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Everything posted by Crazysnakelover

  1. I swear if they dare put it on the WII I will sue the company, and send them hate letters. Putting it on the WII will ruin the game, the WII sucks x-(
  2. It was stated by Nomura that there will be no love relationships between the character's outside of disney and Final Fantasy, in the Kingdom Hearts Games. So none of the KH character's will get into a relationship as far as the games go. Only hints.
  3. Someone told me that you can get a special keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 2 that looks like Clouds sword. They told me that after you beat sephoroth you talk to Leon, Merlin, and Tifa before you talk to Cloud then Leon will give you the keyblade. I kind of don't believe it, has anyone else ever heard of that?
  4. thanks everyone I have tried google before, didnt really help very much because everything I found only said "get every item in the game" and nothing else. but I'll look harder
  5. so I'm trying to get the ultima keyblade in KH2 (yes I know I'm an amicher, I'm sure everyone here has done it my now) so I have pretty much every item I need except for the seventh orchilacum+ and before you all say that I get it by getting every single item and turning it into the moogle I already know that. what I'm wondering is how you get every single item, I have the lucky lucky ability and I'm going around picking up every item I see and and its still not working. so if someone could help me out I'd really appreciate it.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/user/ozyt24#p/u This person has the complete playthrough, for some reason not all the video's are displayed in there profile, but just copy and paste the title in the search engine and change the number to what your looking for and it will show up. Hope this helps
  7. I've been saving up, and I'm going to buy the psp for the game. But there's more then one psp in the stores. Does anyone know which one to buy, that will work on the game.
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