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Everything posted by Shyny

  1. I guess we'll just wait and see what comes in 2015. Lucas has lost my trust with the uneccesary blu-ray changes anyway, so I guess we have nothing to lose.
  2. I have played the majority of main Final Fantasy games and if you play it to see the story through, which means no big detours, they're long around 40 hours each. Only exception would be Final Fantasy X and XII which can reach the 50 hour mark. Someone mentioned Final Fantasy Crisis Core, that one is actually only about 10 hours long so I wouldn't be afraid of the length.
  3. Nomura also said that the Master Exam is only a part of the story of KH3D so I wouldn't blame everything on it.
  4. Well just admit that it doesn't make sense really and it hasn't been ever properly explained.
  5. In Kingdom Hearts 1 I have been using Fire and Thunder quite often. And of course Cure. In KH2 Fire wasn't nearly as good as in KH1 so I used reflect instead since it was so overpowered.
  6. First of all that feather didn't mean anything in particular. Secondly Sephiroth didn't kill Zack in Final Fantasy VII. They fought. Zack lost, however, he died about 4 and a half year after that. And finally the feather could have belonged to Sephiroth but it could have been Genesis's as well.
  7. Since Nomura said something like, that we would find it impossible for this person to appear at that time, it is obvious that we are dealing with an already known character. No one new. But seriously I would be much happier if things were made more straight. It's so overcomplicated that it is becoming ridiculous.
  8. All those bonuses are great but what they really should tackle is eliminating the gap between Japanese and the rest of the world's realeases.
  9. If I had to pick one it would be Sora stabbing himself with Riku/Ansem Keyblade in KH1. And generally I think that the first game was better. The second one was too over the top. But it's a matter of preferences I guess.
  10. Well I wonder about that. Personally I think that it is an absurd question from Roxas. Why would he ask him such a thing ? Why question his right to wield the Keyblade ? Except for the KH Wikipedia information, which is based on someone's personal judgement only, there is no guarantee that this interpretation is correct. It can refer to something else like Ventus or Ansem. Nonetheless it is probably indeed just a mistranslation, however, since I couldn't find how the sentence looks in japanese I cannot really say.
  11. You guys just complicate things. As I said the name Lingering Sentiment came from fanmade translations and it was never an official translation. Now when the professionals had come to take over we finally have it translated right. In japanese (Vanitas no Shinnen) literally means Vanitas's Spirit. Keep it simple guys
  12. I think it's because spirit is a more accurate translation than sentiment. Who came up with the translation "sentiment" anyway ? KHII Final Mix wasn't ever officially translated was it ? So the Lingering Sentiment thing was just a fan-made translation to begin with and maybe should be changed to the official one.
  13. ^ That. That's what's making me think about it. You say that we have KH2. But here's the odd thing, I'm thinking that KH2 isn't a full year, but only a full day from when he wakes up, of course, there is the week he was asleep. *confused a bit* This is really making me wonder if that's true about what you say about KH2 being the 12th year in the series. Of course, that only leaves me to think only 12 because of me seeing only the events during COM and of Days happening during that year he's asleep, then after the events of KH2 with Aqua talking with Ansem in the secret ending. But KH2 as a full year? I don't see it as such, thus, that makes me a bit confused. But, of course, if we see only 12 years, make the 13th year KH3, because that's what KH3 should be, not make KH2 the inbetwixt year, making the year after it the 13th. We don't really know how many years have passed. BBS to KH is 10. Then we know for sure that Sora was asleep for about a year so that makes it 11. I take it that the stories of KH, CoM and KHII takes a couple of days at most. And then that thing from the BBS secret ending. Ansem says to Aqua that it's more than a year since he met Sora. That can mean the last time he saw him or the first time. Well whatever the case, it ranges from 11 to 12. I don't see the 13th year anywhere.
  14. Yeah definitely KHII Sephy. He has that epic feel about him and it can be real fun fighting him. On the other hand the one from original KH was so hard I didn't even manage to beat him and every time I tried I was trembling from the tension.
  15. You can obtain glide by levelling up Final Form.
  16. pff I already said that we don't know how much time has passed. Ansem says that it's more than a year since they met. Nothing about it being their first or last meeting or whatever. So basicaly it can range from let's say just a few days after KH II or a whole year.
  17. Its more like 9-10 years because thats what the creator said beside whats with the extra 2 years. Its only 1 year after KHII accodring to Ansem. Because... BBS is 10 years b4 KH1, and KH1-2 takes about 1 year, then ATW said it's been over a year since he met Sora, so it's 12 years. Yeah but we don't know if he means the last time he saw him or the first time. It would be pretty strange that Sora is sitting with the king's message in hand for over a year on that tree. Then again we don't know when did he get it. Anyway I think that the timeline after KH2 is a mystery we cannot solve.
  18. For me it's the classic version of Dearly Beloved http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3SmD61UGoo&feature=related First time I had started the game it completely enchanted me. Together with the sound of waves in the menu it made such a wonderful combination. So calm and tender. Even though I find the new Birth by Sleep version even better, this one is classic and has a special feeling to it.
  19. He says exactly this "It's been more than a year since I met him". Basicly it can mean either but he probably means since he first met him. I wonder if him seeing Sora in the sleeping pod can be considered as a meeting. If so that would make Ansem and Aqua's conversation take place almost immediately after the conclusion of KH2. And about Axel,Namine,Roxas and others saying Sora at the end, I don't think that it actually happens. It has more of a symbolical meaning since they are all connected to Sora in one way or the other.
  20. The text above when the battle starts says "Defeat the spirit of Vanitas". I didn't play the game neither I've watched the cutscenes so I have no idea whether it is relevant or they just didn't know who to pick.
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