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Knight of the Light

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  1. I second tht its time we got a little more detailed in the way the female body carries itself. *COUGH* NOT INA "SEXUAL MANNER" OF COURSE... just uhhhhhh..... you know ... realism... Don't blame me I'm a regular 14 year old guy who just says things.
  2. Here this has been going around the net. The Kingdom Hearts Drinking Game. get a Fridge full o' beer and have a case of it on standby. Everytime a character says heart take a sip. Every time Kingdom Hearts is mentioned take 2 sips. Everytime the Door to Darkness is mentioned take a sip. Every time Sora mentions light or darkness take 3 sips. The game is designed to knock you out b4 you even get passed the beginning of KH2 in the middle.
  3. Well I'm OK with Efron as long as there's no singing, Miley Cyrus she's hot but her country-ass voice is not needed. Seth is my dude, i luv Family Guy, Cleveland Show and American Dad, I wud luv to get sum laughs from a KH game.
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