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Sora not Roxas

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Everything posted by Sora not Roxas

  1. I don't think it will be that bad if they do. It surprise me in crisis core that they had one as a summoning, (which helped me alot) but who knows maybe they are on destiny island or something and we never knew. It might make the game more final fantasy like though.
  2. I was playing re:chain of memories recently and I realized something, at the end of it Namine cry's for the first time. But isn't shedding tears means a sad emotion which has something to do with the heart? But if she is a nobody how can she cry? after playing this for the fourth time I finally notice this. Also in 358/2 days Roxas cried more than once. How can it be possible if their nobodies? Any thoughts?
  3. To my favorite game, kingdom hearts. (I didn't do this, but I put it up on youtube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_woNz92LzWA _woNz92LzWA
  4. Amazing score (expected of my favorite game) I agree with the ten and I haven't played it yet. It seems the last dude really liked it but still gave it a 9, trying to fit in much? (just kidding)
  5. My favorite game comes out in Japan only on 1/9/2010. And all I can do is sit back and wait. I might have to take a trip to Japan lol! America (unless gamestop) will never get excited over a game like this, having posters put up in the mall. NA doesn't know fun anymore.
  6. Haha! yes! the boys are back in town!
  7. Thanks Rue http://kh13.com/mybb/images/smilies/biggrin.gif
  8. Oh okay Nomura must have added the keychains to their keyblades once he had to do the box art, because if you look at the trailer after kh2 (which i was playing that's why i made this thread) they didn't have keychains at the time. Nomura must of notice the mistake so thanks for clearing that up and sorry to waste your time.
  9. http://kh13.com/mybb/images/smilies/huh.gif Is it me or did you guys notice that Terra, Ven, and Aqua do not have key-chains on their key blades but every body else does? NOT including Master Xehanort and Vanitas or master Eraquis. why is that? Do you girls and guys (girls always come first dudes, lol) have any theories on that? My thought:Maybe their are keybaldes who only work with that certain person like those three I mention, Because Mickey Mouse original keyblade (star seeker) can be used by Sora in kh2. Also it seems everyone can use the kingdom key (Riku, Roxas, Xion). Maybe when those three disappeared their keyblades did too. But did they really disappear? or can keyblades evolve?
  10. Oh now I see. Thanks for clearing that up, I just thought since it was ten years ago nobody wouldn't even know Sora, but i guess that's why they call him Ansem the wise! Lol. But its clear now.
  11. sure i don't mind SNR, (should of known their would be alot of Sora's running around lol) SNR...hmm. Why didn't i think of that?
  12. At the end of the bbs trailer it shows for a split second an old favorite. (Sora we know!) but why? Does he have something to do with what Ansem the wise says? Is he the one?...The boy who could connect his heart to anyone? But isn't Riku suppose to be the chosen keyblade wielder? and if not why is sora in his kh2 attire? Is this part of the secret ending Nomura is talking about? Any ideas? I know i am new and asking alot but anything? Also if this was already asked sorry for posting it again.
  13. Hello! allow me to introduce myself, my name is....just call me Sora ya? (My real name is of no importance, lol) I been coming here for a while but just decided to join today, thought I get to know you guys a little better y'know? get my name out there. I don't really know what to say here so this is a lousy hello. I wanted to show you guys a Kingdom hearts tribute video I have on youtube but I don't know how to put links up here. I f someone knows how tell me please otherwise this is all folks.[/font]
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