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Everything posted by GaaraxShukakuIScute

  1. You have to beat Vanitas' Lingering Sentiment before you unlock the secret boss.
  2. But them coming back as their somebodies makes no sense! They're hearts were destroyed, and when their nobodies were defeated, their soul was destroyed as well. Seeing as Kingdom Hearts was never completed, they have no new heart, nor do they have their bodies or souls. I don't really think they can come back unless Kingdom Hearts is completed, leaving them to remain in the darkness until then.
  3. Lolz, I actualy just watched this the other day. We had a garage sale at my house and my little brother had a Wild-Kingdom Power Rangers VHS, and we were going to throw it out, but there were all these star stickers all over it. I though that maybe that was important so I popped it in our VHS player and the first thing on the screen was the Kingdom Hearts Commercial. My heart was made whole that day. We didn't give it away either. I'm totaly keeping it forever.
  4. OMG, Yeah! I got one while I was visiting Minnesota. It's so huge I can barely wear it, but it IS toasty. I thought it was so stupid, but I couldn't help myself. I also got a kindom Hearts Fleece blanket. I'm such a nerd...
  5. 0.o *gulp* And he WAS Ansem's adopted son...maybe he was sent off in a gummi ship before it all occured...he could certainly afford one..
  6. Well some of you, I'm looking at YOU Heart_XIII (lol, just kidding) didn't like my other theory, so I'm giving you another (More likely) one. Well, I know nomura said Nobodies don't age, well maybe he meant, like, grow old. Maybe nobodies DO age until they are fully grown, then stop. That explains why most of the nobodies appear to be in their early twentys. It would also explain why others (namely Vexen) appear much (MUCH) older. Since they have already reached maturity, they never grew when they lost their hearts. But Xion, Namine', Roxas, and the point I'm trying to make, ZEXION, all appear to be growing. Xion, Roxas, and Namine' just showed it because we saw them when they were only 14. Zexion was in the organization for 10 years before he was eliminated, so he probably reached maturity depending on how old Nomura made Ienzo. I'm almost positive if we saw a game in which the organization was just starting, Zexion would appear younger as well. Ideas?
  7. "Hello welcome to TacoDarkness, my name is Riku, may I place your order?" "Yeah, I'll have the Mexi Chips and Death dip with a side of flaming hot Darkness." "That'll be 2.95 please pull up to the second window."
  8. Some of you are REALLY close. It was because, with Zexion's status, (presumed to be 4th in power rank) and the importance of the Castle Oblivion mission, when advancements came, he would replace Xaldin, making him 3rd in power. That means that Saix would only be one advancement away from being replaced by him. To insure he kept the power of being Second in command, Saix sent Axel to eliminate the problem before it got to far.
  9. But he's, like, 8 in the Game. That dosen't give a lot of growing room (1 year) until he loses his hearts.o.0
  10. I feel horrible for saying this, but I know everyone wants to know what the heck is up with Ienzo... Well, (Pre-advanced gore/sad warning) maybe his body was so mutilated by the unversed when he lost his heart (gross I know) that in order to become a nobody, he had to have anther body made? And maybe his body was created from his memories, so that's why he's older looking. In a literal sense, Maybe his 'expiriances shaped him'? Ideas? :huh:
  11. I LOVE Lexaeus! I used to hate him, (I don't know why) But now I like him! (And I STILL don't know why!)
  12. I was 7. I saw my cousin playing it on his 14th birthday. And now he's in college. o.0
  13. Yeah i KNow! but no not lexaeus they're not ment for eachother! well in my opinoin Popycock!
  14. Lexause and zexion? *groans* everyone likes that couple! well not everyone I mean he doesnt really talk to zexion When Vexen was the one who raised him! well after ansem died cause ansem was ienzos adopted father Vexen never raised him, and in COM, you see they never really cared for each other, with all the incessant bickering and squabbles that occured. But then Lexaeus always chose Zexion's side, and in the diaries of the members, he says Zexion is the only one he could trust and even apologizes when he dies because he knows Zexion is unprotected now. Sounds like affection to me.
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