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Everything posted by RoxasStalker

  1. I believe I just died a little. Thanks for that.
  2. I don't really think it would happen, but I think it would kinda be funny if Riku and Josh met. Could you imagine how pissed Riku would get cause of Josh's sarcasm?
  3. Quick! Someone name it!! I'm really bored, don't judge me
  4. ROFL! I was laughing the whole time!
  5. Lol, I got bored of looking at it after, like, 2 seconds, so I scrolled down. When I scrolled back up he was smiling and I was like"WTF O_O"
  6. Why are you never on when I am? D:

  7. Okay,so I got re:Coded(finaly) and I was wondering about a few things: A) Are there secret reports of any kind? If so, how do I get them? B)How do you get the secret ending? I'm guessing it's not the same old "beat the game on proud mode" thing since you can change difficutly. C)What the fudge did Mickey mean by "I know, because I was here too. It's time for the truth" Here's the vid: (near the end, if you don't feel like watching it all) I don't seem to remember Mickey being with Sora at this point in Kingdom Hearts 1...
  8. Lol, I was just thinking about this the other day. irl, I'm the calm, loner type that spends lunch breaks alone (when I was in school at least). I'm pretty hard to annoy, but when I get mad, I get really mad and people tend to get hurt c: So I'm basicaly a pissy ninja.
  9. @VENROXAS, Thanks for making a thread, dude, I always feel guilty if I leave somewhere without giving notice, even online. (God, I'm a nerd) @Severe, That was just a side activity c: @Kinode, I actually managed to put a hole in my ear canal, hurt like a bitch, but not too serious. It was more that the pain killers I was on made me dopy, so if I went on I'd probably post crap like "cookies smell like pengiunes!!!" and such. @Everyone, Thanks for caring about my being gone, it makes me feel loved
  10. I cracked up at mine, I love it! Thanks, bro.
  11. I choose ice-cream, but I honestly prefere cookies C:
  12. I cracked up at the one of Sora . I demand one, btw. If you have the time
  13. I've never played the first game myself, I went over to a friends house once and we watched her older brother play the entire game. I thought it was awesome! I know the story, so I was thinking of getting Portal 2. (or just watching a walkthrough online or something)
  14. D: Xion's greatest secret has been reveiled! I hate yoai, too. But I have to say I did find this amusing.
  15. Fuuuu, the dino shiz bows before me!

  16. Yeah, I know what you mean. When I watched the first one I was hugely disappointed, and I never finished the second. But I'll try watching this one .
  17. I'm saying "Hello" to myself, because I'm that freaking awesome.

  18. I was just being bored on YouTube, and look at what I found! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg3cAiCmdG8 I am sooo watching this when it comes out!! I normaly don't watch the Naruto movies, but this one just looks too awesome not too watch. EDIT: Sorry about having to click the link, the thing didn't work, maybe cause of the new site setup. Mod: FIXED!!
  19. Pie!<3

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Naroco



    3. RoxasStalker


      Lol, I feel so popular.

    4. Naroco


      U r DUHHHHHHH :P

  20. Haha it is kinda anime like. Looks interesting, maybe I'll get it.
  21. I hate it when a spoiled kid complains.
  22. My god, I'm so sorry to hear that! I can't blame you for being shaken up, I'd be freaking out if I were you. Hopefuly, this never happens again, I've never even heard of this kinda stuff happening in schools before.
  23. ...What the hell did I just wintness?
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