet the clones keep getting meaner and meaner and more psychotic. This one seems to have no emotion no care. You don’t do something right he will shoot you down kill you some way…without a second thought…your screwed basically…personally I’m worried for the rebellion. And myself...if I could get out of this job I would. But i think I’m stuck at least when I’m “on his side” I am not dead. *End Scene 3* Act 2 Scene 4 Zom: so where should we go to eat? Fushi: Ooo! Ooo! I want pizza! Let’s go to the restaurant too! Dash: she is excited about a restaurant? Fushi: well I never have been to one… Dash: *looks confused* Zom: look. Dude do you know how long we have been in the rebellion and when the rebellion was still here we couldn’t just waltz into a restaurant or store and buy food I had to use my zomb- *dash cuts him off* Dash: yeah yeah…I know that part but surely you couldn’t have been in the rebellion your whole life right? Zom: well no…but…*sees Fushi’s getting grouchy, impatient and upset* look we can divulge into our pasts later…trust me a hungry fushi is not a good fushi to be around. End Scene 4 Act 2 Scene 5 *Walking into the city Fushi bouncing around excitedly running into the restaurant ahead of the other two nearly crashing into a family exiting * Zom: FUSHI! Careful!...*looking towards the family* I really apologize she is pretty exited… *Fushi looking behind her quickly saying sorry running inside Zom sighed and shook his head* *Dash fidgeted with his phone following behind the others.* They waited for a seat and set down Zom ordering 2 large pizzas Dash looked shocked* Dash: are you kidding me? Do you two not know how big large is?!.. Zom: I’m not an idiot...i am aware of the size. *Fushi was looking around excitedly kicking her feet* Fushi: This is so cool ! Dash: would you calm down?! How could you never have been to a restaurant before. Fushi: yeaah we could just walk into a store or restaurant before… Dash: before that… Fushi: … Zom: it’s not like were not that old dude! Dash: exactly the rebellion hasn’t been around that long! What about your families, what about anything! Zom: dude is this honestly the place for this *growing annoyed looks to Fushi worriedly* Dash:… it’s never the place one way or another you won’t tell me! Zom: yeah cause you’re the most trust worthy person! *sarcastically* Dash: … are you honestly holding a grudge still?! I said I was sorry, I helped you escape! I helped you fight Aku! I was injured in the process!!! What more do you want from me? Zom: a little more time to gain trust back… look me and Fushi have been hurt a lot …Fushi especially we DON’T trust easily!...and you’re asking for some pretty private information… *Fushi growing impatient ran off to see about the pizza Zom and Dash didn’t notice* Dash: I’m…sorry…ok I was just curious… Zom: Fushi was kidnapped by umbra Inc. at a pretty young age…so was i….Fushi was experiment 4227…aku and his stupid organization hurt her a lot…and a lot of other people…I was one of the lucky ones. Instead of being recruited as an experiment I was recruited as a guard…I was in charge of keeping a eye on Fushi actually…she was emotionally and mentally unstable… and extremely rebellious. She hated aku and everyone in it. She listened to me though…we escaped and we started the rebellion. Dash:…sorry I pressured you into saying that…*he looked down* *Zom opens his mouth about to say its fine when they hear Fushi scream both of them get up and rush towards the sound* End Scene 5 Act 2 Scene 6 *One of Aku’s guards had ahold of fushi her hammer was at the other end of the kitchen, the kitchen was in shambles he was standing over her with a knife dressed in a chief outfit dash took out his bowmerang shooting missing the cook and nearly hitting fushi* Zom: DUDE! Dash: s-sorry! Guard: hehe maybe you’ll do my job for me! Care to shoot again? Dash: shut up! Zom: summoned some zombies grabbing the guard taking his knife Zom would slash the guard into two the timer would ding both the pizzas they ordered done* Zom: wow perfect timing! Fushi: I say we order take out! *the curtain falls* End scene 6 Act 2 Scene 7 *the three are eating pizza in the rebellion headquarters Zom is pacing cursing under his breath while eating his pizza, Fushi’s pigging out. Dash was watching Zom* Zom: dammit! That was too close. To flipping close!!! Dash: look I’m sorry! Zom: it’s not just that….looks like we’re never going to be safe…if only we knew where the clone base was…we could destroy it and be rid of the all Aku’s! Dash: but how?.. Zom: that…is the problem... Fushi: Om nom nom! *giggles* *Eating another slice* Dash: wow fushi can eat a lot… Zom:*smirks* now you see why we needed two large pizzas? Dash: …yeah *Zom would sit by fushi shed scoot closer to him* Zom: *sighed* if fushi got hurt I don’t know what I’d do… probably go berserk on whatever hurt her.. Dash: …you really care about her don’t you?.. Zom: no duh Sherlock!.. Fushi: don’t worry Zom were going to kick aku’s a- *gets cut off by Zom* Zom in a warning tone: Fushi. *Fushi would correct herself* Fushi: kick Aku’s but! *the curtains would fall* End Scene 7 file:///C:/Users/TINKER~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image003.jpg Act 2 Scene 8 *In Aku’s secret base* Aku: Do you idiot scientists have a plan or can I tell you my brilliant one? Random scientists: HAHA BRILLIANT?! You’re never going to win against the rebellion! How many times are we going to do thi- *there’s the sound of gunfire that random scientist falling over aku putting his gun away* Aku: any more comments? Who wants to join him in hell?! *the sound of crickets start chirping* Everyone: . . . Aku: . . . where is that coming from?! Random scientist 2: sry! It’s my ringtone! *aku glares the scientist semi cowers* Random scientist 2: p-please don’t shoot me? *puppy eyes* Aku: *face palms*…right… what did I SAY about putting it on VIBRATE!?. . . As I was saying before I have this BRILLIANT idea! Random scientist 3: what is it? Aku: first… I have something to show you! *presses a button on his wrist a recording plays* “Dash: look I’m sorry! Zom: it’s not just that….looks like we’re never going to be safe…if only we knew where the clone base was…we could destroy it and be rid of the all Aku’s! Dash: but how?.. Zom: that…is the problem...” Random scientist 4: how did you get that? Aku the idiot dash accidently dialed my number… must have forgot to take it off!...the point is how about we solve the rebellion’s problem! If they want to find the clone base so much we- Random scientist 4: ARE YOU FIRETRUCKING CRAZY! *sound of gunfire goes off and the scientist falls over dead* Aku: as I was saying…we show them where it is then we will take them out! *aku would start laughing the curtain falling* End act 2 Act 3 Scene 1 *dashes phone would beep* *fushi would jump a foot startled grabbing the phone and throwing it at a wall* Dash: fushi…what…the…heck?! *Zom would grab fushi snuggling her* Zom: eh she’s just over defensive sometimes…is your phone ok? *dash puts the battery in the back trying to turn it on* Dash: …yeah its loading though…dammit fushi! You cracked my screen! *Fushi would giggle* Zom: fushi *semi scolding* Fushi: ….i am sorry I cracked your screen… Dash: it’s fine…dammit! I can’t see the message all I can see is the secret base of the clines? ...clones! ...gyah! Darn it! I can’t read it! It seems important Zom: …seems suspicious but it’s worth checking out…we should…*rethinks that*...I’ll send my zombies to the phone store to have it repaired Dash: I don’t think business’s like zombies…it’s not like when you used to rob food! *Zom glares* Zom: I’m not putting fushi or anyone in this rebellion at risk again! Dash: t-then I’ll go and do it. I’ll be fine… Zom: I’m the leader of this rebellion. And I say no! It’s too much of a risk for a false lead* Dash: . . . Zom: you don’t even know how to work the bowmerang yet!.. Dash: . . .if I figured it o-out could I do this? Zom: possibly if I feel you can defend yourself… Dash: …then…let’s do this! *lights fade off* End scene 1 Act: 3 Scene 2 In the rebellions headquarters Zom and Dash seemed really busy. Dash with his training and Zom was either helping him or trying to find Aku’s clone headquarters. Fushi was starting to seem more and more upset. She wasn’t getting to spend as much time with Zom as she usually did. Fushi: all this over dashes stupid phone! I wanna play… I am bored of drawings…but no matter what idea I get the others say no…it stinks…*pauses looking down looking back up excitedly like she got an idea* it’s my fault Dash’s phone broke! …unlike Dash…I can fight…I could get his new phone and bring it back! Then maybe we could play or something! She picked up her giant hammer and ran out the door before the other two noticed. *Curtain fell* file:///C:/Users/TINKER~1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image003.jpg Act: 3 Scene 3 Fushi would walk around trying to find the phone store. Zom didn’t normally let her out alone….she could do this! She was going to do this…walking around finally finding a store that said keitai denwa it had some cellphones on the posters outside what did she have too loose she would walk up to the desk* Fushi: do you have Dash’s phone? Random lady: a cell came in under that name…*the lady would smirk making fushi nervous she gripped her hammer tighter* Random lady: but you will have to follow me to the back storage. Fushi: ok?... *fushi followed the lady who picked up a box that had dashes name on it fushi decided to open it… it wasn’t phone shaped was there still a phone in it? Smoke started to come out of it filling the room you could hear fushi coughing the lights would flicker on and off after about a minute when the stage is full off gas it would suddenly clear fushi would be unconsis on the ground the random lady standing over her laughing, pressing a button on her watch. The random lady suddenly turning into Aku. Aku: hehe I have you guys now. *he would smirk, picking up fushi the lights would fade off* End scene 3 Act 3 Scene 4 *back in the rebelions headquarters Zom seemed upset some zombies would come in* Zom:*almost frantic now* any sign of fushi? *the zombies would shake there heads* Random zombie: no sir… Zom: Dammit! This is all my fault!....*he looked down* Dash: don’t beat yourself up about it dude… Zom: ive always looked out for fushi… Even when we first met I always liked her…she sees the world like a little kid…I don’t want it to eat her alive.. Dash: shes not a kid Zom… if anyone is a kid here its me im younger then both of you. Anyhoo have you seen fushi’s newest drawings? *held them out to zom* Zom:…there all cellphones…DAMMIT FUSHI! Dash: Zom chill! Look fushi is a pretty tough cookie…sounds like shes been threw a lot and shes made it threw…my best guess is that Aku turned her into a trap…what would he have to gain from killing her yet? Zom:…your right… Dash: so whats the plan dude? Zom as much as I hate to say it…it’s the middle of the night…nearly midnight…we are exausted…so are the zombies..i wore everyone out on the search…lets get some sleep then go at full strength.. *dash: nodded in agreement* The curtain fell end act 3 Act 4 Scene 1 *Fushi would wake up slowly looking around damn her hammer was gone!* Fushi: w-what happened?.. Aku: ah good expiriment 4227 is up. Fushi: *growled* IM NOT YOUR EXPIRIMENT, AND I NEVER WILL BE! Aku: *smirking big* no need to yell fushi…heh you were once and you cant deny it….do you rember getting kidnapped? *he laughed slightly* you were pretty young then. Fushi: Shut up! *fushi would squirm realizeing she was tied up she screamed angrily* *aku laughed* Aku: temper temper.. *he would smirk wider* “sorry” about tieing you up…just im aware of what your capable of 4227…im not takeing any chances. Fushi: STOP calling me that! My name is FUSHI. Fushi Gi No Shojo! *she would glare trying to reatch for the button on the badge zom had gave her but couldn’t* Aku: don’t make me gag you! Or tape over your mouth or something. Technically “fushi” you are registered as a expiriment that “technically” makes you the property of Umbra Inc. so you should just SHUT UP! And GIVE UP! What is your rebeliousness going to accomplish!? I RULE THIS TOWN, I RULE UMBRA INC. you and your pathetic rebellion is a flipping nail in my side. I WILL snuff all your pathetic attempts out if it’s the last thing I do! Fushi: . . . *shed growl spitting in hes face* ha! I can still do that! Aku: why I oughta!... *raised his syth like he was going to hurt her fushi flinched a bowmerang spun by his head getting his attention* Dash: don’t you dare! Aku: growled, chargeing at them. *zom’s eyes would glow summoning a army of zombies attacking aku and some of akus goons would come in as well zom ran to fushi untieing her hugging her quickly but tight handing her her hammer* Zom: fushi don’t ever firetrucking do that to me again… *fushi looked down*…I sorry zom* *Zom smirked* Zom: come on dash could use some help *the three would fight for a long time manageing to defete the goons aku was still left though* Zom: so aku give up?! Fushi: yeah! We will defete you just like the last time! Aku: heh maybe so…sorry but I have other plans today ill have to catch you again some other time! He threw the smoke box at them the smoke knocking them out the lights flashing when they woke up and the room cleared. He was gone.. Zom: AW COME ON! We didn’t even manage to find the clones location… Dash: oh I wouldn’t be so shure… Zom: what? Dash: when we were fighting I managed to put that button on my old phone in akus pocket… Fushi: so? Dash: so my old phone was broke…rember? I turned that button into a tracking device. Zom: I didn’t know you were smart. *mock shocked* Dash: oh shut up! Zom: right so lets get something to eat…go home and rest. We could watch the tracking device or something… *fushi snuggled zom zom picked her up smileing* Zom: redy fushi? Fushi: yeah! Lets go! end scene 1 Act 4 Scene 2 *Back in the rebellions HQ fushi would be on zoms lap while zom and dash went over the trackers results* Fushi: what if aku has figured out our little tracker and this is a trap now? Zom: I think that’s a risk were going to have to take… *Dash would push a few buttons on his new phone akus voice would come up* Aku: what do you mean we only have enough resources for one last clone!? You have dna, cloneing equipment. Random scientist: have you forgot you’re a clone yourself each time we take your dna you loose a strand or too we have to fill it up with something else…circuts..donnated dna..we can only do one last clone. *fushi giggles zom covers her mouth with his hands* Dash: relax dude one way frequency *he smirked slightly pretty pleased with the fact he knew something zom didn’t* Dash: ok now we just trace those recordings *typeing things on his new phone* and vola! Instint clone location *his smirk would get bigger* Dash: so whats the plan now zom? *fushi would yawn* Zom: we have had a long day lets rest up and atack tomorrow… *fushi snuggled zom half asleep* Dash: sounds like a plan. end scene 2 Act 4 Scene 3 It was still dark out inside the rebellions HQ dash and Fushi were still asleep. Zom: come on guys! Let’s go! Dash:*whining* It’s too early Zom: the early bird gets the worm! They won’t know what hit them! Come on guys get your weapons. Dash: *annoyed* we better stop for a coffee or something. Zom: fine! Fushi: I like tea… Dash: yeah they have those at coffee shops Fushi… Fushi: that is epic! Dash: *sighed*…um…yeah.. Zom: Dash be nice to Fushi! Dash: sorry I’m just a bit grouchy considering it’s what 1 OCLOCK IN THE MORNING!? Zom: LOOK! Once we are done you can go back to bed! Fushi: URUSAI (this means shut up in Japanese) Zom and dash: . . . sorry *The three walking to CloudCoin there wepons over there shoilders(kinda like a starbucks there)* *They walk into the store zom and dash get coffe fushi gets a tea they sit down and start drinking* Dash: so what happens after we defete aku for good? Zom: well in a crime ridden city like Kurayami, someone’s always going to need help right? Dash: yeah but… Zom: the rebellion is dedicated to keeping this city safe someone needs us, we are going to be there. It will be nice to defeat Aku for good though. He’s a bit more dangerous than your average crook or criminal… Dash: …agreed *Fushi had finished her tea a bit before and was now chewing on her cup and the teabag Zom took it from her* Zom: look were done, let’s get going! Dash and Fushi: right! The curtain would fall End act 4 Act 5 The curtain would rise again revealing the clone HQ the new hiding place of Umbra Inc. empty clone tubes and computers full of data would cover the walls. It was mostly empty the trio would get to the new tank dash working on shutting it down. Trying to hack into it. When aku would appear* Aku: did you MISCREIENTS truly think it would be that easy?! Zom: ready Fushi?! Fushi: let’s do this! *Zom’s eyes would glow summoning a ton of zombies who all but flew at aku distracting him then him and Fushi ran up behind. Zom slashing with his sword, Fushi slamming her hammer down. Aku would go flying into the clone tank the glass shattering the still forming clone not ready to have come out yet died quickly* Aku: *screamed angrily* DO YOU TWO REALISE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?! Dash: were aware *smirked* that was the last clone you could ever make. Zom: face it aku! You’re finished! *Zom would slash again dodging Aku trying to stab him with a piece of broken glass* Aku: I still have my scientists, my guards! *scientist 3 comes back with a bunch of other scientists* Scientist 3: actually aku, we quit. You are an evil, psychotic, sadistic, corrupt, antagonizing bastard who not only is cruel to your enemies, but your crew too. Those who work for you… Random guard: frankly we have HAD IT!! Aku: so you’re all just ganging up on me?! *aku would scream angrily grabbing Fushi by her neck* THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT 4227! *An arrow would whiz by everyone stabbing aku in the back the bowmerang flying and knocking him over. Dash would catch his bowmerang and Zom would catch Fushi* Dash: actually aku, you have no one to blame but yourself. *Zom would smirk* Zom: karmas’ a bitch isn’t it aku? Think of all the people you have hurt! Aku would run at him angrily Fushi would hit him with her hammer as hard as she could* Fushi: don’t You Dare Hurt ZOM! *Fushi would growl zom would pick her up snuggling her the guards would drag the barely alive Aku away to rot in prison* The curtains would fall the lights turning back onNarrator: so there you have it the city of Kurayami will always be safe due to Fushi gi no shojo and zoms rebellion, aku and his evil orginazation was finally out of the picture. And our lifes were pretty good from then on! So there you have it the EPIC adventures of Fushi gi no shojo!
.ok. . . im shure this has been done, and i know its late...but i really wanted to do this, and say just how much this game means to me. and why i am so obsessed with this game... i rember when Kingdom Hearts, first came out! i loved that commercial. i would stop whatever i was doing. just to watch it. it was amazeingly epic! such a catchy song! all the classic disney caracters i loved. oh it was epic..^^ .and when i finally got the game...i was on cloud nine^^ i rember squealing exitedly each new disney world i got too...i was obsessed! i rember pretending to be sora when i was scared. trying to keep a smile on my face and keep moveing on...no matter what life threw at me like him kairi is pretty awesome too...she trusts her freinds, she trusts they will be back..shes patient..shes a princess but she can fight... epic! riku i didnt like at first.. as the game went on..you saw he was alot more then just a bully..id argue in some ways hes probably a bit stronger then sora. i mean..his path there was a little more internal fighting..he had to fight off xehanort(ansem i get those confused im sorry)he had to deal with alot of guilt and stuff but he didnt give up...he didnt let anyone else choose his path for him and he came out on top.. yeah..yeah im a dork...alot of the kingdom hearts caracters...are my heros i guess...ive struggled withothers sometimes..but i always was playing kingdom hearts...i suppose i look up to them...i learned alot from them.. kingdom hearts is alot more to me then just a game to me...its helped me alot...i have learned alot from it.. it pushed me to try new things, not give up on other people, to try to make freinds, it helped me when i was suicidal if were truely all connected...i dont want to hurt those i was connected too..it pushed me to be better in alot of ways to try more to be more open...id see the kingdom hearts caracters doing things..going new places makeing new freinds, trying new things...i wanted to as well... i have alot of happy memories related to it.. it got me threw alot when i was struggling with bullies..and fake freinds and just struggling alot in genral..this game was my escape.. kingdom hearts is alot more then just a game to me...and so i wanted to wish it a happy late birthday...and thank it for all its done for me
vens heart was in sora for a bit whoever said he was gone...ill explain this later in other chapters why solve everything up front and yes this story is a mix of american mcgees alice and kingdom hearts
Darkness In Wonderland Sora woke up with no idea where he was. well... ok it looked like a maze of mirrors. But not just any mirrors. they were covered in... what was that? blood?rust?...how did he get here? where was Riku,Kairi,Donald or Goofy? ANYONE?..well just sitting here wouldn’t get him anywhere. Sora stood up looking around. walking forward. he could hear gears,yowls, insane laughter, written on one of the mirrors written in blood was the words welcome to wonderland."wonderland!?" he thought shocked "how was this wonderland?"...he knew he had been to wonderland before. this looked nothing like what he remembered."what happened..to this place?" he wondered there was no one in sight. ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!! a blood curdling scream filled the air right behind him Sora looked up startled. a card solider with a huge bloody axe high above his head swinging it straight down at the keyblader. Sora dodge rolled off. WTF he tried to summon his keyblade when a girl ran up. she had a dark blue dress a white bloody apron with these strange symbols black and white striped socks tall boots. "Alice?" Sora said shocked. how much had this world changed and why? Alice blocked the cards axe with her knife slashing again slicing him in two, she'd grab the heart that floated up. running off. Sora was shocked but regained himself chasing after her."hey! wait!" he called out he was gaining on her but she was always ahead of him. soon she slammed into one of the bloody glass panels. she went threw it!this whole place was always nuts...Sora hesitated. but did he dare? he had no idea what was beyond that panel and he had no idea how twisted this world had gotten. he jumped threw bracing himself.... what choice did he really have? wait for another card solider to come? no thank you!but unknown to Sora he left something behind. At first this boy looked like his reflection but had raven black hair. but as he solidified and opened his yellow eyes. you could easily see he was completely different from the first boy. Vanitas was finally free again. he'd been trapped in his other sleeping half; Ventus. for FAR too long. too bad for little Venny just like there was always a light..theirs always a darkness too. this evil boy would smirk evily. "someday Ven ill get my revenge on all you did!" he would think to himself filled with malice and out of this hate as always, a unversed would form from his hatred squirming and twitching around on the ground. Such pathetic little creatures. he thought to himself."but can you feel it in the air?..this world..has so much pain, insanity, fear, corruption,guilt and other negative emotions" he told the unversed his smirk growing wider and more insane. "that id say... we can have even more fun here on this pathetic world!" he'd start laughing insanely. this WOULD be so fun..
im a twig. 4"11 and 85 pounds...im considered underweight by the health classes computers...though for my body size im ok...just not typical for a 18 year old..
didnt guess mine any time i played it
Name The Song You're Listening To Right Now!
xion---424 replied to Wolf on the Run's topic in Random & Forum Games
love love nightmare by hatsune miku -
i love the ones that are noise canceling and wrap around my head...they last longer... mine get used nearly nonstop... my ipods always strapped to my arm...im even alloweed to wear them in school... they keep me calm and help me focus
Which is your fav Horror Movie Character?
xion---424 replied to spenskh89's topic in General Discussion
the worst thing about me and horror movies sometimes i CANT STOP LAUGHING i watched insidious and i was laughing my but off its just sometimes i route for the monster alot. im sorry but its kinda fun and the people are IDIOTS they use no common sence like running up stairs when a monsters chaseing you WHAT THE HELL?! where are you going to go!? XD that makes me laugh:3 duh the monster got them and then brothers like sissy! its not funny! its a scarey movie!!!!!!.....maybe im just a verry demented little girl.... i really like zombies and dracula and frankenstien(cant beat the classics^^) i also love grimlens and the monster from insidios and poltrigiest the steven king films are pretty good too -
What game "series" do you think is the most addictive?
xion---424 replied to Key2Oblivion's topic in General Discussion
kingdom hearts is a verry addicting game for me im a bit obsesessed with it ^^' i have 2 kh posters 2 kh blankets photos of screenshoots all over my room a keyblade, heartless, nobody,unversed necklace 8 kh shirts (i think) the kh tradeing cards all the kh (besides orginal chain of memorys) all the soundtracks on my ipod even the piano collections ect (not going to list everything) i find the game extreamly additcting... its also kinda how i cope with anger i take it out on my games villans or the heartless (better them then in the real world) i love the storyline the music in it the caracters i play it alot... DDR bright lights and graphics catchy music lots of movement ...so addicting silent hill/ resident evil... havent played alot of them sadly but i could spend hours on there wikis the storys are so twisted and dark and creepy and squeee!! (i like watching jakey play resedent evil...while i do something im not gonna mention...) the nightmare before cristmas oogies revenge ooook so as my stepmom kristy put it ive been in love with this movie ever since i was little i love the music the story watched it god knows how much jakey got it for me on my birthday its really really fun^^ american mcgees alice ive been obsessed with anything related to wonderland or neverland since i was little too....i like creepy things...this games so dark and twisted and yet still gives the orriginal story credit just makes it darker and twists it its brilliant kunda chalangeing so then its like grrrr im gonna beet you then before you know it you played it for hours OTHER GAMES I FIND ADDICTING bioshock ff13 -
loseing jakeykun...my past..
Organization 69-Roleplay (please only members post here)
xion---424 replied to Final Hearts 69's topic in Roleplaying
celly:*thinks* hmmmm...not really.... i was in halloween town! i kept looking for you then i found you soo yeay:3 *nuzles vladdy* what have you been doing vladdy? -
Organization 69-Roleplay (please only members post here)
xion---424 replied to Final Hearts 69's topic in Roleplaying
celly *picked up by vladdy smiles nuzzles him holding on to his kneck* -
much too big... work in progress x.c
o.o woooooow i prefer the first one its less um...disturbing?
A white rabbit(think Alice in Wonderland) (someone like my dad) these kind of people are EXTREAMLY time oriented. like how they get mad if there scedual is a little off, mad at others for being late, like fast efficant and on time. ect Cough medicine: (mom says this should be two faced)you know how cough medicine tastes nasty but to make it better they try too add this overly sweet fruity flavor. Which only makes it worse no matter the amount of shugar added the ickyness comes threw. cough medicine people are not good ones but there worse then people who are just oppenly mean they pretend to be nice. but if you pay attintion you can tell the niceness seems surupy and fake. they cant cover there meaness anybetter then the surup cant cover up the icky meds. a Queen of hearts ( i used to be obsessed with anything related to wonderland still am ) these are "bitches" i think is the short tempered people who will bite your head off. A tinkerbell: basicly means your being jelous like how tink gets jelous about wendy. roxas bracelet or someone looks roxasy: its eather a checkerd braclet or there wearing alot of checkers(i dont know why i linked roxas to checkers =p) ramona flowers: someone who dyes there hair alot especially in "outrageous"(as my dad puts it) colors. Tweedles : 2 people who banter back in fourth talk too loud only too themselves sonic hair/shark fin = mohawks unbirthday present= when you want to give someone something and theres no occasion... sharks: these kinda bullies seem to always look for things to make fun and get drawn to it like sharks drawn to blood a namine: someone who draws alot. rth(return to home)(what i sometimes text my parents when i want them to come get me): 358/2 refrence to RTC(return to castle) peterpanidus: someone who doesnt wanna grow up. sora shoes: there really big (some of my shoes i have that are too big on my feet i call sora shoes) cinderellas: high heals "your being a chessy!"= your being confuseing. like how the cheshire cat confuses people i used to not be able to say cheshire so i said chessy (chess - E) and that kinda turned into confuseing=p a turtle: a shy person the people who sink into there shells alot. gorrilas:(insult) someone whos obnoxious and rude and stupid(sry to the animals ) pulling a ____= ur acting like ___ somehow spider: one of those villans or bad guys that lure people too them to hurt them (kidnappers with candy ect) gummyship: spaceship( refrence to kh) soft= if i call someone soft i mean there someone who doesnt really fight there nice maybe quiet or shy like some kh caracters id describe as soft would be ven or namine. stormy: unstable grumpy verry angry anything along those lines a captain hook: someone who hates kids (dont use this so much anymore "that mans captain hooky" a death the kid: someone who is ocd or is being ocd over something that doesnt or shouldnt matter or takeing there obsession a little to far (like how kid cant even handel asymetry without going emo) if your obsessing is makeing you misserble or go nuts your pulling a death the kid or your being kiddy. swishy: my word i used to use for cool ALOT epochical:still means cool swishy(swishtastical) and epoch (my bf jakes word for cool) combined t rex: someone who cant see the ovious or cant see whats right in front of them litterly or phisicly(in refrence to in cartoons if you stand still supposedly the t rexs couldnt see you or something) bugs bunny: a argument where you say what the other person is saying to get them to say what you said or make them mess up somehow ace: someone whos always lost sizzys: sissors pulling a parrot: talking to much/ copying rikus: guys with long hair posion apples: those apples that look perfect or near it (look at snow whites apple) chessy!(if i have a camera): this should kinda be ovious ghost pizza: peperoni pizza (in the 6th sence the color red happend you know theres a ghost i was eatting this when watching that for the first time it stuck) zexion: someone who reads alot probably equivlent to a bookworm vexen/thomas: a mad scientist a frog: someone whos dead(they croaked=p) goose game: people playing keep away ( all the geese try to get the food and keep it away from the others) being a goose/pulling a petting zoo: when you want someone and you wont leave them alone goose is like "sorry for being a goose but is it here yet" sorry for being a goose but can i have it now?"(sorry for asking again)petting zoo is typicly other people.(think how goose harass people for bread or animals act if you have food in a petting zoo) a goat: eatting something you shouldnt (like people who eat paper or glue)/ someone who eats alot(can also be a pig =p) =p maybe ill add more later if i can think of more =p