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Everything posted by jeels

  1. I think the difference here is one of us don't use the other's forum to link to their site. If you are using our stuff, you credit us. We've been noticing that you guys have been mooching stuff from us all night which is rather disgusting, but that stuff isn't stuff our staff wrote or generated, so we can't force you to credit us (plus proving this accusation is another complete mess). But our demo impressions are OUR write ups, and it is only fair that you source when you take something like that. Also, Skasgard is no longer working with us. (On good terms of course, she has other things to attend to.) When you produce content that is your own, we will gladly source you. But we do remove news items we consider to be advertisements on our forums. We'd expect the same level of tolerance here.
  2. Hey DCuich, can you provide a source for our game play impressions instead of copy/pasting, thanks!
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