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Everything posted by SavageNymph

  1. uhhhh that wouldn't happen to be me? LOL im on your MSN list ;D -- Emily [G.S] but if it's not O_O YESHHH PLEASE.
  2. OMG. Gorgeous. He's sooo cute! ME WANT. They should make like a world in a KH game with all the proto-type/first drawings of all the characters *minus Donald, Goofy etc who arent originally KH* that could be EPIC WIN ;D ---- in about 10seconds i'll come up with a reason why that is so wrong. Before I thought his tail was inbetween his legs and .. *sigh* 8D then I realised it was just in my head - brainfart o-o
  3. the Mickey one looks cute compared to Micko in the games where he's all bad-ass and serious and has a voice that makes me wanna throw a chair at a baby o-o Sora figurine -- anyone know how to make figurine real;; then make him love me? MIIINE ;D ME WANTZ. Agreed with Krizkee ~ LIFE COMPLETE. <33
  4. @Cella -- I loved Advent Children ;] although I had to watch it 3 times before I actually understood wtf they were talking about XDD
  5. Uhhh ... worth a shot 8D First time embedding so if it didn't work here's the link -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNuelZ8zu9c
  6. i might enter -- kinda got alot of videos on my plate *of cookies * already but if i find a space i'll definately enter ^^
  7. o-o i think there could be a game like that but then it kinda kills the storyline and 'moral story' of KH. they're portraying darkness as like EVILLL and light as good which in most stories is how it really IS portrayed. if you change the EVIL into good and good into EVIL it's kinda changing everything.. which could mean like OMG LOOK MALIFICENT IS USING LIGHT TO KILL THE KEYBLADE o-o the keyblade is ALREADY light so unless Sora magically gets a dark keyblade *Sora: HEY RIKU WANNA SWAP KEYBLADES? Riku: NUUU I WANNA BE THE HERO* <--- well that settles it ;D no offence ~ it's a good idea but i just dont agree.
  8. Mine will be in tomorrow hopefully ^^ or the day after LOL
  9. YAY JENY FOR THE SIG 8D who doesnt love you some SoKai... or KaiSo
  10. Moderators do basically alot of that ~ Rescue Team - Everyone can help with that; just post a thread! Spam Busters - Mods Graphics - If you want to post things for the webiste put them in a thread, Im sure a Mod or Admin would look at it *yes, i know i don't really have the right to say it* 8D News Team - DC said he's considering it. Depends on what you want - Spam Busters sounds EPICALY awesome but Moderator is more ... professional ;D
  11. i've never played any Final Fantasy games in my life KH3! KH3! KH3! -- on PS2? PLEASE GOD OF ALL THAT IS TETSUYA NOMURA /shotshot 8D
  12. yeaah well;; imma here! imma being verryyy S N E A K Y and is sneaking on my sisters laptop /shot o.o
  13. hey everyone my computer like actuallydied today and so everything like msn and video making is dead right now and probly no kh13 cuz rite now im using my itouch and its really akward and im not allowed on the other two computers o.o omg it takes so long to write on this grrrr if anyone knows an app for my ipod for msn or something please tell me ^^ thanx and byeee
  15. NEW ZEALAND ---> y'know that lil place inbetween Australia and Antarctica? I don't know ANYBODY who likes KH in NZ and it's really annoying ~ also if you know anyone who does, PLEEEAAASSE tell me ;D I would love you forever ^^ <333 Thanx ;P
  16. Hehehe I don't love Olette as much as I did uhmm ... yesterday! LOL no, naow im onto Aqua idk how long that'll last but I didn't know anything about her until today ;D i'm making a new icon so you'll have that outta your mind soon =)
  17. Okay scratch that ~ i've done my research on BBS *i was out of the KH news for about 2months until very recently* and AQUA AQUA AQUA is the bomb-diggetiest. other than that yes Kairi & Olette just with Olette i don't like her pants (8D PANTS) and her socks w/ shoes thing. I love her personality and her hair etc etc. With Kairi she's a little too goody good and sweet and pretty and sometimes her personality is okay ... ~
  18. Ohh wait I got it 8D the first like 3 times i tried ~ 1st the download link just didnt work, 2nd for like 30mins it stayed on 0% and 3rd time it worked ;D YAYZ Oh and ME TOO <3 with watching it too much!
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