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Everything posted by SavageNymph

  1. Avatar <33 i love the effects. i don't reaaalllyy like the storyline or the human part. just the Avatar native thingyy o-o XDD
  2. 1. Doctor Who - I LOVE DAVID TENNANT HES SO CRACK UP - YES LARXENE TO THE TARDIS <333 XDD 2. Torchwood .. Mehh, it's alright. 3. Defo don't know that one o-o
  3. lets be friends. o___o /shot XDDD does anyone else watch demons? o-o Doctor Who <33333 it won't be the same with David Tennant gone o-o /daiz Demons? YES. <3
  4. WELL MDEAR we are sisters, it just the raep/surprise sex wouldn't be the same if i had told you o-o XDD <33
  5. psst ilumoar <3 LOLOLOL it took me FOREVER to get that i thought you WAS REJECTING MAI. -runs away- i thought you said "IT DOESNT SOUND GOOD MDEARRR" x___x o-o i was ARGHHH NYUU SHE IS FORCING ME OUT OF THE PANTS o-o LOLOLOL <3333 /shotmurdered
  6. Too bad she isn't with Square Enix doing KH anymoarrr o-o Little bit late but ~ HAPPY BDAY <3
  7. EMMMEEEEEEEEEEESMUUUURRRFFKIIIWWIIII I MISSED YOUUU DDDDX LIFEEE WAS NO LONGER THE SAME WITHOUTT MAH KIWI. T3T DID ANY RANDOM AUSSIES JUMP OUT OF NOWHERE AND WRESTLE YOU TO THE GROUND? D: welcome back :'DD -raep- <3333333 ilu TwT <3 /daiz **ornotraepbutsurprisesex;D/shotowo<3 id say other stuff but sadly school is calling me. x___x weelcommeebacckkx3<333 CELLLAAANOTAPANCAKEORASMURFYKIWIBUTYOURARAPEDBEAVER <33333 I MISSED YOUUU TOOO. YES THEY DID 8D (: ACTUALLYNOTHEYDIDNT. WELL SOMEONE DID AT THE AIRPORT. o-o LOL it's good to BE backkk. okay noooo i like Melbourne SO MUCCCHH. <3333 TwT /dies **itistotallysurprisesexGTFINCELLASPANTS/shotshotmurdered<3;D ilumoar Schooooool? x___x OH NOES ONE WEEK LEFT OF HOLIDAYS FIRST DAYYY OF HIGH SCHOOLL WHUUUUUUT? NOO x___x /diesdiesdiesdies/isdead. o-o
  8. XDD. i'm making a collage of pictures of me and my friends - since im off to high school and it's like ARGGGHHH BYE EVERYONE o-o x___x - and i think i'll put that uptoo (: idk why.
  9. i bee the blonde one with the stoopidarghhh fringe but i pull it back in some photos <3333
  10. cute? lol nyuuu the ugly blonde freakkazoid;3
  11. I AM BACK. <333 A couple of photos I put together in a collage for my friends, so I decided to put them up (: If you want me to put up photos of the scenery -OMG I LOVE MELBOURNE ITS BEAUTIFUL- then,I shall. 8D Some of these are forr my/our going away partayyy and some are not - try guess I be the blonde one ~
  12. DID YOU JUST SAY NZ? o-o I LIVE IN NZ OMG IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR SOMEONE ON HERE WHO LIKES KH~ /random rant 8D And in Dunedin, yeah we don't have collage. It goes - Primary Intermediate Highschool Uni/Collage Collage is what a school is called when it has Intermediate and High School all in one? o-o I go to Otago Girls High School btw
  13. LOL those photos are kinda.. REALLY old. I'm taking some new ones while I'm on holiday tomorrow <33
  14. XDD LOL. JENYYY, HE IS. 8D AHAHAHA. o-o i won't be on i don't think anymore till Tuesday, i hafta spend all day with my mates or they'll throw a spaz 'cuz i'll be away so long D< i'll take pictures! But i won't put up many of the gazillionz of photos ... yknow? Don't rly want thousands of photos of me on the net. o-o XDD but i think i'll look different to everyone because those photos i've shown you are like half a year/a year old. ;D <333 BYE EVERYONE ILU ALL (:
  15. JF, I'd say try to like stay out of it before you get sucked into it too o-o But if it gets worse then next time they're having a fight, break it up and make up some random inspirational speech like .. idk /shot 8D and get them to BOTH apologise. Everything works out in time, it won't last forever. I hope everything works out.
  16. VERY SEXY TIME ;D and you're welcome for the sexy time we're having 8D
  17. i'll join. in cella's pants. which are in kaiso's pajamas. which are in fuego. /shotshot METOO 8D
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