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Everything posted by Vanitas

  1. Im disgusted

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      I thought you were Vanitas o.o

    2. Sora
  2. Well Russia literally has the rest of Europe by the balls as they export so much energy. Highly doubt anything will actually happen.
  3. its like doctor who, the first body is the first incarnation and the second is the first regeneration.
  4. Edit: How to firetruck up a quote "But you're forgetting something very vital. If you take god and reverse it, then you get dog, and dogs bark, and bark is on trees, and trees have green leaves, and green is a color, and red is also a color, and fire is red (except for when it's dark), and fire burns things, and fires are put out with fire extinguishers, and fire extinguishers have weird chemicals in them and I have no idea where I'm going with this" Half-Life 3 confirmed
  5. Why do people pay 300+ on phones that have Flappy Bird downloaded?
  6. I agree. Kingdom Hearts sucks. The storyline pales in comparison.
  7. There's also the super tedious IV breeding if you want more stats plus EVs.
  8. 1 - EV trained? 2 - Which one are you mega evolving 3 - Moves?
  9. firetruck logarithims

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Math is terrible after the main 4 groups- me and Amber decided as much

    2. Javelin434


      screw everything math related, especially trig xP

    3. Vanitas


      Too bad math is in everything ever :(

  10. I'm sorry, but there are so many mechanical errors.
  11. There was once an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everybody died. The end. Worth it.
  12. Watching SVU and the actor that played River Song is playing a lawyer with the last name of Pond.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lalalablah


      Ok cool I love that show

    3. Vanitas


      Ruining my life, should be doing homework but not : (

    4. Lalalablah


      I feel ya haha, the struggle is real

  13. You've defeated thousands of other sperm cells.
  14. Has a lot of work. Procrastinates. Stays up late and sleep late. Complain.

    1. Anonn0000


      At least you're honist about your life woes lol

  15. I'm doing my homework like a deficit

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Homework? D: I'm so sorry >.<

  16. Lucky streak of snow days over. Hello 6 AM.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Really? O.O That's awesome! 8D Snow days are the best days! ^^

    3. Vanitas


      That was the fourth one in a row. Heres hoping for pretty much an extra week of winter break.

    4. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Here's hoping! >.<

  17. I punched myself in the eye while i was sleeping.

    1. Kirie


      ouch, you okay?

  18. The head is real They're not related and the head is real.
  19. What are the odds someone has a ditto safari?

  20. Only solution to Geometry Final.... Be on computer and not study

    1. Junko


      Heyyy I took that today.

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