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Everything posted by Patcheresu

  1. I SAY NAY. Because what if the block was abused and also THEY ALREADY HAVE THIS. The mods just don't tell you. Look up a thread that was removed and not deleted. You are blocked from it, I most definitely think. Trust me, if they let the populus command page visits then DC would flip.
  2. Assuming by you they mean OC I would have to say: Larxene and Demyx. Why? Larxene and I(Fire) can cause Friction Burns and use Static Electricity to connect damage. She's also a good front-liner if I was to support her with spellcasting, I'd only get in the way trying to hit the enemy frontlines. Demyx and I are done with similar consideration. He's water, I'm fire. Together we make vapor, and vapor means cover. Especially when one such as I likes to stack Tentaroofoo(Confusion) Grenades. Also, vapor can be controlled by him and since I'm not as smart or as cunning as Demyx he could more easily find a way to make the fog right where he wants it. Plus he is good for distracting moves and tactics such as his Spread-ish technique that comes from the ground. Those two together can work side by side and they could combo with a mealstorn technique. I mean really? Also, I could pitch in a Garudyne (Offensive 3rd level [-aga] wind attack) Stone/Grenades or have Pixie use Garudyne. So it would really be maelstorm of thunder and water. And that'd be awesome. Like Mythical Space Typhoon awesome.
  3. You have to admit Sora would indeed mop the floor with most of the people listed here and the only reason I picked Yukari is because it'd be too much fun to watch Sora try to warp snipe so many bullets that the System Requirements are a lie. Your computer cannot handle the combination of the source, data, danmaku, and the music blasting all at the same time. Mainly the danmaku. Search danmaku in google in order to understand where I'm coming from. If he actually took his powers seriously, practically no one can get in his way. Plus Souji Seta is my favorite "The Hero" of JRPGs. Why? His adventure was full of such humor and seriousness at the right times that the game even tells you your a horrible person if you take advantage of the "Sunday Date" system to cheat on girls. In order to help the plot, the girls in your party are upset but not as upset as the NPC girls. Get it, because that's all the Karma you're getting for sticking your neck out and saving people who you do not know that well and never have the gall to except that they have problems. (The Sunday Date system is a system set up to relieve the difficulties of having friendships and romantics with girls that was in Persona 3 and its remakes. The only time you can be caught cheating [pick romantic route for more than one girl] is if you double-book or by the luck factor the two meet each other and figure out what's going on on a Sunday. It even makes jokes with you like sending you to your room immediately as punishment for eating your cousin's science project, a pot of grass. Not your Uncle or Nanako THE GAME sends you to your room. That means you just missed a chance for your past-time job Social Links. But its okay because unlike the protagonist of the past game and his female counterpart, he can choose whether to be friends or otherwise. Possibly the most obvious one is Chie Satonaka's Link where around the 5th or 6th event you have two options in a speech. The bottom is "Be my girlfriend." can you guess which one is for romance? Some of Souji's Personae are just too hilarious. I mean really, Mara! Souji's dark side can be represented by a penis-shaped demon who's name means Penis. Penis the Penis-shaped demon. Its moveset includes gems like: Power Charge And it can also inherit moves like Heat Riser. Persona 3 went all-out with that joke by making Mara shoot arrows out it's...mouth?
  4. And by the way, out of those last few, I have no idea the story of .hack but Big Boss is way to stealthy for Sora to beat. Vincent on the other hand, shall get his ass whupped. Let me clarify what I mean by Sora. ALL OF Sora's keyblade mastery AND KEYCHAINS Roxas's set of moves Xion's set of moves Aqua's set of moves Namine's cunning Kairi's hope and Ventus's set of moves NO ONE can say that they can win because they have more forms as Sora can form Master Form AND Final Form by himself with this much keys. If he forms a bond with Riku he'll be able to ride a keyblade into your skull, think about it. HE'S SURFING ON A BIG SWORD THAT'S HEADED STRAIGHT FOR YOUR BRAIN, IN AIR. I think it's safe to say that he can beat some .hack kid.
  5. ...This has turned from "Debate who would win against Sora" ino "Mah favorite characters would win cause they awesome and have one particular favorite move" AND WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT FINAL FANTASY CHARACTERS!
  6. Dude, there is no wai. Just admit that Final Fantasy VII can be emulated on anything since the Gamecube.
  7. You can't beat the creator. And everyone knows from 358/2 Days that since Roxas is fail at sneaking, he must have INHERITED fail stealth.
  8. yeah, if he tried to hit him with the chainsaw that would be true, but what about just shooting him he could also throw grenades and im sure that he'd have other weapons like a sniper rifle or the torque bow He's a human. If you ever played Gears of War you'd know that he'll go down fast. Once again for Sora's defense, Sora will have his hands full, but Reaction Commands dictate that if physical contact could be acquired to manipulate the enemiy's movements, it can happen. With Ed? Counter him twice then nail him upside the head. I do believe that Edward Elric is a match for Sora. But think about it. This forum is getting fun.
  9. Aaand there's our PS3 fanboy~ I'm just teasing but you really should be more open to this. ANY platform, Wii, XBOX360, PS3 or 3DS can take Final Fantasy VII.
  10. ...Aaron failed to capture the point. He is a sword master who learns and easily commands several powers within him. He can beat ANYONE with a key. A jagged, sharp edged key that resembles a sword, BECUASE FOR THE LAST TIME when I say Ultimate Sora, do you think I mean the KINGDOM KEY? NO. Chainsaw against magic. I highly doubt a close-range weapon armed by a human would be enough to stop him but me and Keyblader are just joking. Actually, rho, Sora would run away, shocked that someone had the gall to cuss him out. He would win. Mah niggaz. PS:I'm actually a black guy. Check my picture on Facebook [Quinn Holt or facebook.com/Patcheresu].
  11. Yukari Yakumo of Touhou VS Sora. Yukari would win. Let me describe the kind of evil this woman is by her Bonus Boss Battle. Her game in the Touhou has Easy Medium Hard and Lunatic mode in a game that's defining gameplay characteristic is that takes Daigo on crack in order to survive Level 2 on Hard mode. And to get to her you have to beat the game on Normal or Higher without getting a continue and have captured 60 spells or whatever then AFTER the EX Boss, you get to the PHANTASM BOSS which is her. Apparently Touhou is scientifically proven to be too much for your eyes sometimes. And she just has patience problems. Once she decides to go after you there is no escape. Her power is dimmensional boundaries. So if you teleport away she can just utilize the transport spell or device you just did with her pocket portal called "Yukari's Gap". She is known for accessing Japan and stealing modern conviences. Yeah, if her song Necrofantasia wasn't a hint, you're buttfiretrucked. Plus, LIKE EVERY BOSS she is a spammer. The main power of everyone in the realm is shooting colorful glowing balls of heat that are called bullets because of their speed not that their hands are secretly machine guns. And she might as well have attached 5 extra machine gun limbs and held two machine guns in her hands. That are modded to sit on rotating fan stands so you have to dodge SPREADS of bullets. A Firagun bangle won't help him. Yes. Remember, this is ultimate Sora. THE KEYBLADE IS NOT THE KINGDOM KEY. It is the Hero's/Winner's Crest or whatever you think is his best weapon. I think we all learned from Xigbar what Sora does to gunners. He can just fry the weapon with Thundaga. I suggested Souji for another reason:He's a diversified character just like Sora. He's balanced, he's epic, and apparently he's more of a man than most of us. At his prime he can do this: 1. He can cook and handle an entire day care's worth of kids. [it's all for the sake of the Social Links and equipment right? This game is supposed to be realistic on the Japanese side of things so Kunai cost as much as Kunai would. Let's see YOU try to find spiked gloves at Wal-Mart prices for a stupid bear.] 2. He never complains. 3.He's so manly he can scream MARA! knowing full well he just summoned a demon that can be best described by the phrase "penis riding a chariot". 4. Yosuke uses his knives, Chie uses her feet, Yukiko uses her metal-laced fans, Kanji uses a blunt instrument, Teddie uses portable claws, Naoto uses her revolver. But Souji goes Chuck Norris, and instead of using his longsword, breaks the Glass Card his Personae are in WITH HIS BARE HAND CLENCHING IT. But back to your guy, I like your enthusiasm. But if I deem fit I will defend Mr. yagam'I. I call him that because it symbolizes the subtle hint that there is no true way to determine his sexuality and the waythe fandom seems to guess for teh lulz.
  12. I think Ichigo will have his hands full. 1. Apparently when he stops being a whiny cunt he can do something. Until then he might as well be the bouncy ball Sora entertains people with. You know they will laugh. 2. I mean Sora at he best power we know of him. That means he has the powers of Sora, Vanitas, Roxas, Namine, Kairi, Aqua, Ventus, and Xion all in his soul. I'm pretty sure NOTHING can compare to SORA going ONE WINGED ANGEL. The reason why I said Souji is because when he has to fight his assistant Margaret near the end of the game and you accept her fight, the party's scanner realized before you do that your buttfiretrucked. She fears for your life as if this was as stupid an idea as practicing a Peach Bomber when your butt is headed for a meat grinder. I think she follows a pattern but if you put up a Persona that has ANY higher defense towards that move than Neutral SHE'LL HIT YOU WITH 9999 damage. Souji's HP capped around 600 I think. Plus she still has highest teir moves. 3. Seriously I lost faith in Bleach for a while. Have you ever seen a girl get an epic fight in the HUGE Hueco Mundo Arc ever? When Nel was about to get some sweet revenge on Nnoitora Tite decided girls don't get epic finishers and she conveniently lost all her power again. FOR KENPACHI to do it. KENPACHI. The guy who would have fought ANY Espada as long as he gets someone who's not a wimp. And apparently someone needs to put an AMV of Hueco Mundo Aizen and put the song to "Can't Touch Me". 4. Ichigo gets rare, awesome badass. But other than that sure he's great enough to be a captain but if he beat Kenpachi before getting his Bankai then explain how Kenpachi easily withstood enemies who oneupped Ichigo as if they were pudding. Apparently they ran out of excuses for him to get primed at the end of each arc and finally do some damage and just had him just be badass for one fight. In the Bount Arc he suddenly was a better match than Kyouya or whatever that guy was. Then he sucked again. I just don't get it but Ichigo at his prime could be a worthy opponent for a Golden Crowned Sora.
  13. I'm suprised no PS Fanboys have showed up screaming how if they do it then They Changed It Now It Sucks. If the 3DS can handle a Disney MOVIE, shown in theaters, then it can handle a polygonal PSX game with one step higher music than an MIDI synthesizer. It has more stats then the Wii. That means more RAM and a more powerful processor. It needs a processor so powerful THAT IT CAPTURES EVERY FRAME TWICE [One for each eye] when 3D is involved. Since 3D isn't needed for this and only 2D power is required, then I think this is MORE than enough power. And if memory is the problem, Final Fantasy VII takes up about 3-4 GB, the cartridges can take 4+ GB. Nowadays you could put Final Fantasy 7 on an MicroSD card. That you bought at Wal-Mart, for 20 American dollars or 2500 yen. There is no reason why this can fail. Buttons aren't an excuse given the D-Pad and the Slider.
  14. Pit someone from fiction against Sora and tell us who would win. Remember to be calm about this. And try to be reasonable. This is supposed to help people learn about other media than Kingdom Hearts. For evenly matched purposes, character's are all at highest level and given best equipment for the situation. Please, no OCs. Please, pick characters not from Final Fantasy. I'll start with the common format. It can be anyone from Kingdom Hearts. Anyone who is in a Kingdom Hearts game can do it. Sora of Kingdom Hearts VS Souji Seta/The Main Character/Protagonist of Persona 4. Wiki article, if necessary, should be found. Otherwise optional.[That's what Google's for, right?] Article at the Shin Megami Tensei wiki. Souji would win because of his overall diversity. The thread's prerequisite of an ultimate character has Souji being able to choose the best Persona to combat Sora's widespread Mary Sue keyblade powers. [i'm JOKING but you gotta admit having a Keyblade does severely lower some playing fields.] If Sora doesn't bring a ring or bangle that has some strength against Darkness, Souji can win in ONE TURN with Alice. Yes, Alice and Wonderland Alice. With the 100% Kill rate Death spell, Die For Me! Any arguments or can we move on to the next person's argument? PS: Souji's the Second-year[11th Grader] staring at his cousin Nanako get excited over a Junes commercial in my signature. She loves the jingle. "Everyday's great at your Junes!" And to get things from getting to hectic, qoute the above who would win instead of freely replying in case someone uploads another and WTFs at the statement you just too lately replied.
  15. AB:I wish I was cool, I am a bit rational, I am undesicive and critical, though.
  16. Indeed. I doubt anyone gets my signature joke, though.
  17. Dear complainers: THe 3DS CAN play movies. The 3DS has the same quality graphics that a PSP can deliver. Not everything is in 3D. THat is just a feature. Seriously, WTF? Power and graphics. That is why people are bringing new software to the DS. POWER AND GRAPHICS. Seeing a bullet fly at you is just the added bonus. And the Kid Icarus trailer is BOGUS. Nintendo released the REAL trailer at a download site that had 3DS graphics. They made a CG trailer for it. THat's not what the official graphics look like. At least we get something better than a faceless needle-haired Roxas. Roxas, that's a stick. LOL.
  18. So? I can wait. Epicness takes time so shut up and play something else.
  19. Do any of you realize that he actually HATES being Edward and thinks of Twilight as some fat Mormon's wet dreams? And the least you can do for the poor contract-binded sap is call him ROBERT PATTERSON. I'm sure he's watching his own performance for teh lulz. And do you realize that Kingdom Hearts yaoi fangirls are stereotypically WORSE, as no gay man really is like that? And since most yaoi fanfiction writers DO NOT know what gays are actually like, they just make one of them like a girl. AkuRoku? Roxas might as well be diagnosed for PMS in some of these horribly thought out pieces. The main way I tolerate yaoi is if it's a joke. And shown like two gays in an actual relationship. Yes, I am straight.
  20. A warning to anyone who qoutes this: THE GAME DOES NOT HAVE TO BE IN 3D. THE ONLY THING THAT NEEDS TO BE IN 3D ARE THINGS THAT GO DIRECTLY TOWARDS YOU. The 3DS has to have a meaty processor in order to handle it so it basically has the power of the PSP now. Seen what 358/2 Days did with DS limitations? What could a 3DS game be with higher limitations! Looking as good as Birth by Sleep.
  21. DON'T FLOPPY MY COPY. Inside joke, everybody, I got it from youtube in a conversation with SoraKing3 right before this thread was up.
  22. In March I was told of the infamous CarnageTrainCosmic. I came on to be able to comment on the forums and utilize the chat bar, initially. I was right in that this site is pretty good.
  23. Dude seriously. Lag MY ASS. I'm in a Firefox Portable[My slowest browser] with a 996MHz processor. I'm currently riding a dinsosaur that was given the magic of and seen how it deals with it. NOT WELL. Do you really think that teeny tiney less than 200 KB PICTURES can stop a computer running WINDOWS 2000. And pretty much everyone on this site has XP/Vista/7. Including me.
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