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Everything posted by ventus!aqua!terra!

  1. http://na.square-enix.com/khbbs/ OMG! They have English gameplay vids which shows Terra, Aqua and Vens English voices!
  2. Meanwhile on top of the building Hydrix and Flame were trying to fend of the enemies while protecting Atoli. But Hydrix insisted that Flame will have to take Atoli down the building, she said" You'd better get her out of here now, I'll fend em off myself!"
  3. If you can still create a character in this thread, guess I can give it a shot. Name:Hydrix Age:18 Keyblade:Equilibrium Role:another protoganist Attitude:Calm, Funny at times, and is really considerate, and never lets anyone mess with her or her friends. other stuff:she looks like Aqua, but with darker blue and long hair and amber-like eyes. Hydrix suddenly appeared to Flame and Atoli via running up a building and said "You two better get outta here,it's not safe." (pls continue story)
  4. Hydrix walked up to them and said"what are you guys doing here?"
  5. Name:Hydrix Age:18 Appearance:She's like Aqua, but with darker and longer blue hair and amber eyes. Attitude:Calm, Funny, considerate and never lets anyone mess with her and her friends.
  6. If you are refering to this enemy its called a mandrake oh ok! thanks for the heads up!
  7. IMO those green plant thingies that shoot "aero" at you. They always interrupt my commands!
  8. It sounded poorly recorded because of the poor quality of the video. Other than that she sounded great!
  9. thats just a placeholder date, don't believe any dates until square confirms something.
  10. Aqua's still around, which is a relief!
  11. thanks man i mean roxas is the oblivion wielder,thanks!
  12. yo, may i ask for one? one guy fighting with oblivion and another fighting with oathkeeper.The one fighting with oblivion claims oathkeeper , and kills the guy.Think u can do that?tnx if u can! oh and have my name pop up also please ^_^ mod edit: Please do not double post, if you need to add anything else to say, then please do by editing one of your previous posts.
  13. i started posting some threads, but i never got to introduce myself.So hi there!I love Kh, i cannot wait for BBS(English).I love to draw and my favorite character in Kh is Aqua,she's pretty and badass at the same time!
  14. gets rescued by Sora from the Dark Realm, won't all her years come back to her and won't she get older?Or will she still look the same from BBS?
  15. It really shouldn't take square THAT long. It'll probably be out BEFORE E3,but who knows?
  16. IMO, Sephiroth pwned me(I haven't played FM for KH 2 but I heard the Lingering Sentiment was hard as hell).Feel free to post hard bosses that you've faced that aren't in the poll^_^
  17. IMO:Having to fight that giant Ursula, Singing in Atlantica, and that guy who's saying "y'know" all the damn time!
  18. http://www.rpgamer.com/games/kh/khbbs/screens/khbbs71.jpg http://www.rpgamer.com/games/kh/khbbs/screens/khbbs72.jpg woot, english pic of Aqua's battle system!
  19. http://www.kingdomheartsbbs.com/ Well I'd say its better than the NA site cause it has the english pictures there instead of those cheap, non-subtitled pictures the NA one has.
  20. Actually, Josh Keaton has recently confirmed his role as young Hercules in the English version, it's on his personal website.
  21. wtf!?that's too damn long!I hope that it's just a foul rumor, cause I can't wait that long!
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