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Everything posted by yoyorastio

  1. Besides, You can play regular DS games on the 3DS. Just don't use the 3D part.
  2. I heard that they made Mysterious Figure a bit easier in Final Mix.
  3. I doubt that Riku can have a nobody at the moment... and Kairi's nobody was Namin
  4. also, You'd think that the names of the members of Org. XIII would be a dead give away.
  5. yea, the first one is a joke vid about Re:COM. the second one is a patched version of KH2FM
  6. Ventus was easiest, reversal spamming. Aqua, I had Prism Rain, so it was pretty easy. Terra, Hardest By Far. Final Episode, same as Aqua's due to Prism Rain.
  7. well said my friend, although TVA sounds better than TAV.
  8. With our luck it was probably Nomura's dream. okay, Sora turns evil, and Riku has to "Put an end to him."
  9. I agree, look at MF compared to VS, and LS compared to Sephiroth.
  10. You must be talking about Castlevania 3! Thats the only prequel that does that.
  11. what you just said, NO HEART could just be based off of Xehanort's armor, as i'm sure you are aware of. As for MF... no offense but you just jumped the conclusion horse, on another conclusion horse.
  12. heres what i did, when he starts running to the keyblades, use shotlock Ragnarok, then i kept using counter attacks, Reversal Slash was very effective against Vanitas.
  13. I'm pretty sure that Vanitas was born in The Keyblade Graveyard.
  14. If someone dissappears and does not come back, can't we just say that their dead?
  15. you had me, up till the shotlock ultima cannon.
  16. ho ho ho, trust me if you think the recom was hard, gba com is about twice as hard,
  17. in a sense Vanitas AND Ventus created the X-blade... Kingdom Key is just a part of the X-blade. Sora made the original Kingdom Key because Mickey was around, i think because of the keychain.
  18. anyone else notice a strange bar almost full that goes across the screen of one of the pictures? wonder what that means...
  19. Code Lyoko world would be a new digital world... like Tron was. and Generator Rex would be... kinda hard to put in the game. unless you go to a world with nanites, and gets Bobo as a Summon/D-Link.
  20. Like: Ventus, Roxas and Sora. Dislike: Larxene, Vexen, Marluxia(becuz of his hair)
  21. KH2 = easy and fun BBS = best over-all
  22. hey watch it, he was just asking a question. no need to call him any names. Xemnas can do it because he is Master.
  23. yea but i think he might meant that Axel might have remembered a boy who looked like Roxas (Ven) and that may have been how Axel became quick friends with Roxas. atleast thats what i thought me meant.
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