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Space Cowboy

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Everything posted by Space Cowboy

  1. Would've been trolololo if they didn't air DBZ and shit. This is the most legit Saturday I've had all year though. 10/10 Adult Swim.
  2. Gone with the wind.

    1. 4Everbee


      That movie sucks.

    2. Kaiso



    3. Protoman


      Crying now.

      Well, on the inside.



      as I be annoying about it, though.


      good game

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  3. Yeah, well I just rage quit on Rush at Damavand Peak. Those damn tower snipers that kill you right when you step out of spawn >_>
  4. BF3 Clan Tag ---> [FFC]

  5. Yeah I liked the Karkand maps, I haven't played on the original ones though since BF3 is my first game in the Battlefield franchise. Most of the BF3 default maps are easy to memorize, because most of the areas are large but compact, but Strike at Karkand and Sharqi Peninsula are quite expansive and hard for me to play on. Great maps though. I must say, one of the only things that bother me when I play BF3 is when I get sniped. Snipers are sneaky little devils. I like how they split up the DLC, one for summer, one for fall, and one for winter. From what I've seen so far, it looks great. BF3 needs more indoor maps imo, Operation Metro is like the only one that's mostly indoor.
  6. We pretty much have the same stats lol. I never fly jets or helicopters though, always end up crashing. I also need to balance the usage of classes more. I'm already about to get my second service star in Support. What do you guys think of Back to Karkand?
  7. Gotta get used to these new maps x.x

  8. This is just a thread for everybody that owns a copy of BF3. Post here if you are looking for people to play with, discussion on current and upcoming DLC, discussion on the game, etc! Also post your Battlelogs or general stats, if you want to. I'll update this post with mine in a bit. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/user/Mykel_J31/
  9. >To JB Hates >JB Hates >Hates
  10. Muscledog doesn't firetrucking play

  11. http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/16/10721745-report-invisible-children-co-founder-detained-by-police-charity-made-kony-2012-video?ocid=todmsnbc11 No comment http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-neutral.png
  12. Who here has BF3 for PS3?

    1. *Rikku*


      bf3? I have ps3

    2. Space Cowboy
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo8IUH1b3ac Yes, this is still being worked on. It's for a Pokemon hack, created by me. Enjoy the music
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