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Everything posted by SoraGR

  1. Life's such a mess...

  2. It's been a while since i posted a picture of myself so i decided to show you one! Keep it cool guys
  3. I just checked your profile and i couldn't stop laughing with that picture there.....

    1. waytothexdawnx
    2. SoraGR


      I gotta say best thing iv'e seen on the Internet lately xD

  4. Is the chat not working? Or has it something to do with my computer?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SoraGR


      Haha i assume everyone went nuts after the trailer release, just like me. :P

    3. AlixtheMagi13


      Probably later tonight whenever the hype dies down a bit.

    4. SoraGR


      Alright, thanks ^^

  5. Does anybody know how i can pre-order The KH 2.5 ReMIX Collector's Edition?

    1. FerroAxel7


      It's exclusively sold on the Square Enix website.

  6. Damn this depression.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EternalReckoning


      Thats fine, but make sure you talk too him or her and let them help you no matter how bad it feels or how much it feels like you are imposing, keeping it in is damaging, more damaging than saying it. I wish you luck though, youve got my support bro.

    3. SoraGR


      Thank you very much, i wish you good luck too in your life.

    4. EternalReckoning


      Thanks ^^ and no problem anytime.

  7. Internet, Y U SO SLOW?!

  8. The best things in life cant be seen; thats why we kiss, pray, and dream with our eyes closed.

    1. Koko


      (; ̄ェ ̄)

    2. SoraGR


      What does that mean?

  9. If i lose myself tonight, it will be you and i. <3

  10. Seeing The World With Brand New Eyes is my vote.
  11. I said I'd live out both our lives, easy to make that promise....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kirie


      My bad I thought u were sad

    3. SoraGR


      No, i'm fine. Thanks for carring though. :)

    4. Kirie
  12. Dat Clannad T_T

  13. Nostalgia. T.T

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer


      A happy sentimental feeling of the past. You know when people say," remember the good old days?"

    3. Kirie


      It's that like in a different language or something?

    4. Kirie


      It's that like in a different language or something?

  14. Depressed mode: ON

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Yang


      Agreed, something that isn't good isn't always something that can be avoided. If something like depression ever enters your life, don't think the world will end because of you. Make the most of every second of your life, and don't worry about someone else's opinion. If you truly have a negative opinion on yourself, then think about how far you've come since you were young. Always know that you are constantly learning, growing, and improving, and soon you'll be as h...

    3. Yang


      happy as an Italian and his pasta. :)

    4. SoraGR


      Lol guys, it's not the first time i know how it is. Thanks btw :)

  15. Can't sleep. -.-

  16. So much pain!!! Damn... :/

  17. I will wait for you, promise.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Shana09


      And Im not a girl either! I will be so proud not to have periods!

    3. Kirie



    4. M.Aqua
  18. I never lost a friend before, but just thinking of losing one...

  19. Finally have vacations, but have to help my mum to clean the house -.- gosh....

    1. coolwings


      Awwww poor you

  20. At last vacation!!!!!

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