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Everything posted by Ventus_XIII

  2. Proof? I though Namura said it's someone we dont know.
  3. I've come to realized something about the Naruto anime/manga while I'm about caught up with it. its coming to a close. dang I feel like this series came out 2-3 years ago.

    1. King Riku

      King Riku

      Yeah, but there's still so much that has to be covered. And the anime is really far behind, so that won't end soon(not to mention the fillers), but the manga will definately end sometime later this year :(

    2. Ventus_XIII
  4. single...

    1. Koko


      aw man that's a hard blow ;A;

    2. Sora96


      I'm sorry to hear that.

    3. Ventus_XIII


      yeah but hey we're still friends at the least friends with benefits or we will be once I get the heartbreak lol

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  5. i'll post my example when I get back to my laptop
  6. @4Everbee Really liked how your stuck to the music.
  7. You gotta cosplay Noctis from FF XIII Versus
  8. Skyraptor and DemxyLovesCookie (awesome names btw) not bad
  9. come on AMV creators audition for Misfits studio and have an awesome time creating videos with kh13 friends

  10. come on AMV creators audition for Misfits studio and have an awesome time creating videos with kh13 friends

  11. shorten it down to 1:30 or make another.
  12. I was halfway asleep when I first posted the topic lmao
  13. good point hold on I'll edit everything
  14. ok I'm starting a new studio group on facebook and youtube. Auditions begin now! post your best AMV (Anime/Animated Music Video) to compete. I'll only be choosing 4 (including myself) members for now. Best of luck Rules: -the video should be only about a minute and a half long. -Whatever song your comfortable with (for the sake of KH13 young members censored music please if your choosen then it can be explict) -Yes please post the example video on this thread -You may use whatever anime/video games you want for audition and if choosen -You can use premade videos you have but still shorten in to a minute and a half (1:30) Details: -I understand school is still going on, so if your interested but have school you can post it over the weekend. -Deadline: Feb. 1, 2012 (if I dont have 4 members I'll extend the deadline) -If choosen send me a message of your facebook (if your have one if not i'll keep you posted) and I'll send you a group invite and your youtube account (if you dont have that I will mention you in the studio's youtube page). -We'll make an AMV from one choice of a song of each member, each member will be assigned a small clip of the song (for example I'll do 00:00- 00:45 second and some does 00:46-1:30, etc) FInal thing: This is all for fun and to share something we have in common so enjoy yourself. I CHANGED THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE BECAUSE I HAVE FRIENDS OUTSIDE KH13 WHO ARE ALREADY IN!!! 1. Ventus_XIII 2. Azure Flame 3. DemxyLovesCookies 4. 4everbee
  15. meh which ever Anime Music Video is how I learned. depends how you wanna take it lol
  16. with Shiki you can kinda buy the stuff I'll think about it I did my own hair for Ventus didnt turn out that bad. but I know for my girlfriend, who will be cosplaying riku is gonna need a wig. she's a redhead
  17. hey guys, if you love making AMVs. Hook me up on Facebook, Sora X Riku and join the group or youtube MisfitsStudio and leave me an example of your work. you dont have to be a pro, just know what your doing pretty much. Hope to hear from you.
  18. I agreed to he must be Chuck Norris. I mean the round house kicks and insta kills says it all
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