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  1. mod edit: unnecessary rude off-topic part of the post was removed. Setzer is from Final Fantasy 6, that's just the way he looks. He has no connection with anyone in kh
  2. everyone in kh just "vanishes" when they "die". i dont think they're still alive
  3. Saix DO look like Isa. After roxas opens the pod, he becomes part of Sora, and that's the bond he has with Axel, Roxas, who was Axel's "best friend". Vivi is from Final Fantasy 9, one of the bests final fantasies, and you haven't played it . those are the answers that comes to my mind right now...
  4. isn't pinocchio's world in coded? maybe you just misread
  5. For God's sake, FINALLY someone realized that what we want is to UNDERSTAND THE DAMN STORY, not watch cutscenes or walkthroughs in japanese. This is what everyone should have done since the game came out, instead of making walkthroughs that we can't understand. Birth by Sleep Subtitled Cutscenes [ENGLISH] http://www.youtube.com/user/strwbrymilk#p/u/22/4iQS7Jyj6CY There are Terra and Ven's cutscenes, Aqua's are still in progress Anyway, enjoy. this is my first post ^^
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