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  1. Probably not, all the other worlds have been based of Disney Classics, and square Products, as in...Disney originals, and Square originals, and if im correct, disney just acquired rights to create the movie adaption
  2. he had me convinced, until he said wii.......That would just suck.....alot
  3. Strange, the preorder bonus i got for days was 4 Postcards, and nothing else
  4. I admit, that is too long, i mean, Heartgold and Soul silver from the Pokemon Series hit japan 2 months ago, and its shipping to american Shelves Tonight!
  5. The "White Ventus" From what ive heard, People have translated the text, And it said something about this being the "Soul of Vanitas"
  6. Funny, thats the Same EXACT area(from the Landmark rocks, it would seem) That Sora Fights the Lingering Sentiment, Im wondering though, if this is in either of the other 2 stories(if its only in one, it would seem like it should be ven's, Since vanitas is part of ven)
  7. Alright,let me clarify some things, Atleast, the best i can, yes, when sora sacrificed his heart in KH1, he also realesed Ven's(possibly leading to a widespread Org. XIII Confusion to where, they All THINk hes Sora's nobody, but really Ven's) but, the secret ending was never specified as what point they all take place in, It could take place Right after KH2, or all at different times, We dont know, Also, when a nobodie and a heartless of a Person die, it was never confirmed the original Person is reborn, Roxas "Died" at the beggining of KH2 to "Revive" sora, But in actuality, Namine', ansem the wise, and Riku had trapped Roxas in the virtual twilight town program to transfer His memories back to soras Body(Hooked up to the same compter mainframe as theone running the virtual twilight town), it doesnt mean that because he died, Sora automaticly comes back And, also, The lingering Sentinent never regained its body, as shown at the end of terra's scenario of BBS, as M Xehanort transferred his heart to terra, All terras memories were left behind in his armor, it has no body, its just all of terra's memories being left behind into a shell(almost like a nobody)
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