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About khluvr89

  • Birthday 11/05/1993

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  1. Yeah same here but we're getting it for PS3 first anyway so yeah just keep your PS3 Just go get a new/used one for dirt cheap.....
  2. Already preordered mine and set aside the money to pay the rest so... No not today....
  3. but that was on a 3ds in which A is located where O would be on a PS3 they will still use X for US because US games use X not O. Plus English has ALWAYS used X so that would be strange.
  4. KHIII Didnt see that one coming WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Well I've taken 3 years of Spanish so I've read a Spanish textbook if that counts?
  6. I love KH 3D ithink anyone looking for a new 3DS game shoould play it! My fovorite part is of course the story! Not to for get the Dream Eaters they're SOO CUTE & ADORABLE and they do a great job of help you out!! Now I love how challenging the new gameplay is its not too easy but not too difficult although, there are sometimes where you wanna scream but thats what makes it fun right? I kind of like the drop system at least better than BBS where they made you do each part seprately. It does get really annoying though if you're in the middle of a boss fight and you have to drop suddenly. Other than that I really enjoy the drop system, and how Sora & Riku's stories are intertwined but jet they're two completely different stories. All in all i love this game and can't wait for future KH Games!
  7. Im going nuts! Luckily i pre-ordered mine at GameStop already 13 days to go!! :D
  8. Well I like to play Thrillville it keeps u busy um other than that IDK...
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