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Everything posted by SavageNymph

  1. hmm, i'll try! i love alice in wonderland! i saw it in 3D and i was always chasing those butterflies that came outta nowhere.. XDD LOLOL ill try tomorrow!
  2. I'll do you anytime :'D lmfao ILU <33 I DID NO SUCH THING owo; i did not lie - they are fail 3 although I'm happy with the Namine angelic-like one... THE WORLD NEEDS MOAR TAV. D8< all hail TAV. or VAT. or w/e >__> (:
  3. OMGGG. THAT IS SO WIN. asdfghjk. speechless ----- /faints <33333 i lovee itt.
  4. Mmm, well I've had Paintshop for like two months now so I thought I'd post some of the things I've made just to show how much /I think/ I've improved. [: <33 They're so fail .. but hey, imma beginner LOLOLL obtw - they're in order of when I made them 'kay? I'll prolly add more to this later. Pleasee, some constructive critisism or comments? <333 8D
  5. Lol, the whole reason I posted this is to find out what people think. I'm not offended whatsoever.And you live in New Zealand? 0-0 I thought that you were one of the many Texans on... TEXAN? 8D I wish I was! LMFAO I hate NZ - grr stuff it. I wanna live in Aussie. <3 it's amazing tharr. I'mma move thar when I'm olderr.
  6. In case anyone thinks this gives too much away, I'll spolier. I SAW IT. Like not just now like ... one or two or three days ago - in 3D <3
  7. I live in NZ and it's pretty much like Aussie /hence I could quote Aaron's post but mehh. o-o; We think American's are lucky idiots who get to be famous and sexy (e.g. Justin Bieber and Jeny), who love violence and war (I BLAME GEORGE BUSH), and some of America (e.g. Miami) is amazing and poshh while other places have .. less amazing shit and could use some help but nobody caress. We also love them for giving us McDonalds .. ftw Macas. <3 But I love Texas and Miami (MOMMY, CAN WE MOVE?) 3 Sorreh if I offended but you asked. It's what we think. Well, in my city anyway. 8D
  8. That's never happened to me. KH13 hasn't died or gone weird for me except for those 3 times it died and came up with that asdfghjhdgfd o-o; D8< poor KaiSo and Crickett 3
  9. Agreed w/ KaiSo AND WTFF WHY HAVE I NOT SEEN THIS THREADD? ;A; So pretteehhh Crickettt <33 iluu
  10. ididnotcomment o-o okeeythatslaiiiz <3 8D LOVE ME LOVE ME SAY THAT YOU LOO--- have my babehs.
  11. Lucky!! I wish i cna go,how did you get earlier prev stuff? All I got was an autograph CD of Almost Alice, by Tim Burton, cuse I met the guy at comic con. I WUV ALICE!@ 'Cuz my daddyo is a the "audio production manager" (APM) at a big radio station down here and they get tickets and make them prizes etc for listeners and I get some cuz' I cann .. 8D I got Justin Biebers new CD outta that too YAYJUSTINBIEBER<3 /offtopic.
  12. OMGEE ITS FOR MEE 8D! <33 All hail KaiSo. <33 /wearenotobsessedwiththissong Rin ftww. She's growing on me because of that song. (:
  13. OH YAY I CANT WAIT TO SEE THIS (: 8D I got tickets to the preview/premiere 3 days before the actual movie is released here so I'm like WHOOP /raveraverave <333 Johnny Depp.
  14. OOH OHH JENY. MAKE ME A SIG OF OUR BABIES!? 8D <3 AND THEN WITH SOME EXTRA WTFF AND MAYBE EVENN SOME SMEX. jk jk, don'tt LMFAOO off-topic- oooh emmyisaturnon? I HAVENT TALKED TO YOU SINCE AGEZ. jenyisabiggerturnon8D ilu on-topic- ....hai. 8D
  15. i think it's the other way around. i agree with you 100% 8D the best threads in kh13 are in the random section. that's why i'm moderating that section ;D/shotshot i kid, i kid. Mature? What planet are you on? o.o <3 does that answer your question, emmy? jenyyouconfuseme. so: LOLOLOL MAYBE IT WAS JUST YOU LOVE FOR MY THAT BLINDED ME. ? o.o 8D and well, no. it DIDNT answered that question because why isn't Justin Bieber on that sexy planet? 3 ):
  16. Mature? What planet are you on? o.o <3
  18. @CRICKETT 8DD ilumoarr <3 seriously. i do :] Crickettt OBJECTION I love your photoshopping (Especially the new things you've come up with today!) and {YOU} more than you could ever love reading me babbling about Jeny (: 8D @KaiSo One Gay Teacher. lmfao 8D that makes me laugh for no apparent reason. THE TEACHERS MOM? ew. pedo, pedo, pedo. ILU2 and it WAS.
  19. Because I wish to express my love to the schmexay Dan -- I mean Jeny. 8D /shot She is the chocolate in my toilet, the approval to my objection, the Chinese New Year to my Valentines /idk -- and HOSHIT oh no you didn't just ditch me on MSN o.o D< I shall continue. :] <3 She is the Cricket to my Brittany, the Kai to my So, the Cella to my Pants, the Danny to my Pedo, the Clue to my Jomomo, and the Aaron to my Zac Efron ~ ILU JENNAY. <3 [insert love letter declaring utter love for Jennee from Emmee <3] This thread is better than the thread named "Emily." Any objections are invalid. The only reason this thread is fail is because I made it. Discuss. (:
  21. welcomee. i'm emmee (: i love it here, so will you if you get into it and post heaps! oh and KaiSo -- omg you spelt something wrong .. that's like the first time i've everr known you to spell wrong o-o <3 it's site hunny, not sight 8D /shotshot
  22. I LOVE the story-line like .. <3333 8D I got a 'lil confused on the last paragraph, as to who everyone is. I think there should be more description about Symbol, the characters and the "natives" let's say. Great work! 8D
  23. i AM Cella. 8D her pants transformed me, i'm the Cella-Replica 8D <3 /nerd OMFG WTF IS THAT ICTHAR?! o-o you made thatt ... for ... me? 8D ILU SO MUCH OMG. EPICCC WINZ THAR. that earns you a special night you shall never forget tonighttt .. just me and you babyyy <333 lmfao. imma make one for you but then you will use it for one day so I feel good then take it down because it is fail .. I must think of another plann .. OMFG V-DAY IS TOMORROW WTF ?! <33 mustt work .. HARD to finish so fasst. 8D aww ;A; D8< I WILL BE YOUR VALENTINE. <333 ILU SO MUUUCHLY. <3333 and jeaase ydon't get much action on V-Day naow dya? XDD LOL aww that would'a been such a cuuuuute day, it still WILL. <333 i'll meet you at the movies at 8pm? we'll add the surprise sexx between the shower and going to the bushh in the park okay? <333 yess 8D he is schmexxaayy. and MINE. also schmexxayy. ilh <3 YOUR SEXIER. <33 8D
  24. HAI EVERYBODYY- It's almost Valentines! <33 What's everybody doin'? &and to all them single pringles -- I SHALL BE YOUR RAPE/SURPRISE SEX BUDDEH FOR THE DAYY! 8D ~ sorry Cella for stealing your color; PINK is the festive colour and I lahv Valentines Day! I'll give you free rape for evermoarr. Even though you already own me. ILU <3 I LOVE EVERYBODY ON VALENTINES! 8D ^^ Anyways, whut am I doin'? My boyfriend is away for Valentines so last weekend we had OUR Valentines. We slept in a tent at the park, it was so FUN! <3 HAPPY VALENTINES! I LOVE YOU ALL! <3 8D oh and to all of those who caree - Me & my baby Jesse on OUR Valentines (:
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