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Everything posted by yoyorastio

  1. yea but MF holds the blades differently than Xemnas so i think it could be Diz/Ansem the Wise too.
  2. trust me it would be impossible to get Kairi a second time with Sora and Riku in the way from after KH2 ended. Sora could let Roxas out and it would be 3 on 1 lol
  3. hmmm... Nobodies dont have hearts so... dont u need a heart to know or enjoy a birthday? besides when Roxas asked Axel if he remembers his memories about being a somebody, and Axel said yes, but it wasnt much use to him anywayz. I guess that since... great now i dont even know what i was saying >,<
  4. Sora: *while summoning* POWER! Sora: *when using a combo finisher* Back Off! Xemnas: Cuuursseeed Foooooolsss!!!!! Xigbar: As If! Riku: You see, you were just a message boy.
  5. VANITAS! he is badassss!!!! one of the evil characters with a badass evil laugh
  6. I always thought that the keychains made the keyblade stronger and connects the keyblade-wielder to the world that he/she has saved.
  7. hmmm a Kairi with an X? Xikari? Rikaix? Rikiax? there can be a couple of possibilities. like Xehanort with out the X.
  8. hmmm cant really tell... my guess was that Xion's appearence to Riku, Axel and Roxas was a mixture of Aqua and Namine's appearence cuz Riku might remember Aqua, Axel should remember Aqua too, Roxas should have a connection to Ven and has Sora's memory of Namine'.
  9. Do Not Like: 1. Larxene (serious bitch towards you no matter who you are) 2. Xemnas (didnt like to play as him) 3. Marluxia (seriously? a dude with pink hair? and have pink rose petals around him?!) 4. Saix (meanzorz) 5. Demyx (just plain lazy) Like: 1. Roxas (awsome) 2. Axel (cool) 3. Xigbar (complicated) 4. Xion (innocent) 5. Lexaeus (strong, limit breaker)
  10. ok... in 358/2 days which mission includes Xigbar seeing Xion as Ven then getting knocked out? Edit: the reason im so shy is because people get too offended by what I normally say, for example I say something about 358/2 days before it even came out and I corrected someone by saying that Xion was created by Namine' and sent to infiltrate the Org. XIII. that was before it came out in japan. and i didnt know much yet and someone thought i was acting as if i thought knew everything and called me an idiot and he typed that a while after it came out in America
  11. yea, having no disney characters would mean no Donald, Goofy or Mickey. adding Disney with FF and making their own story in between was a very awsome idea.
  12. you have to admit, Vanitas' armor looks like the dark heartless suit that Riku wears in KH1
  13. lol forgot to check back here anywayz thnx for the introducing me
  14. yea that is true, fenrir doesnt even look like a key at all yet it can be used to open locks and such like a regular giant kingdom key
  15. when i saw Xion die for the first time i cried and worst of all i was in public and everyone looked at me like i was weird and i told them "Its soo sad. :(" i came close to crying at the end of KH1 though.
  16. i found it while i was searching KH2 AR code vids and i saw the 358/2 days cutscenes, then i looked at Dchuich's profile and found the link.
  17. oh sorry i didnt see the rules yet
  18. riiight so like Xion is pronounced "Shion" and Xigbar would be pronounced... "Zigbar"? im sorry im a memory-less so i dont remember things well mod note; please refrain from double posting C; <3
  19. I want Hollow Bastion, Costumes for Mission mode such as: Aqua for Xion, Ventus for Roxas, Terra for Riku Xehanort for Xemnas, Vanitas for Sora, black&whiteMickey for Mickey, Vivi for Donald, (sorry cant think of any for Goofy) Isa for Saix, Lea for Axel, Ezion for Zexion, Eleaus(or whatever) for Lexaeus, Even for Vexen, Braig for Xigbar. NONE FOR LARXENE. anyone other LARXENE that i missed? (sorry if im being over dramatic with LARXENE though)
  20. technically in 358/2 days Lexaeus uses an "Axe Sword" but eh, Tomato Tomato its pretty much a GIANT Tomahawk... *Off Topic* TONY HAWK! sorry couldnt help it when ever i hear Tomahawk that comes to my head.
  21. yoyorastio


    hey im new to KH13.com :-/ some of u have seen me in a few topics before but now this is my intro... now be introducionalized first one to come here and reply to me i will give that person 1-up Rep
  22. that depends, how do u pronounce their names?
  23. Marluxia... like it says in the Opening for 358/2 days "His pretty face hides his evil motives" it said it not me anywayz i didnt like Vexen neither he is a jerk but it think i hate Larxene more becuz she is a bitch in ReCoM she kept calling me a loser T.T and when u fight her she keeps laughing the laugh gets to ya man it gets to ya!!!
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