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Sora not Roxas

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Everything posted by Sora not Roxas

  1. Ah Scream...a memorable trilogy. Well it was until they made the forth one. Now don't get me wrong, I haven't seen the fourth one but I heard it was pretty good. Well to those of us who started from the first one and have been working our way up through it. Yep I remember when the first Scream came out (Darn I'm old http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif, It never really scared me but it entertained me. I was about six so I still had that I believe in Mickey Mouse/Disney mentally that nothing can go wrong as long as you believe crap. Anyway I digress, lets get back to why I post this forum http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif...wait...why the hell did I do it {Reads title} Oh yeah, it seems our own Hayden Panetiere (Voice of Kairi) is in the movie and she acted wonderfully. I personally have seen nothing but the trailer, but if the acting is anything like the first two movie, the fourth might actually be enjoyable. Notice how I said 2 instead of 3, thats because the third is a waste of an hour. Only the ending was really good and a little unexpected but the killer turns out to be a dude you hardly see if not see once until this point in time who should of had a bigger impact on, you know what? never-mind. Go see Scream 4 (If your old enough) Tell me how it is and Ill give you a cookie. SnR out!
  2. Heres a couple of games I will probably get when I buy it on Tuesday. 1. Kingdom Hearts (Of Course) 2. Metal Gear 3. Resident Evil 4. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (Just for the hell of it) 5. Might get another Lego game Idk. 6. Hopefully a Sonic game or a Mario game if they make one.
  3. None of the Fantasies are connected to let you know. But here are some good ones to play. 1. Anything 7! Crisis Core is good since its a prequel to the whole thing. 2. FFX: One of my favorites (PS2 ONLY) 3. FF8 4. FF13: Its actually pretty good. (PS3 & XBOX) 5. FFDissidia 1 or 2: Both are good. (PSP ONLY)
  4. Oh yeah, I sat backed and watched them fight alot before lol. But I guess their moves are gay, and do less damage is mostly because of Disney's influence on the game as they don't want there characters fighting alot. Also I guess that's probably why Mickey is hardly seen and the Disney characters can't land a finishing move on bosses. Kinda sucks.
  5. I now know what this site is missing....a favorites button. Hmmm and I already know what my first favorite will be .
  6. Lol, good one, but in the first sentence I said you can skip to just the conclusion because that's where my final thoughts on the whole game are. The rest is mostly recap in it. But I read three Harry Potter books, and there is no way in hell that I can even write that much lol. Thanks for following my review to the end dude. I thought I spoke for every-one when I said that lol. And yes Wonderland is a pain, and you saw it on a walk-through lol.
  7. Info: Part 2 includes my final thoughts on the game. So guys, you can skip to the conclusion section because I know this review is long lol. Part 1: http://kh13.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=14511&pid=318618#pid318618 Guess what? I was reading my Darkwing Duck comics, and realized
  8. What!? You like it? Really? Don't be pulling my leg now lol....yeah that was corny. But don't worry I will right more.
  9. Thanks dude. Appreciate the comment. What the hell? Lol. Thanks for reading it. And yeah I did the same thing you did but started 3 hours later cause for some reason, I COULDN'T GO TO SLEEP lol.
  10. Very well told my friend, but you never had trouble with plot. Your problem was mostly grammar, but that is slowly disappearing. Now its mostly about length, as far as some chapters could of been extended and more dialogue could be added. You have gotten better with detail and go straight to the point. In other words..not much I can say lol, you started off with a good hook and...I got hooked. Great job I look forward to more.
  11. The whole G4tv video is new I think, but the showing of Sora in Traverse Town and the Heartless are old dude. But thanks for sharing, but the big thing right now is the trailer that shows slightly more game-play.
  12. Thats what I said when I first saw "Harry Potter" lol. Thank GOD for the movies. But...yeah I didn't want to break it into to many parts so...yeah. PS: I did finish Harry Potter...took me a month...[sigh] a month.
  13. Hello!! Every-one! How's life been treating ya? Good? SnR here with something I didn
  14. Haha! I love it! Must have more!! And you called it Fantasia! Sorry I couldn't think about anything else except the movie, but now I see it as some sort of magical home world. Amazing, keep up the good work, this is turning out great.
  15. Well I guess that's it for this story, no more postings. I will officially just most my second story on the site...for now.
  16. Part 5-Two weeks later Hiro: Two weeks it has been, wow I can
  17. The "Hunchback of Notre Dame" is a great movie and over looked Disney classic. I am very happy to see it displayed in the Kingdom so well,
  18. Hello dudes! SnR here with....I don't know somewhat interesting news...I guess. Anyway I recently read, my recent received game-informer to find an article about KH Re:coded. I begin to turn the page, but I instead said what the hell, lets read it anyway. After reading it, I figured out why I hated Game-informer in the first place, Its rating system. Yes the rating system, although I find the review itself to be, somewhat insightful. The rating that they normally give the game doesn't necessarily go with the review. But whatever I can't fly either.... Moving on...So after visiting a website I plan to buy Final Mix from, (Not anymore because I don't care) I came across an interesting article called: "Why Kingdom Hearts is Unfairly Criticized" Posted by Ursula, their user name of course, and they broke down why KH is widely criticized by critics....and me. Its pretty interesting, and might be worth checking out. But instead of posting the whole thing here, I'll just give a link. link: http://www.kh2.co.uk/kingdom-hearts-ultimania/news/kingdom-hearts-criticism.php PS: I have not played Re:coded yet so I don't have a point of view on it. For those who played it...is it worth buying? Because Game-informer screwed it up for me now. Also they gave it a rating of a 6.75 out of 10. I mean come on, even Epic Mickey got a 7.75 out of 10 and it had more flaws than all the Kingdoms put together. Its still Epic though lol, love the ending, very touching.
  19. Eraqus learned a new trick lol. On a side note Roxas/Ventus: [Looks at each other] WHAT!!!! KABOOMM!!!...and thats the end of the KH universe, thanks for playing. Me: Wha-what..did..did I win?
  20. Well Re:coded is all about the journal, so he could of most likely been referring to the Journal.
  21. I placed the first one in the Kingdom Hearts 2 section and all of them were Kh 2 hacked fights. This is all Birth by sleep, so I thought it would be proper to-you know, put it into the birth by sleep section. Yeah...I guess we didn't read the headings huh? lol, these fights aren't done by me dude. They was made by people I know on youtube. I broke it into the sections that each one had done.
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