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Everything posted by axel1994

  1. so you mean that ventus hearts got in the way and roxasa is ventus nobody ?
  2. hey guys look i dunno if you remember but in the last batle with xemnas sora grabs riku way to the dawn like ven grabs his keyblade do you think there is any relation betwee that
  3. what happen to it did maleficent keep it?? or it just desapear??
  4. i dont think namine is a nobody cause kari has no darknessin her heart
  5. look I want to do a cosplay of axel and i know how to make everything but i dunno of what materiasl make the chakrams and how to make it
  6. in what kh game appears this keyblade ?
  7. i think that when sora use the darkblade to free kairis heart he also free ventus heart and roxas isnt actually a nobody he is ventus
  8. hey guy im here to ask a question the question is ?is ansem from kingdomhearts 1is the heartless of terra or master xeanort?? and xemnas who nobody is please someone tell me please
  9. i think that the time past and he got older when he became a nobody
  10. i really want to know why vanitas makes the x blade and what does it do??
  11. yeah your theory makes sense but ven and sora didnt even made any contact in the game
  12. well after bbs i dunno what happens to aqua ven and terra if you have any thoughts would you tell me please arigatoo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. do you think terra is xemnas in kh or kinda related
  14. but donald an goofy alreardy saw roxas
  15. look i dunno but i really think that kingdom hearts birth by sleep has a very bad ending cause in coded the frase that sai we must return to free their torment i think thath aqua terra and ven are those that are suffering the torment and somehow somebody wrote it to the journal in castle oblivion. cause sora nor donald and goofy dont remember anything bout it another thing i notess is that goofy, donald and mickey dont reconized ven or roxas at all they dont mention it at all in the games did they forget it or what. the third and one of the most important why every nobody loks like there complete forms and sora and kairi dont look alike like roxas and namine. I really would like to know more of namine cuz it pretty weird that we dont know uch about those characters. look i dunno that much but the characters that i realy se more mysterys of them are namine roxas marluxia larxene demyx and tha card dude and the one i really want t kno who it is vanitas
  16. when do you think bbs cutscenes will be releasy cuz im really dying to see the fac of vanitas :huh:
  17. i wouldnt vote for birth by sleep because we havent seen every cutscene yet because wheen i saw for the firt time 358/2 days i though that it was the bet game ever but when i playet i didntlike it that much
  18. and do you really think sora is vanitas ????
  19. look maybe this would sound weird but maybe vanitas (sora) is ventus nobody
  20. look here are my theorys why xion is vantis 1 when i see the picturee of vanitas face or (eye) it reminds me of the fece of xion. and maybe there making a whole new character like xion man form 2 i think that xion and roxas really had a great bond why ????? and vanitas in the video he saw he said he wnated to make ven stroger i know this theor is kind of okqward but if you see it from another point it has kind of sense 3 xion wasnt really a nobody i know she was memorries of sora but i think xion is the key to understand birth by sleep more look if my theprys are stupid sorry i just want to say why i think for this game
  21. mine is kingdom hearts 2 cause its easier and have a better story
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