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Everything posted by Rikufan11

  1. I was just wondering if you could create a new kh character who would it be, what would be their role, what weapon would they have, and so forth....
  2. i was 7 when i watched my big sis play kh1 with her boyfriend, but it wasn't until i was 13 that i found my sister's memory card and started playing.
  3. I would have to say Ven because Roxas is a part of Sora, and although I like Roxas I don't really like Sora. Riku forever!!!
  4. Ps I really don't c what is sooooo important about the whole day 9 conversation could someone please tell me what that has 2 do with riku!?!?!?
  5. That would be sooooooo amazing! But after com riku doesn't go straight 2 diz he has to go on his journey on the "road to dawn" personally I would like 2 c where riku gets his keyblade! His journey would make an awesome game!
  6. Ok with the whole Terra is xemnas there is just 1 prob in kh2 the have already established that xemnas is xehanort nobody who was an aprentice 2 ansem the wise!
  7. Maybe Axel did know kairi because in 358/2 days u see him lookin 4 info on namine sooooo maybe he didn't remember kairi and was tryin 2 (or maybe not
  8. I am currantly playin kh re chain of memories and I am completely stuck on the parasite cage in monstro! If u know how 2 beat it I could really use some help!
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