Here is the average life of a weeaboo. Taken from the ED page for 'Wapanese', found here.
Now that we got that over with, here are some other things that describe them:
Watching shitloads of anime definently makes you a weeaboo, in my opinion.
Shitty cosplaying isn't wapanese. Cosplaying all the time is wapanese.
Going online and ordering Japanese foods, like 'bentos and pocky.'
They always call Japan, 'Nippon-desu ^_____________^'.
A weeaboo spends 59% of their time spent in their bedrooms watching anime, reading mangas, cosplaying in front of a mirror, watching hentai while fapping/schlicking, going on Japanese-related forums or chat sites, and obsessing over everything made in Japan. The other 40% is going to conventions. The 1% is what normal people do like eating.