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Everything posted by Patcheresu

  1. I vouch for Ventuswind. Just because someone has a negative opinion on a mod is only fair as long as it's non-aggressive. Ventuswind is clearly not pissed, just negative about DC's past comments like people who preach no the news and what people expected of Obama. PS:It's a bad idea. A GOOD idea in my opinion is disabling the auto-smileys in the chat. It's highly annoying when you forget a space and someone thinks for a second that your sticking your tongue out at them.
  2. The only problem I've had with RPs is that some go completely Snickers-$#!t crazy. I mean I was once *killed* by Liraxus because I didn't want to take over the site with RP. What effin' sense does that make? At least SoraKing3 stopped. But back on topic, I don't care either way, but I think DC is getting a little too busy and too Corporate Executive Democracy meh-heh.
  3. Who would win between any combination of the Kingdom Hearts protagonists up to four and the protagonists of Persona 4. My vote is for Persona 4's party. Name/Personae/Purpose for strategy One party idea: Souji Seta. Yes I know there are several choices pick the obvious Persona 4 one./Izanagi, Alice, Ishtar, Surt, Loki, Odin, Helel, Shiva, and any other good combination of Persona. Souji isn't stupid, he wouldn't come to a battle empty handed. he even fully becomes a Mary Sue if you max his social stats Courage, Intelligence, Expression, Understanding, and Diligence. Yosuke Hanamura/Susano-O/Healer Chie Satonaka/Sukuna Gongen/Physical Attacker Naoto Shirogane/Yamato Takeru/Luck-based and Almighty[no resistance moves] user Save: 100% Completed Kingdom Hearts 2 file with ultimate equipment. 100% Completed Persona 4 file with ultimate equipment. THE JRPG SMACKDOWN OF THE DECADE. The two most well known giants for JRPGs come together for the ultimate FRIENDLY competition! It's Souji Seta's Team, the Seekers of Truth VS Sora's Party! Named like a true FINAL FANTASY group! If you have no idea what Persona is do two things: 1. Go here:Persona 4's article on the Megami Tensei Wiki. Warning, as an article on the entire game it is wise to skip the Story section unless you are okay by RUINING the biggest shockers I've ever seen in a mystery game. 2. Watch this or any Persona 4 combat related video. Note that these characters are not at their ultimate persona as listed in the Party section. PVj3-B6ka9s
  4. In case of epic fail: Facebook Version
  5. The end of discrimination against nobodies and becoming whole again? Good Idea. Blackmailing, treading over, and tricking people out of their hearts for power and strength alone, even for a good cause is wrong. They have to take as many hearts as it takes to almost end all worlds. That power, in the hands of someone who lacks any sense of value, is NEVER a good idea. By the way, heart power is you life. Emotions come from the mind, and the soul controls will. The heart sustains all of that. Like a computer. Brain=Operating System Heart=Power Source Soul=Components So they are essentially zombies.
  6. [nice only you need to reedit this for errors like oprhaned tags. Like that allignment center tag.
  7. OK. ANd I was mainly describing it to you. If you mean it is like Mafia Wars, then yes it is. When I figured out that you were the only one listening, I realized no one was coming.
  8. No you can't review a game without playing it or reviewing it. It makes no sense. You can't judge it BECAUSE NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT IS ABOUT. Also we wouldn't mind long replies as long as you punctuate. I thought that was in the Terms of Agreement...
  9. Well let me spell it out better. The real purpose of this thread is to attract people who want to play the game, then see if I can recruit them for the Keyblade Village, as we get invaded and pillaged EVERYDAY. It's again, loosely based on Naruto. You do missions and collect things and sometimes your characters level up. The most basic one for this is Billy/Naruto. He reaches Level 2 and 3 by going on a certain mission with him in your party. At th higher levels he can get more bonuses for being on a team with others and the Love Triangle bonuses can only be gained when one of the supporting characters[Pinky/Sakura] starts to take a shine to him as well as [stalkergirl/Hinata] did. Then it gets even stronger when all three of them get to their final level, 3. Plus, when you get to a certain rank, you can go back to Genin and enter Season and keep looping from there, like a New Game Plus.
  10. They were thinking they can sell with this. OH NOES A NINTNEDO GAME!!!!!!111 Ignoring Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days And if that's not it HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN'T GET IT THROUGH THEIR HEADS!? 3-D does not mean POP OUT GRAPHICS IT MEANS THREE DIMMENSIONAL. Sora and the crew won't have pop-out visuals, it's just that that is a TENTATIVE title. It was called that when it was invented because you saw things as if they were lifelike and in three dimmensions instead of a 2-D animation. Like how the two Shin Megami Tensei games for the 3DS have been announced with stock titles that only tell you it will be a game from a certain series and nothing more. When they remade Persona for the PSP, they called it Shin Megami Tensei: Persona instead of Persona, in the USA. Kid Icarus Uprising's Project name was Project Sora. TENTATIVE TITLE. Also, be clear on what is a horrible idea before you post. You don't know how many people come on this thread saying things like "I thought re:coded was for the 3DS" or something. I'm sorry if I am being too rude with you but you need to say at least what you meant by a bad idea. You saw by the screenshots and stuff, the reason why all these games are being developed is because It takes a powerful processor to work 3D like that. One that can be used on a system like a PSP or a Gamecube. So big names like Konami can start producing more games with better graphics and otherwise.
  11. Have you tried it? I feel a little happier about myself every time I go here for more stamina and donation. The Hunger Site, FREE instant donations.
  12. There is a great browser based MMORPG out right now called Billy VS Snakeman. Loosely based of Naruto, you join a village HINT:[The Village Hidden in Kingdom Hearts, the Keyblade Village only has 18 members. PLEASE HELP US! We, like all other fresh meat villages, get invaded at least 2 times a day.], learn the basics of the game, and once you finish your tutorial stage and reach Genin, you get the ability to change your picture. You can see all your favorites from many Shonen Jump series characters with hilariously original names like Billy[Naruto], Emosuke[sasuke], and Flipper[iruka]! Please join. [The main purpose of this message is to aid the Keyblade Village.] http://www.animecubed.com/billy/ Also, you get free bonus stamina for viewing the video page and watchingg certain trailers, viewing the front page in the next five minutes[of reaching the code screen], and donating food from the hunger site by clicking a link that adds to donation supporters. 1 click=a cup[8 fl oz?] of food.
  13. It would be a horrible idea. For starters, Sora is a character who has too many moves so it would be best if his lineup was like this: B:Thunder VB:Fire from KH, the barrier kind <>B:Blizzard ^B:Aerial Recovery to Glide Final Smash:Trinity Limit.
  14. But the 3DS IS a new system, much like the GBC was to the GB, a succesor.
  15. Whine whine, moan moan, complain complain. Nintendo systems are the MOST affordable actually. HOW in all of WTF can you possibly say that XBOBX360 is a remake of XBOX? They're completely different consoles! That's like saying a Game Boy Advance is just a remake of a Game Boy Color. It makes no flippin' sense. And now the 3DS has a better graphics and power processor so it can handle "hardcore" games well too. Also now you can see the bullet fly into your face now. YEAH
  16. So the game can cover less than one month? Yeah right. From Day 7 which is around the end of Sora's journey to 35 about when Castle Oblivion was begining.
  17. Kingdom Hearts 3DS WOOT. I have a screenshot for you all. And before you ask I WAS NOT AT E3. Ever heard of a DSi? http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=12362&id=100000486787655&l=350b2656a0
  18. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=12362&id=100000486787655&l=350b2656a0 That is all.
  19. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=12362&id=100000486787655&l=350b2656a0 That is all.
  20. Who freakin' cares about the voice acting? All you people do is complain. Aqua:Odd. Terra:Odd. Ventus:Perfect. CONSIDERING WHO HE IS IT MAKES SENSE HE'D SOUND LIKE ROXAS.
  21. I want to say that I don't think at all that this is Coded so I wish that people would stop saying that. Also, THIS GAME IS NOT A REMAKE. IT WAS STATED THAT THEY WERE ALL NEW. So, no remakes. Don't get your hopes up. Now I'm going to stick this all up Sony's butt. And that doggy's gonna scream.
  22. Anyone want to make a role play of destroying Viacom?
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