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Everything posted by malicious_shadows

  1. I vote for Kairi not to make a big appearance in KH 3. Amen to that.
  2. SPOILERS**** Lea and Ven do meet. But it was kinda in passing/Ven totally kicks Lea's but in a cutscene though Lea does say something like "Now that we've met, we're friends" or some pathetic bogus like that. And at that time, Lea had something else on his mind along with Isa. Something to do with sneaking into the castle or something. It's never revealed. (Grumble) So who knows, Lea/Axel may have forgotten about Ven. I personally believe that to be true. Seriously, would you remember a person you met once 10 years ago who you've never met since then?? Lea and Isa were practically just fanservice and had no real tie in to the plot. Tho I do have to go ahead and say Ienzo was fanservice as well...... sigh. They should've at least have him say a line..... why did they have to make him mute? Xigbar only sees/meets Ven once thru out the game. At the very end where Ven's frozen(tho he still can show facial emotions). so what's weird is, Xigbar shouldn't know what Ven's normal outfit is. (sweatdrop) Nice going SE.
  3. Depends really. I beat Aqua on Proud Mode within 10 hours. And before I went to fight the last boss, I'd even spent time at the mirage arena and got up to about an Arena Level 8. It just depends on how used to the battles you are. I spammed the Command Charge so I was kinda tough. It also depends on which character as well, I guess. On my first try, I beat Ven in 15 hrs, just like Nomura said, but on Terra's story I beat it in 11 even though I didn't skip any cutscenes. Most of your time is just spent at the mirage arena in the end, which is where you really have to work hard in order to get 100% completion. The game itself isn't hard at all, which was kinda disappointing. Collecting all the chests are easy and same goes for the secret reports. Final Episode is Cutscene, cutscene, boss, boss, cutscene, cutscene, credits, cutscene, ending. Aka, SHORT.
  4. . . . o.0 No offense but some of you people are making Aqua out to be a Shotacon... (sweat) It seems too impossible canon wise for it to be VenxAqua. They really do only see each other as a brother/sister. The whole time I played the game, never once did there seem to be a VenxAqua moment. Sure, Aqua was overprotective at times, but the same goes for Terra. Besides, Aqua worries over Terra more than Ven. Seriously, do you guys KNOW how many times she sighed out Terra's name? It practically SCREAMED TerraxAqua. And you know, SoraxKairi may be implied, but so had RikuxSora. It doesn't mean it's true. There are plenty of people out there who believe in RoxasxSora as well and I've already seen cases of VanitasxVentus as well as TerraxVen. The whole romance factor of the game is seriously getting out of hand..... *Spoiler: Plus, the only connection Aqua has with Kairi is that they met once. ONCE. In Radiant Garden. ONCE. And afterwards, Kairi skipped off with her grandmother completely forgetting her encounter to listen to the bedtime story she oh-so-loved.
  5. Better yet, what's wrong with SoraxAnyone other than Kairi? I personally can't stand her so I don't want her anywhere near Sora. But getting back to the original discussion, who knows? The next game MIGHT not be a filler. I mean, after 3 (4 if you consider Re:Chain of Memories) filler games for the series, I think it's about time Nomura started to rev things up a bit. We need some Sora action after 5 years. And hopefully make it more difficult in the process. BBS was way too easy to beat. )=
  6. It's actually impossible for Vanitas to be KH1+2 Ver. Xehanort. His face and past is revealed in both Terra's and Ven's story. Heck, (SPOILERS!!!) he doesn't even survive the game.
  7. SPOILERS: (SERIOUSLY, DON'T LOOK UNLESS YOU WANT TO SPOIL!!!!!!!) Ven left it behind because he and Peter were having a discussion on treasures. Peter and the lost boys had found a treasure chest but to their dismay, they lost the contents. (WTF?, right?). So, the group decided to put their own special treasures in the chest and Ven decided to leave the practice sword from Terra there, making a promise that he'll bring more special treasures the next time he visits. It's added on in Aqua's story that Ven left it there because Ven knew he didn't need the sword anymore since he could always make newer, stronger connections with his friends. So yeah. That's the reason it was left behind. And on an extra note, the sword meets a rather pitiful end... under the hands of Vanitas.......... yeah.
  8. There is a journal in the game. Terra, Ven and Aqua each have their own journal, treasure list, Minigame list and the boss unversed. They do, however, share the secret report list. When you beat one scenario, on the title menu, you are given the option of Trinity Report. There, you can check if you have all the treasure chests, Secret Reports, Battle Sequences (This, I haven't got a clue about since when I beat Ven&Aqua, I only had 39% completion which WTF? me.), and the like. I guess that if you get 100% in all categories, you get to see the secret ending.
  9. I've beaten the game on Ven's Story and I've found out what exactly that shape is. SPOILERS!!!!!! The shape actually IS a keyblade. Ven is holding it up, pointed towards the sky. He's not conscious though, since he is in a sort of trance. Also, although we all thought that this happens at the end of the game, this scene happens at the beginning/before the game. The shadow by the tree is indeed Master Xehanort in an organization coat.
  10. Ive beaten Ven's Story on the game and yes, Vanitas is a black haired, golden eyed Sora. SPOILERS FROM HERE: Here's the reason: Vanitas originally came from Ventus. Xehanort was looking for something and Ventus was the key to obtaining it. However, Ventus wouldn't listen to him and succumb to darkness, which was important for obtaining what Xehanort wanted. So, he decided to pull out all of the darkness from Ventus and thus, Vanitas came into being. This furthers the connection between Ven and Sora. END SPOILERS: I don't want to spoil about WHAT Xehanort is looking for but yeah. You guys are going to be in for a huge shock when you play the game!! ^^
  11. ... In the end, it just comes down to what sort of connection Ven has to Sora. The transferrer as well, the connection between Ven to him as well is curious. Vanitas seems to have a hand in this as well..... Grr. Who knows.....
  12. ... Body bag?? ... ... ... Sorry! I just had to get that out of my system. But who's to say that Ventus doesn't die?!!?!?
  13. Whimpering?? Actually, it looks as though Ven is some sort of... shell. No signs of movement is shown and his eyes look dull and lifeless till the light passes in front of him. But WHY?! That is the question....
  14. But look at the body structer, even if his facial features don't look like an infants, what kind of 15 year old teenager would fit the width of the trunk of that Paopu tree? There are non dangling legs that can be seen. So that's either a really short teenager; or that really is an infant. >.>; The body is laid sideways on the trunk, not necessarily so that is hangs down off the tree. If you consider that, the optical illusion of it makes it look shorter when in reality, it's longer. Plus, all things considered, Ven CAN be considered short/petit. Hes not tall nor broad like Terra is.
  15. Sorry for constantly saying "baby Ven", it just really looks like him...cause it can be Sora *hair style/color is way different* and there's no way that can be Roxas. @_@; And that "keyblade" could've ended up on that Paopu trunk the same way the baby was; someone was around to leave them there. But that's just one "maybe" thing. We'll know in 9 days. It can't be Sora since we know that he exists at that stage. The trailer shows Sora watching the falling meteors. And past trailers have shown Sora and Riku together, implying that Sora is a completely different entity from Ventus. So far, NO CONNECTION has been made between Sora and Ven except for the fact that Ven and Roxas look like each other.
  16. Considering the size of the person, I can only think of mickey. You can't see feet below the tree. Only a few people are that size that we know of and only Mickey and Minnie can blend in so well with the background color like that and I don't think Minnie would be there. Plus, the so called "baby Ven" looks like he's 15!! Nothing about his facial features point out his reversal in age.
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