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Everything posted by JTD95

  1. Maybe, I don't think so though... Xehanort was from Destiny Island but left when I was in his teens. When Riku and Sora was born, Master Xehanort had become extremely old.
  2. We couldn't change the Keyblade in Chain of Memories, it's remake or in the original KH Coded. Most likely we'll be able to change the Keyblades, but we don't know it for sure yet...
  3. Most likely not... KH1 and BBS are the only games that had extra stuffs in the US/EU version. But both those games got Final Mixes released in Japan with the the extra content from the US/EU versions and even more stuff. If Re:coded were to get extra stuff in the US/EU versions then it would be released a Final Mix in Japan. And Re:Coded isn't a big game like KH1, KH2 and BBS was so again I really doubt they would make a Final Mix out of Re:Coded. Plus, if Re:Coded got a Final Mix people would ask why they didn't give Days one... Also, why make a Final Mix of a game that is also a remake. KH Re:Coded Final Mix? No, just no. Another thing, I know the question wasn't if Re:Coded were to get a Final Mix or not, but if the US/EU version would get extra content. But the reason I talked so much about a Re:Coded Final Mix is because when ever a KH game gets extra content released outside of Japan it will lead to a Final Mix.
  4. They're ready to infiltrate Ansem the Wise castle.
  5. Age very slowly in the Realm of Darkness, that's why she hasn't changed...
  6. Mickey got the Kingdom Key D in the Realm of Darkness.
  7. Because he wanted to see for himself what would happen after it or something like that...
  8. What's not to understand? They gave them high-quality faces instead of those Flat-Faces they originally had.
  9. KH1 is my favorite KH game. BBS is good and possibly better than KH2, but nothing beats KH1
  10. It's not xion but Master Eraqus in full armor. And Ventus/Roxas, use the edit button if you have anything more to say. Don't double post or in this case quadruple post...
  11. The Organization coat is meant to protect the person who wears it from darkness when traveling through Dark Corridors. The reason why Sora, Kairi and Pluto weren't affect by the darkness was because they wasn't there for a long time while the Organization constantly uses them.
  12. But Master Xehanort said people like Terra don't have the power to steal hearts. Then Braig response with,"You mean, his not the one who stole her heart?" Yes we do see Terra stealing it but MX is hinting to that it wasn't Terra, so yeah...
  13. I'm looking forward to this game and as you said, it looks interesting. But to be honest, I barely understood what was going on in those videos...
  14. The Re:Coded site has updated today with some new videos and some other stuff. To see this go here: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/kingdom/recoded/
  15. Here you go: http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Unversed
  16. You forgot to mention that he has moves from Ansem SoD, Vanitas and Sora...
  17. No... You don't have to be a Keyblade master in order to summon a Keyblade...
  18. I had to go from store to store in order to find a place where Birth By Sleep hadn't been sold out. After a while I finally found one though... Didn't know Kingdom Hearts were so popular where I live...
  19. I know they are not new and never told, just put them on, because they have better quality Not really The exact same scans has been posted before...
  20. Looks like NA actually is going to finish this site.
  21. Ansem the Wise is voiced by Christopher Lee in KH2 and 358/2 Days. While in Re:Chain of Memories and Birth By Sleep Ansem the Wise is voiced by Corey Burton.
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