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Everything posted by VANiTAS INCARNATE

  1. It seems that there is a significant meaning to the title, and "Dream Drop Distance," seems to be as thought provoking as it is gimmicky (i.e. the use of 3 "D's" for a 3DS game.) And as he has stated before, Nomura's ideas often tend to stem from movies, most notably Star Wars. Now I have already posted a thread similar to this theory, but it seems that this game is taking a page out of last years phenomenon, "Inception" (also my favorite movie of all time =3) with the use of "dreams". Let's cut to the chase, in 3D, there will be a huge focus on the Mark of Mastery, and because the only footage of Sora and Riku so far appear to be in their KH1 forms, then it probably takes place in a dream state. Another mystery that needs to scraped at is the mysterious data ATW locked in his heart. Perhaps a side-effect of the dream-state could slowly, and secretly unlock this data, which would explain the presence of Xemnas and Ansem SoD being more of a metaphorical appearance than an actual threat. As for the worlds the only 3 we have actually seen (discluding Yen Sid's tower) are Destiny Islands, Traverse Town, and Paris from Hunchback, meaning they could be memories of Sora and Riku's travels during the previous KH games where they uncover secrets and unnoticed oddities from the predecessors. At this point some of you are thinking, "Hey, I never played through Hunchback in KH" for those who are having those thoughts, we know Sora never traveled there...But what about Riku? And above all else, what is the shocking ending? Well I'd rather not take random guesses cuz Nomura said it would be shocking for a reason. So here are the rough possible outcomes. 1. Xehanort conquers Kingdom Hearts and all the worlds fall to darkness, starting the Keyblade Wars anew. 2. Xehanort's presence corrupts Riku, he fails the Mark of Mastery, and shifts to a villain, paving a villainous way for KHIII. 3. The mysterious figure is revealed and proves to be a greater threat than Xehanort has, is, and ever will be. Thats just my 2 cents whadyall think?
  2. Lusiphur was shocked by Azura. There was something in her that reminded him of himself. Thousands of arrows rained on the shield, blinding their vision of the outside. "We'll have to stay put for now," he said. At that time he began to feel a virbrating in his pockets. It was his Seeing Stone, and urgent matters were at hand. The orb glowed beautifully, revealing one of his generals. "Sir, we have a problem". That's all he wanted to hear. "There's a shortage of resources for the armory, we need more Nebillite for our weapons and armor". This irritated Lusiphur. He looked at the plains in front of him. At least the soldiers were doing well on their own. His Seeing Stone flashed, Mefisto appeared this time. "I have to return for a bit, I leave the offensive up to you," he said. Mefisto nodded. He broke through the shield and flew downward back into his domain.
  3. The beast howled in rage. This creature was terrifying, formidable, even insane. It whipped its tail at Argus, but he was able to back flip out of the way. He shot a bolt of lightning in midair, straight into it's red eyes, temporarily blinding it. Argus jumped on top of the beast, slashing away at its hide. It winced in pain and shook him off. Argus and Quentin were at opposite ends of the beast when it halted. It rose to its hind legs and let out a tremendous roar, scaring even the likes of the two. Suddenly a hundred pairs of red eyes appeared around the battle, leaving Argus, gulping in nervousness.
  4. Lusiphur stood tall atop the gateway as his armies pushed back the angelic forces across the Cloud Plains. "Look how fast they turn on you," he said to Azura. "Look what their bias and prejudice led to". He gripped his weapons stressfully. "Look how the only thing holding your friendships together was the colour of your wings," he explained to her. In reality, was there really anything more these angels fought together for? Maybe that is why they were losing...
  5. E3 2011 is either gonna be really good or really shitty. Imo, nothing ever is gonna top E3 '06
  6. Lusiphur stared blankly at the girl. "...I am Lusiphur," he said in a beholding voice. "I'm the one who got you in to this mess". At first he thought she would run away in fear and cower in the forests below. But this did not happen. The rebellious angel hovered in the air in silence. She understood the risk she was taking being in his presence. To be honest, he found it kind of admirable. The angels shot another volley of arrows at the opposing army. He raised his hand and shot a large ball of flame back at them. On impact, the ball made a huge explosion on the wall, blasting a gaping hole in it. The Morning Star roared with rage and leadership and rallied is forces into the hole of the wall, slaughtering the angels inside.
  7. I think their likeness is what connected their hearts together. Maybe their similar traits formed a bond
  8. At the Gates of Light, the Angelic army made their stand on the entrance to their domain. Their numbers were greater and their high ground advantageous. Side by side, the reinforcements of the angels aimed their bows at Lusiphur's forces from the main wall. They released their arrows and pierced many of the fallen angels chests, plummeting them down to their deaths. Arrows soared toward Lusiphur's face, killing some of his comrades in the process. 3 more joined the volley and aimed for his torso. He dodged the first wave to the left and snapped his fingers, igniting the arrows. Raising his hand in the air, a black orb of energy accumilated and energized. It fired out of his hands at lightning speeds, exploding and knocking many soldiers off the wall. The fallen angels also fired their bows at the soldiers, creating a storm of wood and steel.
  9. Lusiphur's eyes widened. She had just killed 3 Angels, 3 of her own kind! This was obviously no ordinary girl. The Angels, also shocked by her betrayal, turned on her. He rushed to her aid, slashing away at them. Clouds of blood circled around them. The Angels were losing this fight. Badly. They had already begun to retreat, with Lusiphur and his army on their tail.
  10. Lusiphur was about to answer but he heard the whistling of blades behind him. He spun around and sliced at the angel, splitting his neck open. Blood splashed his face. He turned back to look down on the girl. "Its not safe here, not for young girls like you. Hide while you can, my soldiers might not be as generous as I," he said softly. He knew the blood on his face horrified her. He cared not. In fact, he wanted her to be scared. He lived in a world of war, anguish, terror, betrayal. Something far beyond the likes of a girl. ...Unless she proved herself worthy...
  11. Lusiphur fought valiantly against the Angels. One by one they died by either his trident or his sword. But something caught his attention. It was the girl he saw in his orb. A sword fell right past his ear and headed straight for her heart. He dashed down and tackled her out of the way. Why did I save this girl? he thought.
  12. The fires of Argus City lit up the sky for the whole world to watch. Standing on the edge of the Abyssal gate. Lusiphur stood tall, wings spread, ready to lead his armies to the heavens. While the city burned wildly, the sky began to open up. Thousands of angels descended from Paradise, rushing to the Terrans aid. Lusiphur smiled, his plan which he worked so hard on, was working. He unsheated his sword and took flight. His forces tailing behind him. The Angels grew ever closer to the city as they flew downward into the battlefield. They greatly outnumbered the Abyssal forces below, and foolishly flew right into Lusiphur's trap. From out of nowhere, his army clashed into the Angels. igniting the battle. Lusiphur impaled one of the Angels with his trident and slashed another with his sword. He spun around and swung his trident, crashing it into his attacker's hide. The bright light that was headed to save the Terrans, was no more. Only a cloud of darkness hung over the city
  13. Alex walked through the streets, scanning the faces that walked by to see if any were familiar. He found no luck. "Hey wanna by some ice cream?" asked a voice. "It's salty and sweet and tastes oh so good," came a persuasive sales men. Why not Alex thought. He paid for it and took the ice cream out of its wrapper. Surprisingly, it tasted amazing...REALLY amazing. Enjoying his ice cream, Alex walked down random streets, paying no attention to where he was going. Suddenly, an alleyway appeared in front of him. At first what he thought was just a piece of junk, turned out to be something silvery and peculiar. It writhed in the alleyway and caught his attention. It was at this time that Alex took his last bite. The silvery object swiftly slithered out of the alleyway as Alex gave chase.
  14. Mefisto led a handful of elite soldiers and wretches through the night. They silently swam through the river, undetected, avoiding the search lights of Argus City. When they reached the dam, they began to climb stealthily, reaching the top of the city walls. As they hung from the city walls, two guards past by, only to be grabbed and silenced by Mefisto's blade. They hopped over and gradually cleared the wall of all guards. Quietly, they made their way down the tower into the city streets and immediately set fire to the buildings. Sirens wailed, people began to scream. Chaos spread through the streets almost instantly. "Alright Lusiphur, the rest is on you," Mefisto said to himself. (Alright starting right now, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE......literally. Get ready for a loooong loooooong battle)
  15. Mefisto examined the design of the throne room. The architecture was very abstract and "sharp". As Lusiphur entered the room, Mefisto stepped forward to speak. "Your armor and weapons have been polished and sharpened, my lord," he stated. "Good," said Lusiphur. "I'm afraid I wont be joining you on the battlefield, however," he continued. Mefisto shot a confused look. "You are to take a portion of my army under your command and lay siege to Argus city," Lusiphur explained. "But my lord, aren't we going to Paradise?" said an awestruck Mefisto. "Not until their defenses are weakened and distracted. I need you to draw the Angel forces down to Gaia. From there I will take the rest of our army to the skies with ease". Mefisto smiled. Lusiphur had always been the stratego of his forces, let alone the leader. As Lusiphur fastened his scabbard and gripped his spear, he stormed out of the room, ready to claim what was rightfully his.
  16. Lusiphur stepped from out of the shadows onto the large podium. His entire army stood before him, eager and cheerful. He smiled at his army, at the powerful hold he had over them. "My brothers, sisters, how long has it been since we walked the beautiful streets of the Shining City, of Paradise," the crowd cheered in supportive anger. That put a large grin on Lusiphur's face. The crowd grew silent. "How would you like to go back?" he asked. The crowd went insane. They began to cheer his name confidently. "Lu-si-phur! Lu-si-phur! Lu-si-phur!" It was the exact reaction he was looking for. He raised his hand to silence them. "Suit up, form your ranks, and raise your blades. Your commanders will explain the rest to you. We're going home."
  17. Damn, now that you put it that way that's pretty ironic, even clever. But its kinda annoying how they build up a villain like that, only to have them humiliated like that after all the development and foreshadowing.
  18. (dayum ur character's a no-nonsense badass) Lusiphur leaned on the railing of the highest balcony in his citadel, watching his burning utopia live its life. But nothing compared to life in Paradise. The horizons, the architecture, the friends. At first, Lusiphur felt euphoric about it. Then he thought about the maker. It angered him deeply. To be loved above all, only to be cast down by the one you love most. And for what? Simply raising your voice. He gripped the railing tight, but his rage was cut short by a voice from behind. "My lord," said Mefisto. "Your people are heading into the auditorium."
  19. Alex walked through the halls endlessly, concluding that Azura and them were nolonger here. He left the castle in search of his friends and further answers to his involvement in this world. Alex was not aware of any qualities that would make him worthy of a keyblade. Maybe he just thought to lowly of himself. He hiked for miles and miles until he saw a barrage of lights up ahead and a sign that said "Twilight Town". "Hmmm...Wonder if they came here," he said.
  20. Goddammit these MF identity theories are starting to rattle me. Hes obviously a character we havent seen in the universe yet. Stop overthinking the series, its amazing but not that clever. GOD
  21. Lusiphur pondered his orb with a smile. This girl...She reminded him a lot of himself. She watched the forests burn rapidly, the entire area was already set ablaze. But something happened, to his dismay. Rain began to pour down on the inferno. He bit his teeth down hard and clenched his fist, punching the wall. "Curse you father!"
  22. Lusiphur felt a resonating in his pocket. He pulled out a glowing, large sphere. What he saw in it surprised him. The forests of Silva, burning. "Interesting....I never ordered this," he said, surprised by the amount of damage caused without his knowledge.
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