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Everything posted by king93

  1. well at least the english version is gonna be challenging
  2. I would like to see radiant garden and land of departure
  3. Well many people imported the games so that's why they chose ven I just chose ven because of how he fits into the story and meets the people that u meet as sora in bbs I'm surprised people replying to this thread its 4 weeks old
  4. nooooooooooooooooooo why does it have to come out in the summer thats a long wait well at least we can play the game when we have vacation
  5. True but he uses the power of light and darkness
  6. Ok but one qusetion remains how come rikus keyblade doesn't look like a regular keyblade it just looks like blade with a wing and a keychain
  7. But there's two keyblades that looked like kingdom key so I think if xblade was never made kingdom never would have chose sorry to weild it And xblade was made from ven and vanitas
  8. But vens heart goes into sora when vens story was ending maybe vens heart made sora a keyblade master so if vens hearts never went into sora he wouldn't have been a keyblade master and the move strike raid was vens move a first. Sorry for spoilling
  9. But still u gotta emit that ven is kinda better look at how he fight
  10. I'd say ven not because he's a new character but ven has better moves better story line and a better theme even though there's some parts of soras and roxas theme in there and ven has to face harder ebemies and gets nice keyblade so that's why I say ven
  11. I'd say ven not because he's a new character but ven has better moves better story line and a better theme even though there's some parts of soras and roxas theme in there and ven has to face harder ebemies and gets better keyblade so that's why I say ven
  12. Yeah it would be awsome making your own character and stuff would be awsome with quests and a story and u get keyblades as u advance through the game
  13. king93


    Zero took a sword and killed roxsox kids and slashed roxsoxs arm off
  14. I pick everything in the poll and a long game does sound nice like a game where u play for a week and a half
  15. So since xemnas and ansem died doesn't that mean terra and xehanort died?
  16. Yeah or terras power was fused with rikus and made his eyes blue
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