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Everything posted by Ventus_XIII

  1. Chain of Memories is the worst for me. b/c of the card system
  2. Its hard to believe but it's a possibility. Sora cant win every match At the same time that would be epic
  3. the ones I read are from a person with username sSize. here's a website where you can read a few. warning there is Hentai in 4 stories. Walking Together, Colorful Sky (has the most) Shinyuu wa Santa Claus and After school secret. Innocent, 24 and Crown only has pg stuff like kissing, These r the ones that are translated already http://manga.animea....s-dj-crown.html
  4. I really just need help with the actual translating. I got innocent already from online lol
  5. I need a keyblade by March 15 *pout*

  6. "Silence, Blind" and "Idea" that contains 'Innocent' and "Distance 01 and 02"
  7. I got my KH doujinshis but I need help translating them. Can anyone help, give me websites that can be useful or at least give me tips on reading kanji? If you could give me kanji site that would be awesome. PLEASE HELP!!!
  8. it's bound to happen lol if's not I'll make a fanfic of it.
  9. Tha'ts the ending of KH3 lol Sora's like "forget Kairi" and kisses Riku lmao
  10. I know she loves that pairing I do too. it's too obvious they like each other. lol
  11. Name: Sora X Riku (Valentine's Tribute) Category: Music videos Short Description: This was a tribute to my girlfriend since I wasnt able to afford to buy her somethng but she really liked this. So i'm glad she did. I was suppose to post this yesterday but I couldnt since the site was down. View Video
  12. No I was talking about through manipulation he's done that with Terra and Riku as MX what for to stop him to doing that wih Sora?
  13. I think young Xehanort got into Sora's head and Sora went with him to find answers to the reasons why he has hearts inside him. or Young Xehanort go into his head and brought him by force this is probably where in the other trailer he was in that world he cant wake from.
  15. and Sora.... He gets taking...? OH HELL NO!!!! :angry: :angry:
  16. I'm making the attack to Birkin sorry for not specifying)
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