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Everything posted by Ventus_XIII

  1. Mine is http://www.facebook.com/sora.hikaru.5
  2. Thanks feels like forever. I've always been around just never interracted, never had the time thanks to cosplaying and cons.
  3. ok First of all I got much better pictures since I first posted this. KH2 Sora cosplay is from cosplaysky, DDD I made myself. Hunter is made myself also. Gotten better since I've started. Everyone loves me as Sora.
  4. My friend and I continue doing these interviews after I finish a photoshoot. please leave me some questions on youtube or here if you don't have an account. Sora cosplay: Me (Dayfire-Sora on DA) Interviewer: Keojo101 on DA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwjZiuszk0E&feature=g-all-u
  5. I haven't been on here for a long time. About maybe 6 months I think or it feels like it anyways. Still check out what I've been up too since I've been gone. http://www.facebook.com/DayfireCosplay
  6. omfg thank you lol totally agree with ya
  7. omg it feels like forever since I've been online lol

  8. Hey guys my boyfriend is trying to start up this new youtube show called "john vs. Boredom" Please take a look at the video and help him out. Leave any kind of suggest comments. We'll highly appreach this and recognize you for you suggestions. PLEASE AND THANK-YOU!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBBdI0uFUlQ
  9. I liked and followed a long time ago lol facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sora.hikaru.5 Twitter: Sora_X_Riku
  10. you gotta know your beats and rythems I can show you my newest AMV go look up KH Mirai Nikki. Username Dayfire. That's my youtube
  11. probably not gonna be in english so I'm a little sad at that. but still awesome
  12. who wants to bet it wont come out anywhere else but Japan? ugh
  13. There's mine but there not as good as what khoathkeeper13 posted. my friends said there good. http://www.youtube.com/user/Dayfire/videos
  14. Clarinet, Piano, Percussion (including mallet instruments such as Xylophone, Marimba Vibraphone etc) .
  15. no He ends up at the island and talks to DIZ after he answers a question for Roxas, Ven and Xion
  16. My next AMV enjoy guys tell me what you think please. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CQ4TidnpNI
  17. they did close another keyhole after beating Ursula in the beginning so it was that one.
  18. That would be cool but if something did happen to Sora (since Goofy said he was late hopefully nothing did) her emotions would get in the way
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