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  1. no see i also just watched a couple of teh trailers i think that the keyblade just chooses storng heart. i think sora was like the chosen one all the keyblade masters. I watch a couple old trailers and in tlking between MX and ME they refer to the legacy of the keyblade and the light of legend. MX even tlks like he afraid of that light. Theres also a part when they say the that the keyblades have been pasted down from generation to generation to save the universe from drowning in darkness. I think sora is like now the new legendary keyblade master. And dat the whole time terra and ven adn aqua were originally training to possible the the legendary keyblade master. like its like fortold in some sort of keyblade warrior prophecy
  2. I heard a rumor that in BBS there is like a prophecy told about a keyblade master with the power to save the entire universe from drowning in darkness. Idk if this is true but just think if it is dat would make a ton of sense. It would explain y there is like a league of Keyblade masters y terra, aqua, and ven want so desperately to be masters, y master eraqus wont let terra become a master, and the whole speal about sora in the secret ending where everyone stands up and yells sora, and when he tells kiari that his job isnt down b/c more ppl are still out there to help. Maybe sora is this "chosen one" because he has the power to leave an imprint on ever heart he comes across and thus is capable of bringing every heart in the universe together. BUt i just wonder if anyone could confirm this rumor
  3. hey wat do you think is actually in teh kingdom hearts dat everybodys after. I just came up wit the idea dat maybe the new xehonort (like the terra we see at the end of bbs) has not only MX, terra, and eraqus inside the body and theres like a constanct struggle for like control in him and like dats y he eventually releases his own heart. then lets think maybe xemnas had like some of terra in him and like the whole piont of kingdom hearst 2 wit xemnas tryna open the kingdom heart is just so he could rescue aqua. lets think wat is the kingdom hearts anyway the heart of hearts the essense of everyones heart all the bad guys think but oppening it u get the power to control the universe but may be its just a door into like another demension. From some of the other new bbs clip u hear MX and ME tlk about the legacy of the keyblade warriors and like how they has always been one keyblade master who was capable of saving the whole universe from darkness. i think teh secret ending show dat the sora is dat one keyblade master not b/c his heart is te purest or teh strongest but b/c he's capable connecting to everyones heart so like he may actually he the heart of hearts and his power is like infinate because he draws on every heart in teh universe.
  4. did anybody play attention to some of the earlier stuff. Like when Eraqus and Xehonort were talkin. The legacy of the KeyBLade warriors is that there has always thorugh out time like been that chosen on keybalde warrior dat has been able to save the entire universe from darkness. Like on special keyblade warrior and thin the whole piont of the secret ending is showing that sora is dat warrior because he has the ablity to bring everyones heart together. I think that may have something to do with the chamber of awakening or teh chamber of repose or the door to the realm of darkness. BUt i think sora is the only one how can open dat door or has teh power to change the world. think in bout every game someone tries to open teh kingdom heart the connection of all hearts. the bad guy fight the entire time to pull it off but it only ever openned at teh here end when sora gets there. i think this game is all about setting up the fact that sora is this chosen one like b4 we was teh legendary keyblade master but then bit by bit having a keyblade hadnt become dat special like mickey got one riku could had one kiari now has one like u find there are obviously alot of strong hearts out there and there are obviously alot of pure hearts out there wat was so special about sora and the gayest thing about teh game the whole "my freinds r my power" bs is the entire piont of the game. Sora's heart is eventually infinitly strong because he draws one everyone in the universes heart.
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