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About KH-fan

  • Birthday 04/04/1996

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  1. Hey, why are you never online anymore? :P miss you if you remember me :/

  2. Hate being in school >.<

    1. Kittenz


      I would like some fries with that please

  3. In school so boring... >.<

  4. I have watched it in 1 year I think^^ It's so cool, but I hate that it is over soon...
  5. Some of my friends know that I'm on KH13, but the rest of them think I'm weird and stupid because I'm a KH and a manga fan so I don't really tell my friends about KH13, and I don't know people in real life that know KH so.... don't tell anyone about KH13..
  6. it would be cool if someone make KH13 in an app to iPhone/iPod like facebook or MSN
  7. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1649322638 mine
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