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  1. it would be dum though it not a side quest its kh3 and sora need to come back sooner or later
  2. roxas looks like ven because when sora turned into a heartless roxas was born but sora turned back and roxas needed a body so roxas copyed a empty body that was ven because ven gave his heart to sora
  3. It really won't be possible to make a keyblade unlease u can fuse 2 keyblades together than thats ok but not really making keyblade is cool but takes to long
  4. i would use the two across the nobody keyblade and oblivion http://images.wikia.com/kingdomhearts/images/b/be/Two_across.png http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4859/23594.jpg
  5. i would use the across the nobody keyblade and oblivion
  6. in kh3 should be a story of all favorite people like sora, roxas, riku, ven, and terra. when u go on sora's it should be harder u should be able to create a form and keyblade in case of a battle. roxas should be about his time befor he meet sora. riku should be about how he controled his darkness. ven terra getting vaveng on xeonort. and all of them help sora fight and save the whole kingdomhearts war, u can even keep the form for as long as the fight ends
  7. new disney people and new people to play as and new clothes
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