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Space Cowboy

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Everything posted by Space Cowboy

  1. This isn't even anything that's arguable, because nobody knows who would beat who.They are two different characters from two different franchises, and debating about who would beat who is just a lost cause.
  2. Hey my name is Space Cowboy and I'm here to scam you out of all your personal belongings and money.
  3. >implying either of these people are trolls
  4. SK3 doesn't even exist, and why is my name an option on the poll?
  5. http://www.youtube.com/DatSpaceMusic
  6. [5:27:27 PM] Joe: huh [5:27:29 PM] Jamison: joe [5:27:33 PM] Joe: did i miss something inside joke worthy [5:27:34 PM] Jamison: your love life's DOA. [5:27:42 PM] Joe: dude wtf [5:27:45 PM] Jamison: lmfao
  7. I used to hate almost everybody on this site when I first joined, signed in everyday anyways. The mods and I really didn't get along until the end of last year There was this one noob mod that got on my nerves, she was just too noobish for me I went from being a noob to a douchebag to an asshole to a semi-asshole to a troll over the course of almost two years SoraKing3 is a gentleman SK3 is a cunt
  8. http://forums.ichigo...OM-HEARTS-MUSIC! A lot of sheets/MIDIs. And I do remixes and stuff, so I guess I'll post those on here lol.
  9. It just changed for me today.
  10. You didn't specify that. All you said was "I hack in online mode", making me think you were a mega noob. I take that back, you are just a noob.
  11. Which makes you a mega noob. Anyways, the only game I use cheats in is Grand Theft Auto. Because it's fun to cheat in that game.
  12. No problem pal, if you need anything else to get pointed out just IM or PM me, I'll be glad to help you out!
  13. Times are really changing! Now people who aren't trolls are making troll clubs, how amazing!
  14. Oh, I'm sorry, I was looking for a sarcasm club. I have no idea what a sarcasim club is, would you mind enlightening me? Sounds very interesting!
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