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  1. I have an Xbox with a live account, and do enjoy it a lot for keeping in touch with old high school friends and just playing games like CoD with other people. I don't own a Ps3, but from what I've heard it's a better console but with a crappier network for online play.
  2. Lol no offense taken. We don't have any BBS cutscenes yet, but we will. RE:CoM we have had for awhile now... http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=recomengdubv3 Anyways nice to meet you. ^^ Thanks mate. And yes Mike is a nice guy and a great reporter, I have no regrets having him on my team. =) I believe he is re-opening up his own site later this week as well.
  3. We provide our users with the English cutscenes and boss battles, which we have been doing, even for 358/2 Days?. We are still working on fixing our archive, you see the guy who used to record content for us was also our former site owner, who one day vanished throughout the internet never to be seen again. As for our forums yes, we have one of the most active KH forums around and I'm proud to say our traffic has been quite steady. I don't think "rundown" would be a good way to describe us. Anyways thanks for your welcome.
  4. Greeting members of KH13, I'm Roxasvsriku. Been a Kingdom Hearts fan since the release of KH2, favorite animes are Elfen Lied and Claymore. Uh... I've been an admin over at KH-vids for a few years now, we just recently started to affiliate with KH13 so I figured it would be wise of me to get to know some of the members here. =) Nice to meet you all! -RvR
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