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Everything posted by eentje

  1. I've made a Sora BJD and he's really cute, xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. eentje


      Haha, not entirely, I'm not that skilled (yet)

    3. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      But one day you will be if ya keep trying! ^^

      Best of luck to ya! :D

    4. eentje
  2. Working on a Sora BJD. I hope he'll look as cute as the real one!

  3. I really want them, but I can only buy the French ones here...

  5. I'm kind of bad at math, I geuss, but hey, I'm friendly, so if you need someone to talk to, I'll be here,
  6. Any other Guild Wars 2 players here?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. eentje


      Awesome! I'll pay you a visit, when I have the spare time xP, same goes for you birthbysleep

    3. Geralt
    4. birthbysleep
  7. Invited for the Final Fantasy XIV Beta test!

  8. At school....

  9. ┓┏ 凵 =╱⊿┌┬┐

    1. Weiss



    2. eentje


      Yes! At least one Whovian on KH13!

  10. So, does an Al Bhed has blond hair, or is it more yellowish?

    1. Snow


      I think more yellowish.

    2. eentje


      Okay, Thank you!

  11. Does somebody know a retailer in Kingdom Hearts merchandise for the EU? I would really love to be able to buy som new items, but my retailer stopped selling Kingdom Hearts stuff.

    1. Caity


      Forbidden Planet is an anime and manga shop that also does Game Merchandise, but that's only UK far as I know. Amazon and Ebay would be my best bets for the whole of Europe.

    2. eentje


      Ugh, okay, well, I think I will have to do it with stuff that pops up on Ebay and the Dutch Marketplace website. But thanks for your help. I just kind of hoped that my retailer would have just continued selling mercahandise, but they only have French manga...

  12. Dispicable me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eentje


      But that was only with the minions, right?

    3. khLOVER358/2


      Uhmmm idk i just know they gonna make a part 2

    4. eentje


      Oh, ok, haha

  13. I have enough money for 3 Play arts figures, but I'm not sure if I should buy them or not. Yes or No?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eentje


      Ah, I have a huge collection to be honest... ^_^"

    3. Col.Random


      well if you like collecting stuff so much, then it won't be a waste c:

    4. eentje


      Haha, okay, thanks for your opinion!

  14. Do you feel the love! XDDDDDDDD

  15. To be honest, I'm the most excited about those figures! I really want them!

  16. I wan't them boys! OnO. And is that figure collection full of Sora's?
  17. I've kind of traded KH-Vids for KH13. So i'm less active on KH-Vids now. xP

  18. My headache is finnaly gone! That took me 1 and a half day! Now I'm hungry....

  19. Didn't go to school, I feel ill...

  20. Getting ready for school! Long day ahead. I just wanna be home and play KHII some more! OnO

  21. I recieved my "new" PS2 today. Now I can play KH and KHII again! I'm so happy! <3

    1. Weiss
    2. theultimatesorafan


      Welcome back to some of the kh games in the series.

  22. Sleep, what's that sleep your talking about? *wants to go to sleep real bad!*

  23. I don't think it matters if it wins awards or not. It's not gonna add anything to the quality of the game, so. I would still buy it without those awards...
  24. It's downloading It's downloading! OMG<3 I'm so gonna play this all firetrucking day!
  25. Maybe that's a nice option... Is that even possible?
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