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gonald doofy

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  1. this is my personal take on it. terra only performed the rite of succession because he sensed a strong heart in riku and figured riku could already have the strength and ability to weild one. aqua didnt see this in kairi and did it by accident; she never meant to. nomura has said that there are lots of things that determine if you can weild a keyblade. strength of heart is one and i dont think kairi had a strong enough heart to have her own keyblade to herself, which is why shes able to weild one if someone gives it to her (like destiny place given to her by riku) but only then since it isnt her own.
  2. does anyone know where to find what the bosses are in mirage arena? i know theres lots of unversed bosses there that arent anywhere else and supposedly a boss thats just as hard as the secret boss. so id love to know what that boss is or see a video. also, on an unrelated note, anyone know where to find a video of petes funhouse in bbs cause ive heard its a fun or hard part of the game as well
  3. anyone wonder what that line was in japanese? i guess just "oh, you speak japanese!"
  4. i think this was a sort of premonition, as in terra sees that this young boy riku would have the same desire to leave the islands and be turned to darkness like xehanort, but then later would reform and turn into cool, nice riku of kh2
  5. is there any video of the other cutscenes in episode 8? or a playthrough of it? or cutscenes from episode 6 or 7?
  6. i think it would prolly be better to lock on so u know that u dont land on him when u stop gliding. in any case, lock on and glide around, make sure ur far enough away, try to get to cure or a potion while gliding, then do it immediately after landing. i had the same problem when i first played, that cutscene is burned into my head
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