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Everything posted by JTD95

  1. They managed to transform KH1 Hollow Bastion into the KH2 version within just a year. Leon and co are already incredible fast.
  2. Yeah that video sucks but more advertising is good. I wouldn't mind if a commercial were to appear on Disney Channel.
  3. As I've understood it. Young Xehanort at that time could not wield a Keyblade. The person we're fighting in KH3D is Master Xehanort possessing his younger self. Mickey cast a spell to freeze all the Organization members. Moments after Master Xehanort finally emerged and possessed his younger self hence why he was able to move despite Mickey's spell.
  4. And how do we know Xehanort won't have twist in his plan? Ozai was present throughout the third season. He began appearing in the later acts of the Avatar series, much like how Xehanort didn't appear until a few games into the series.
  5. That's got to be the best cosplay I've seen so far. Extremely well done!
  6. KH 2.5 almost got a worldwide release. Only two months apart. That's the closest release any Kingdom Hearts game has had so far. I see them heading towards a direction that will lead to more worldwide releases. Also, dubbing and lip syncing isn't really a problem, if only the production on the English version began sooner than it usually does.
  7. I know. But that's not the point anymore. As things are as they are now, all events in the KH universe up until now has been set in motion by that old goat.
  8. Having Master Xehanort as the final boss might be predictable but it makes sense. I'd rather have that than some last minute asshole being behind all of it. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, throughout the entire series we knew Fire Lord Ozai would the final boss, and knowing that didn't ruin the story at all. A story shouldn't be predictable because then things would get boring. But it just seize being predictable on some occasions. If you have to many twists and turns you'll get a M.Night Shamalamadingdong story. Edit: Also, we still haven't seen enough of Xehanort as he was during his time as Ansem's apprentice. I still find it weird that he didn't return in KH3D. When Ansem and Xemnas was defeated Apprentice Xehanort is the version that should have returned. Oh well, they'll probably explain that later.
  9. I'm not familiar with the Zelda franchise but doesn't Link always have sword?
  10. Loved Atlantica in KH1, was disappointed by its appearance in KH2, but I'm open for a return similar to that of KH1. I also quite enjoyed the water level from the first Ratchet and Clank game in Blackwater City.
  11. MMD should be illegal. No one should be allowed to use it. Period.
  12. No. The renders are different sizes therefor making it look like he's taller. The first image of young Sora is way to large for an example. Same goes for the last one.
  13. If Xbox owners buy a game called Kingdom Hearts III and don't bother checking out the earlier games, then that's on them.
  14. As Sora96 said, that's the purpose of the HD collections. Also KH3D had its Mementos feature which summarized the whole series up until then. KH3 shouldn't have anything else but an opening sequence -- like all the previous games -- to sums up story. It shouldn't drag on to recap anymore after that. They've recapped enough. If people haven't played all the games or done their research then that's their problem.
  15. Those places are beautiful! I really want to go there now. Also, those Twilight Town images reminds of how beautiful that place was in Chain of Memories with all its window-pot flowers. Shame they didn't use more of those around the town in KH2.
  16. I'm kind of curious on how long the next sagas will be and how many there will be. Will next ones be just as long as the Xehanort Saga? If not then in my personal opinion that will feel unbalanced if the new sagas are significantly shorter, but if they are just as long then the series will be dragging on for quite some time. As much as I love the series, and it will be hard to let it go, I want it to end with the third one. New protagonist could be refreshing but, I think the best thing is to just end it with the next game. "Out with the old and brittle vessel, and in with a younger, stronger new one!" - Master Xehanort
  17. No they haven't directly said it but it's pretty obvious that he isn't. If he was their master we would have known it by now. And if he does turn our to be their master, why did it take so long for the games to reveal that? What is there to gain from it? What do they accomplish with waiting so long with revealing that Yen Sid was their master? Nothing. A ridiculous unneeded twist is all they accomplish. Wouldn't it have made sense for him to at one point when talking to Sora and Riku to mention that "oh hey, you know that dude Master Xehanort, the insanely powerful Keyblade master? Yeah, I trained him". There is nothing that indicates that he was their master, and the game would not benefit from making it so in the future.
  18. Absolutely nothing indicates that he was their master. Yen Sid most likely trained alongside them. Either under the same master or someone else. Eraqus refers to Yen Sid as an old friend, not "my master" and such. If Yen Sid was their master we'd know it by know. Withholding such information to create a twist later on would be stupid.
  19. Yes, they're basically the same scene. The scene at the end of KH2 has Sora and Riku talking when suddenly interrupted by Kairi who's acquired an urgent letter from Mickey. The scene at the end of KH coded continues the scene and reveals what was written in the letter. After this -- not quite sure how long after but whatever -- comes the scene with Sora, Riku and Kairi at Destiny Islands from the secret ending in BbS. Also, for future use of videos I advise you to use the ones in KH13's video archive. Good quality, and individual scenes. Much easier than having to tell us where to go in a much longer video.
  20. Fun Fact: Chikao Ostuka, the voice actor of Master Xehanort, is the father of Akio Otsuka, who voices Terra-Xehanort and Ansem.
  21. Neh, cleavers don't have that part at the end.
  22. Quite neat. The way you delivered your lines as Young Eraqus though sounded extremely a lot like Riku. I'd like to hear you do some Riku fandubbing, 'cause I image you'd be a great Riku.
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