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Sora not Roxas

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Everything posted by Sora not Roxas

  1. Man I was just about to post this. You beat me again JTD95 lol. It looks like the game will be interesting. The game-play is unique! I like it.
  2. Answers 1. Terra 2. Master Eraqus 3. Vanitas 4. Aqua 5. Master Xenhanort ( lol to tell you the truth, I don't remember this line) 6. Braig? I guess Idk 7. Ansem the Wise (Don't you mean "not often I get visitors"? 8. Aqua 9. Master Eraqus 10. Ven
  3. This story is coming along nicely, and its already done, but the thing is that school keeps getting in the way so it has become difficult to post stuff now. No matter I will finish it. (hopefully by December or even earlier. Most likely earlier. I was joking about the December thing lol) I also have to good to work which also takes time as well. So much to do. And one of my pets died, so I
  4. This story is coming along nicely, and its already done, but the thing is that school keeps getting in the way so it has become difficult to post stuff now. No matter I will finish it. (hopefully by December or even earlier. Most likely earlier. I was joking about the December thing lol) I also have to good to work which also takes time as well. So much to do. And one of my pets died, so I
  5. Turned base kingdom hearts huh. Hmm...I don't know, starting to look like Final Fantasy a little. But, whatever I will still play it. I am interested in how it will be in kh though.
  6. heck yeah! lol. I'm so late in responding.
  7. I know we just talked about this but I would say, I like to see you play. But I also don't want you to go against your old man at that. So I would just give you this advice: Do it when you can. People love the Kingdom, so trust me, people would see it regardless. Just do what you can.
  8. Uh..don't they already do archive recordings? I think they just edit them a little to fit with the music for the kingdom. But man did that video bring me back lol. Anyway about the music. I love cinderella and all but the music is way to old school, you know what I mean? Hearing bibbity, bobbity, boo a thousand times over is ok for me .
  9. This sorta happen to me. It was in deep space too. You know the part when you take the transporter? Its when that tube thing that you got to get into. Anyway when the unversed appeared, I attacked them and 3 hits missed, but I swear I hit them head on. But the weird thing was that, that unversed health did go down, but it was like some-type of lag going on for his attack. Idk, It has not happen again, and I beat the unversed anyway so it was all good lol. Did you do a data install? Did you change the coler depth or the cpu speed? It could be that, or maybe its just a lag. For me it was.
  10. And he is using Vanitas blade. I don't like this video.....I LOVE IT!! lol.
  11. i agree Your both sick. And I totally agree with you guys lol. Hopefully Riku will be going along. Aww I wanted to make this thread, but whatever, at least I don't have to try on the secret ending now!
  12. I am not going to lie. That is one of the best Kingdom hearts pictures I ever seen lol. I really like how Nomura drew it. Anyway good find.
  13. It's a walk-through like cyberman's. Actually cyber is doing a livestream. I was watching it last night. Youtube it seems.
  14. You will post it up on your channel right? I can't wait to see you play. Let's see if your a real keyblade master lol. Will you start on critical mode? You know, to get the secret ending right off the back. Yes! Awesome! Can't wait
  15. My friend EmiruTheKnight ( I don't know him at all. Anybody who likes the kingdom is a friend of mine lol ) is doing a walk-through of kingdom hearts birth by sleep ENGLISH VERSION!! English voice actors and all dudes!! No khbbs is not already out.It has been leaked apparently. Lucky. Here's the intro/part 1! click on it to go to his page. -hzXyrhPg58
  16. Hey guys SnR here. How's it going? Well it's almost time for Birth by sleep to come out. You fans ready!? I'm sure you are Anyway I was having a nostalgic moment and I am sure by now you guys seen the bbs commercial. Personally I thought it was good, but It can never have the feeling the first commercial had, in my opinion. Here remember this? HJLuQRDm5vM I was eleven or twelve (hmph like I remember) when I first saw this. Actually its almost kh anniversary if you think about it. 12 years, lol, and still no kh3. Well if you look at final fantasy, they are just know getting to 13! or 14 whatever. And FF7 came out on 9/7/1997. Wait! that date is familiar, besides the 1997 lol. So it's not a surprise to me it took this long. Anyway my question is, what did you guys think of kh when you first saw it. Personally I thought it would be total crap lol. I thought it was going to be turn base and not only that, Disney characters were in it and Disney games aren't exactly-well good. I personally love the music.
  17. I seen this a good bit ago (On the internet. I actually had the commercial on my channel for a while) Here's the funny part, I most likely would not see this on TV until I get the game lol. That happen with 358/2 days too. I saw the commercial 5 days later while I was playing the game. I looked up at the TV and "I was like Oh my Go- [looked at DS] Oh yeah" Rofl, I just couldn't stop laughing, since with kh1 and 2 commercials I saw before I got the games. Well I hated kingdom hearts than lol.
  18. I know right lol. I did start laughing when you said a talking duck, Rofl. I would like to see Sonic and Mario in it or is that asking to much? Here's the bad parts though, as far as Phil is concern, they are all junior heroes lol. That includes: "14 year old boys, people in organization coats, a guy with a buster sword and a dark wing, heartless, unversed, sephiroth, a talking duck lol, a talking dog, the titans, and hades." And Sonic and Mario if they ever step foot in the coliseum lol.
  19. Dude! seriously, I like Spirited away. But right now It's all about Ponyo lol. I truly love that movie.
  20. Heh!..I guess I will throw myself in the mix. http://www.youtube.com/user/SoranotRoxas Its also in my sig, I forgot lol.
  21. You can play by yourself. Which is what I will be doing too, because my internet is stupid lol. Also nobody in my area is in to KH that deep. I have friends who would only play kh games if it was on the bigger systems ( you know ps2 ) Heck I have a friend who won't play it unless kh3 comes out on ps3 lol.
  22. That's interesting. Animators do a lot. I know that they did but I didn't know how it was done.
  23. Omg! If this is what it is about, I swear My head will explode lol. But whatever another kh game will be good.
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