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Everything posted by zexionyxionfolyfe

  1. I was about to get 1 two years ago, and thought of this too. lol, id still like one though
  2. I constantly dream of kingdom heartss. All sorts of dreams. dreams of being sora, riku, a random keyblade master. ive been through all teh scenarios and new ones. if only my real life was like it too X(
  3. i think i named it awesome hehe darn u xray~!
  4. I thought the game was pretty good. Blank Points or whatever, the final video, i loved. Don't expect anything overly spectacular until kh3 though, even though i thought bbs was pretty close.
  5. haha i feel like an idiot but i cant figure it out and my game is used so theres no control guide.
  6. no thats what i mean, how do u switch between the three in your menu, i cant find it out, like i.e. start button ?
  7. So this is gunna sound dumb but i was wondering how to switch between decks 1,2 ,3 while playing re com, i cant find the button ur suppose to press... haha, im sure this is very easy. also i was wondering, after i use a cure spell, does it automatically go away? because when i use them they are always gone and i thought they reloaded. get back to me soon i want to beat this game (haven't played it since 2004 with the original).
  8. you guys... the features arent that much better... just deal with the originalbbs, it was a great game already.
  9. good question.. i cant even afford that.. i really hope not
  10. damn your lucky! im jealous, i need some kh merchandise.I have barely any and have only been playing for like .... how many years ago was it since 1 came out? haha
  11. Wow, after seeing this post, i can honestly relate to someone.
  12. ... jeez, my bad on the spoiler thing then. anyways he always heals before i can get enough damage on him for it to matter. Im stuck.
  13. Im on Proud with aqua trying to beat him. Its not all so hard, if i leveled alot i could probably pull it off but i was wondering if there is a specific strategy that is useful for killing him. thanks.
  14. I just got to terranort and i am really excited to be so close to beat the game. i was just wondering if he heals everytime I heal? and if so, if i use potions will he still heal himself at the same time or is it just because of curaga?
  15. you have to beat sinister sentinel with Terra in order to get xehanort's report 5. Oh thank you, it showed on a different website the other one. after i beat this and get the final report do i then have to beat the last boss again or can i make the final mission save without re-beating it?
  16. I went back and tried to get this report from weaver feaver because it said i needed to, to be able to get the final part, why wont it award it to me when i beat this?
  17. ok... but when i run outa shot lock i just die?
  18. I wasnt aware that u could use shot lock, thank you.
  19. When u get him down to 1 hp, and then you get tel-ported to that other place, how come when i quickly spin the analog stick it doesn't work, and he ends up slapping me in the face? i thought this was the easy part. thanks, tell me if u know what i could b doing wrong.
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