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Everything posted by MikeMasi

  1. Remember collecting the journal entries from Roxas's diary in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days? I recorded those entries as Roxas to bring it to life as if you were gong through his journal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_U9-d4zqu4
  2. Let’s talk about Aqua. I feel she should be the main character for KH4. I know everyone is upset and feels that the role placement of any female role is shown as a weak character, but I disagree. Sure they messed up a lot with Kairi, but Aqua is shown as very strong character. but let’s think about all the sacrifices she made. She did everything to save Terra. She fought her way through and also sacrificed her self so Mickey and Riku could be safe in 0.2. She also protected Ventus’ body for a very long time and some how lived in darkness for over ten years. Did we forget that she passed her mark of mastery exam and was noted as the official keyblade master? She’s quite amazing as a character. If KH4 marks the war with Luxu, MOM and the foretellers, I believe Nomura should give this to Aqua with the help of Sora.
  3. "Beneath the Same Stars" is a scene from Kingdom Hearts 3, which features our beloved Aqua and Ventus. LunaMeng and Mike Masi voices as Aqua and Ventus in our first Kingdom Hearts 3 fandub.
  4. Thank you Kittenz! I really hope he reveals something along these lines in the game. Thank you so much for the support and kind words! I do too, and thank you for the kind words as well. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
  5. I guess you can say I'm just preparing for the Keyblade War.
  6. Ventus reveals what could be dreams or memories of the ancient Keyblade War in our new scripted video that links Union Cross and #KingdomHearts3. Meanwhile there is someone in the Room of Awakening with him. Who could it be?
  7. The trailer we received from E3 still has many of us confused how Aqua may be controlled by darkness in some way. Did she just give up? Did Xehanort come after her? What was the circumstances for the way we saw Aqua in that trailer? My team and I created this script and voiced the characters in anticipation for Kingdom Hearts 3. After hearing the audio in the video, what do we think? Even if it's far off, how did we do? Could something like that be presented in the game?
  8. Thank you! Did you happen to see the new one we posted a few days ago?
  9. Once again, thank you for watching! We just completed a new video that really reflects her current situation from the trailer. I hope you two can leave me some feedback.
  10. It appears that everyone in the Kingdom Hearts community is concerned about Aqua! It's a little uneasy waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 to find out how exactly she fell into darkness, but I think in the mean time, this video that we created will help hold some of you over. Please watch our scripted video. You will not regret it! It's filled with an emotional script and voiced by a great team. I just hope everyone will be okay watching it.
  11. Thanks for watching! And yeah, we really wanted to create a video that shows what Aqua may have been facing all this time in the realm of darkness.
  12. Thank you! It's always our goal to make it seem as legit as possible.
  13. My team and I uploaded this video and voiced as Aqua, Terra and Ven. I honestly think this was a great prediction for how Aqua was taken by the darkness. It really foreshadowed the latest trailer we received for E3.
  14. I'm devastated to see what happened to Aqua in the new trailer. If anything happens to her or Ventus, it will be hard to grasp. After seeing Aqua, I'm now curious to know if this affects Ventus. Could it be that if Xehanort got to her, she showed him where Ventus rests, and was able to collect him as one of the darkness's? Is that why Vanitas exists? By the way, the Frozen world is flawless! It is about time Square, but seriously, January?!
  15. Does anyone remember the days when we received new information randomly? It wasn't just about the random conventions or conferences. Every couple of months a new world or element was announced in Japanese magazines, or we got a random trailer on Valentine's Day. I miss those days. It would also be nice to know more about Big Hero 6, and if it's still in the game? And I'm still hoping for an announcement for a Frozen World.
  16. Thank you for the really sweet reply. We’re glad you enjoyed it, and we look forward for the future of the series.
  17. Kingdom Hearts III is officially upon us. The release was announced for 2018 in July of 2017. In celebration of the new year, and the upcoming Kingdom Hearts title, we would like to present a new video that focuses on the future of the Kingdom Hearts series. Christina Arisa returns as our original Aqua, along with Mike Masi as Ventus. Stan "Stanpai" Kuschick joins our team for the first time as Terra. The original script is written by Joseluis Solorzano.
  18. Thank you! That would be a great idea!
  19. Thank you for the kind words! Thank you! It was important for us to capture those emotions to create those typical "feels."
  20. The future of the Kingdom Hearts series continues in this original fan story, written by Joseluis, capturing the aftermath of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It's the leading events to Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep, and showcases scenes from the new E3 trailer. Aqua has been traveling through the Realm of Darkness for a long time, which has tampered with her memories. When she discovers a familiar place, she encounters her greatest fear yet. Can she break through the darkness? Our original cast returns. Aqua is voiced by Clare Melvin, Stardust-Speedway, along with Andrew Ros as Terra and Mike Masi as Ventus.
  21. http://youtu.be/Gi3TIgCnnD4 The future of the Kingdom Hearts series continues with a new video between Aqua and Ven. The events continue from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, which leads to Birth by Sleep - volume 2. Aqua begins to telepathically hear Ven, who's telling her not to give up. She's suffering from fighting, walking and remaining alone for years without her friends . Ventus encourages Aqua and gives her advice to continue her journey through Birth by Sleep - Voulme 2. The future Kingdom Hearts videos focuses on a couple of characters that reveal information to each other based on what we know from start to end in the series. This gives a feel for how the character may interact with others if they were able to telepathically communicate. All information is accurate, however what makes theses videos interesting is how they're able to talk to each other even though they are not able to see each other in person.
  22. The Kingdom Hearts III teaser from E3 Expo 2014 has surfaced, featuring an interesting conversation (speculated between Young Master Xehanort and Young Master Eraqus). The fandub production team from KH-Vids and KH-Recharged are preparing for future videos to voice from the anticipating Kingdom Hearts III. This newly released teaser from E3 Expo 2014 is the start of what can be expected from CGNET Productions. Our team member, TheVader74 returns as Master Xehanort, along with Ryusuke, who voiced Young Master Eraqus.
  23. Yea, thanks. I voiced Roxas, I get it. This is the first time I'm hearing from someone on here that I was off. Not sure if it has anything to do with Ven, but do you feel the same way with this video?
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